Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1786: The gun exploded, and the Japanese pirates were ecstatic

Seeing that the Japanese pirates were about to fall from chaos into a rout, the bows, arrows and gunmen behind them turned into a Japanese pirate team. They carried Japanese swords and chopped up all the hundreds of Japanese pirates running behind without sparing any one.

This was the war supervision order given to them by Xu Hai and other Japanese chiefs after learning from the lessons learned from the last wave of Japanese pirates' retreat.

Any Japanese pirates who dare to retreat will be killed without mercy!

If a vanguard Japanese pirate escapes and returns to his own formation, all the supervising troops will die!

"Baga, those who retreat will die!"

"The leader has an order. Anyone who retreats will be killed without mercy!"

"If you rush forward, you can fight for glory and wealth, and hug each other. There are thousands of us. It may not be your turn to use the blunderbuss, but if you run back, huh, it will definitely be your turn to take the sword in my hand. On your body!"

"Come forward, all for me! The Zhejiang Army has already fired three rounds of firecrackers. If there is at most one more round of firecrackers, they will have to reload gunpowder. At that time, it will be time for us to go on a killing spree!"

The Japanese pirate supervising team held the bloody Japanese sword, waved it hard, and shouted orders, intimidating all the Japanese pirates to rush forward.

The supervising team went on a killing spree without mercy, stopping the Japanese pirates from escaping from the battlefield.


If you run back, you will definitely be hacked to death by the supervising team!

If you rush forward, you may not be hit by firecrackers. The labor and management ask themselves that their luck is not that bad! Besides, the Zhejiang Army has already fired three rounds of firecrackers. For another round of firecrackers, gunpowder must be loaded, and gunpowder is very slow to load. , enough for us to rush to the Zhejiang Army’s position and chop off their heads! Mader! Fight!

A group of Japanese pirates gritted their teeth and cursed, their hearts trembled, and they mustered up the courage to charge towards the Zhejiang Army's position again!

When the Japanese pirates plucked up the courage to rush forward again, sparks bloomed on the Zhejiang army's position again, and the neat and dense "bang bang bang" sound of firecrackers came as promised again, and large swaths of Japanese pirates fell to the ground. .

The scene is still shocking!

However, this time, except for the Japanese pirate who fell to the ground, the other Japanese pirates no longer had any fear on their faces, but were excited and ecstatic, laughing like crazy.

"Hahaha, it's really not me who got hit. I'm really lucky. I'm the chosen one. The girl with a lot of money, a big butt and a big breast, hahahaha, it's all my fault!".

"Brothers, the Zhejiang Army has fired four rounds of gunpowder! They are going to reload gunpowder! Take advantage of his illness and kill him! Let's charge, this time it's our turn to kill!"

"Kill! Kill them all! Revenge for the dead brothers!".

The Japanese pirates who survived the firecrackers laughed ferociously, waved their weapons crazily, and rushed towards the Zhejiang Army's position!

However, almost as soon as they took a step forward, they saw the Zhejiang Army's position begin to smoothly switch between the front and rear rows. Then they saw sparks blooming and heard the familiar "bang bang bang".

Damn it!

what happened?!

Didn’t the Zhejiang Army already fire four rounds of gunpowder?! Didn’t they have to reload gunpowder?! How can you still fire?!

I am not Sister Li!

The excitement and ecstasy on the faces of the Japanese pirates suddenly froze, and panic struck their hearts again. They were even more frightened when they saw that the Japanese pirates in front of them began to fall down in large pieces again like wheat.

His face was pale, his eyes were staring like dead fish eyes, and his breathing was rapid, as if the god of death was holding his throat.

"The Zhejiang army may have been divided into five rounds. This time they must be loading gunpowder! Rush up and tear them apart. Don't give them time to load gunpowder. Otherwise, the people in front will die in vain!"

"Come on, this must be their last round of fire!! You can't go wrong! Gold, silver, jewelry and women are all waiting for you in Suzhou City. You can find wealth in danger, so why are you stupidly doing it?"

"If I stay in a daze, the knife in my hand will be used to kill people again!"

The supervising team behind also rushed up, slashed to death a few Japanese pirates who were standing still with their swords, and shouted orders.

"That's right! This must be the last round of firepower from the Zhejiang Army! It must be! Brothers, charge!"

Under the coercion and inducement of the supervising team, a group of Japanese pirates hypnotized themselves and rushed towards the Zhejiang Army's position again.

Bang bang bang...

What greeted them was another round of firecrackers.

The Japanese pirates who were charging into the formation were cut into pieces again like wheat, and screams kept coming and going.

"Damn it, didn't you say the last round?! Then what is this?! Why are they still firing?!"

"What the hell, don't they need to load gunpowder?! How many waves did they divide into?! There are more than two thousand of them, right?!"

The Japanese pirates were going crazy, frantically greeting the Zhejiang army and the supervising team, who said it was the last round!

"This time must be the last round!"

The Japanese pirate supervising the battle shouted.

However, before he finished speaking, a group of Japanese pirates saw the Zhejiang army switching between the front and rear ranks again. They were so frightened that their hair stood on end. They blurted out, "Fuck! They are here again!"

Suddenly his legs were trembling, his legs were weak, and his feet seemed to have taken root, making him unable to move forward.

Bang bang bang...

The Zhejiang army's muskets fired again, and the Japanese pirates fell one after another like wheat.

It's going to die, it's going to die, the Zhejiang Army's firearms are endless!

Seeing that the Zhejiang army began to switch between the front and rear ranks again, the Japanese pirates were so frightened that they turned around and ran back.

Just then, I heard an excited shout from behind, "Look, the leaders are sending us reinforcements!"

The Japanese pirates turned around and saw another wave of 4,000 Japanese pirates coming from behind, shouting loudly and rushing towards them. They were so powerful that they swallowed up thousands of miles of anger. Even the Japanese pirate army pressing behind them slowly moved forward.

"Reinforcements are coming!"

"Reinforcements are coming!"

A group of Japanese pirates shouted excitedly. The reinforcements gave them courage and rushed towards the Zhejiang Army's formation again.

"Bang bang bang" the Zhejiang army's firecrackers sounded again, and large swaths of Japanese pirates fell to the ground.

However, during this round of firing, something also happened on the Zhejiang Army's side, and two muskets exploded.

At least four or five Zhejiang troops were injured.

Of the two soldiers holding fireguns, one had one of his fingers broken off, and the other had his face blown bloody. The people next to them were also affected, but it was not a big problem, it was just a bit of a glitch.

There was no way. The smelting technology of this era was limited, the quality of steel was not as good as modern times, and the black powder of the Zhejiang Army was very powerful. Although the Zhejiang Army Equipment Battalion worked hard, it could not avoid the chamber explosion.

"Hahaha, did you see it? Their muskets exploded. They can't hold on much longer! Even if they don't need to load gunpowder, they can't hold on much longer. If they fire again, they'll explode even more."

"Hahaha, if you fire again, they will probably suffer more casualties than us. Charge while he is sick and kill him."

When the Japanese pirates saw this, they became ecstatic one by one, shouted ferociously, and rushed towards the Zhejiang army as if they were desperate.

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