Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1789 In the blink of an eye, the strong Japanese disappeared into ashes

This earth-shaking, earth-shaking explosion was so sudden and unprepared. Without any warning or any buffer, the whole world shook violently.

Far more than just shaking, this earth-shattering explosion started a feast of terror.

The violent explosion blew all the dozens of Japanese pirates at the center of the explosion into pieces. Shapeless remains of severed limbs, scattered pieces of flesh and bones, sticky body tissues, and hot blood fell from the sky.

Along with the explosion, hundreds of tiny lead pellets and iron pellets shot out, like a steel rainstorm, pouring in all directions without warning.

This heavy rain of steel, with the explosion point as the center, covered a radius of nearly a hundred meters.

Before the Japanese pirates around him could react, their bodies were penetrated by lead and iron pellets.

The densely packed lead pellets and iron pellets, regardless of thighs, arms, torso or head, were worn whatever they encountered. Under the violent explosion, these lead pellets and iron pellets were extremely powerful. The armor on the Japanese pirates' bodies seemed to be made of paper. It is no different from paper.

The Japanese pirates who were within a radius of 20 meters near the center of the explosion were instantly transformed into sieves, with countless blood holes on their bodies. They didn't even have time to scream, before they ended their sinful act.

The Japanese pirates with a radius of 30 to 50 meters are not much better. There are at least four or five holes in their bodies. The arms, hands, torso, head and other parts are randomly awarded. Those who win the fatal parts will scream for life on the spot. The Japanese pirates who win the non-lethal parts are lucky. He let out a series of shrill screams, instantly lost the ability to resist, fell to the ground and screamed endlessly, life was worse than death.

The Japanese pirates sixty or seventy meters away were screaming as if they had been randomly drawn. The people were also random, and the severity of their injuries were also random.

All this happened in a moment.

Before people could react to this big explosion, and before they had time to show their horrified expressions, something big changed again.



"Boom boom boom boom..."

One after another, earth-shaking, earth-shaking explosions sounded one after another, and the continuous rumbling sounds seemed to be the prelude to the end of the world. Huge black fires emerged one after another, and terrifying mushroom clouds mixed with earth, stone, and gunpowder smoke came one after another. It rose up, and the dust and smoke from the explosion covered the sky and the sun.

More than twenty explosions sounded almost at the same time. The damage caused was extremely violent, dozens of times more violent than the first explosion. The earth shook violently, and the ground cracked. The Japanese pirates stopped the boats in the canal as if they were playing collision. When the ship hit the boat, Suzhou City was shaken. The houses in the south of Suzhou City were shaking as if they had been hit by an earthquake.

Every earth-shattering explosion poured a torrential rain of steel all around.

For a time, tens of thousands of lead pellets and iron pellets enveloped a radius of 100 meters, drowning the Japanese pirates who were rushing into the formation.

"Puff puff……"

The sound of breaking through armor and breaking through flesh was endless.

The mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and gunpowder smoke rose into the sky. The seven or eight thousand Japanese pirates who rushed into the formation had no time to resist, and their corpses were scattered all over the field, and blood flowed into rivers. Countless people were dying and injured, and less than a dozen Japanese pirates were still standing at the scene.

It is quite now!

The whole world is quiet!

The scene was littered with corpses, severed limbs, and rivers of blood. Only the sound of crying and howling echoed through the sky.

Blood flowed into a river at the scene, even flowing into the canal nearby, and the river water was once dyed red...

From the first explosion to the end of the continuous explosions, it only took the blink of an eye.

However, in the blink of an eye, the world changed!

Before blinking.

The boundless Japanese pirates were like a rainbow, advancing one after another. The forwards all arrived in front of the Zhejiang Army's low wall, brandishing their weapons to stab the Japanese pirates behind the wall, as if they could level the Zhejiang Army's position in the next second.

After a blink of an eye.

The endless Japanese pirates were almost razed to the ground, with corpses strewn all over the field, blood flowing into rivers, and wailing sounds echoing through the sky. Only a few hundred Japanese pirates stood there like dead souls, shivering like silly quails.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die! Mother, is this the Lord of Hell born from the underground?!".

"Devil, devil, the Zhejiang Army must be the devil. This is simply not something that humans can do!"

"Zhejiang Army knows witchcraft!"

"Damn it, I remembered it. Didn't they say that the commander-in-chief of the Zhejiang Army was the Number One Scholar? Aren't the Number One Scholars all descended from the Wenqu Star in the sky? Does he know magic?! Can he trigger the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder in the sky?!"

The Japanese pirate army at the rear was so frightened by this scene that they all looked pale, their bodies were covered in cold sweat, their arms were trembling, and they could hardly stand. There were countless Japanese pirates who were shocked by the explosion or collapsed to the ground in fear. , there are also many people who wet their pants.

The Zhejiang army used to shoot with muskets, killing a large area like cutting wheat. It was already very shocking and terrifying.

But compared to this scene, it pales in comparison.

This girl cleared the place immediately.

Nearly half of the six to seven thousand people died in the blink of an eye, and most of those who survived suffered losses, and almost all were reimbursed.

There are only tens of thousands of us in total. How many times can we clear the place? !

The Japanese chieftains Xu Hai, Maye, Chen Dong and other Japanese chiefs who were chatting and laughing just now, saying that the big deal was decided and the Zhejiang army was over, were discussing what to eat for breakfast. At this moment, the smiles on their faces had already turned into horror and disbelief. His expression was out of control, and the corners of his mouth were crooked.

"How could it be possible, how could it be... what is this?! How terrifying?!" Chen Dong's face was pale and he was sweating profusely.

"Where are our people?! How can gunpowder be so powerful? Impossible! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Maye panicked, lost her mind, and took a few steps back involuntarily.

"Damn it! The insidious and vicious Zhejiang Army! They deliberately made it look like they were crumbling and about to be conquered at any time to lure us into sending a large army to charge! He just waited for our army to gather before he detonated the gunpowder buried in the ground!"

"Zhu Ping'an! Very good! Very good! I, Xu Hai, have recorded today's blood feud! I will pay it back a hundredfold!"

The corner of Xu Hai's mouth was bleeding from biting it. With a ferocious face, he swore word for word.

The Suzhou City in the distance was still shaking violently. A group of officials and soldiers clung to the wall and stared at the Zhejiang Army's Fengqiao Camp in stunned silence.

One second they were mourning for the Zhejiang Army, and they were still laughing at Zhu Pingan for being too pedantic to live and die with the position. But the next second the world was turned upside down, everything happened so unexpectedly, the earth shook, the earth shook, the mountains shook, and the fire Soaring into the sky, gunpowder smoke billowed, just like thunder falling from the nine heavens to the earth...

Until now, they have not recovered from the continuous earth-shaking explosions just now. Huge mushroom clouds of gunpowder smoke rise in their field of vision, and the screams of the Japanese pirates are carried to their ears along the wind. , the Japanese pirates who rushed into battle like endless ants almost disappeared...

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight thousand Japanese pirates were wiped out, and the whole world became quiet...

In the distance, the Zhejiang Army’s Fengqiao Camp is like a towering mountain, as stable as Mount Tai!

The Zhejiang Army's position is guarded by one man, and no one can open it! No Japanese pirate can pass through the Zhejiang Army's position!

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