Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1790 The Zhejiang Army is chasing

"Bang bang bang..."

The neat and dense sound of firecrackers sounded again on the Zhejiang Army's position, bringing the quiet world back to reality.

At this time, there were still seven to eight hundred Japanese pirates surviving in front of the Zhejiang Army's position. They were all the lucky ones who survived the continuous big explosions and the heavy rain of steel. They were all on the battlefield as if their souls had lost their minds. They had not yet After recovering from the shock, dozens more people were knocked down in this round of fire.

This is because as survivors, their positions were spread out, otherwise this round of firecrackers would have taken away far more than this number.

At this time, the surviving Japanese pirates completely came to their senses. If they don't come back to their senses, the ball will be dead.


Run without looking back!

The six to seven hundred Japanese pirates who survived all chose to turn around and run away. If they didn't run away, they would really turn around.

Supervisory team? Haha, where is the supervising team? Basically all the supervising team is dead! Those who are not dead also ran away with them.

The Zhejiang Army is not human! The series of earth-shattering explosions just now, is that what humans can do?!

Even if he ran back and was killed as a deserter, he would still be killed. At least a whole body would be left, and at most the body would be separated.

What if you stay? !

Haha, they had seen with their own eyes the series of earth-shattering explosions just now. The Japanese pirates at the center of the explosion were all blown to pieces. They were really pieces of shit, in the literal sense, not to mention the remains of broken limbs. He doesn't even have more than one or two weights of flesh. If he can find a severed hand, it is considered a great virtue of his ancestors for eighteen generations...

Even if Lingchi is executed, the most powerful executioner can only cut a few hundred cuts, which is incomparable to this. This girl's body has been fried into minced meat. No tens of thousands of cuts can achieve this effect...

Not only did the surviving Japanese pirates run back, but the entire Japanese pirate army also turned around collectively.

"Damn it, that unlucky boy from Hojo seems to have died?!" Chen Dong looked at the surviving Japanese pirates running back, looked at them several times, but did not see Hojo Dosan, and couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

"You just saw it. He is unlucky. He seems to be in the center of the explosion. He must have been shattered. Didn't he shout all day long that he would be willing to be smashed for their bullshit emperor and willing to be smashed for their Hojo family governor? Haha, now it's better , get what you want, all your wishes come true, ask for kindness and get kindness, it’s really broken.”

Maye wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and couldn't help but make sarcastic remarks.

These Japanese chiefs are not all in harmony. There are also all kinds of competitions and nastiness. They all want to annex each other and become bigger and stronger. This is how these Japanese chiefs came to be. Maye and Hojo Dozo have a lot of nastiness.

Now that Hojo Dosan has been blown to pieces, his retainers and confidants have also been shattered. The other Japanese pirates under his command are not qualified to be Japanese chiefs and can only wait to be divided up by Maye, Chen Dong and Xu Hai. .

"Stop being sarcastic, the Zhejiang Army's firearms are too evil. I always feel that it is not safe here. What if the Zhejiang Army tampered with the ground?" Chen Dong said with lingering fear, and some of the grass and trees were soldiers.

"F*ck, you're so right. Let's step back. Wait for the sun to come out later and check it carefully. When we are sure that there is no problem, we will do it again with the Zhejiang Army. Don't fall into the same ditch. A somersault."

As soon as Maya heard this, she jumped up subconsciously. He was very flustered, fearing that he would make the same mistake as Hojo Dosan.

It is true that the continuous big explosion just now was too terrifying, too tragic, and simply tragic.

How can I not have lingering fears?

"A gentleman will not build a dangerous wall, so he should retreat for the time being." Xu Hai also nodded obediently. This place is only more than a mile away from the Zhejiang Army's position. It is not impossible for the Zhejiang Army to do something.

The three Japanese chiefs reached an agreement, waved their hands, and gave the order to retreat, which received enthusiastic support from all the Japanese pirates.

As a result, the rear group of the Japanese pirate army turned into the front group and began to retreat.

"What the hell? Why did the army run away too?"

"The Zhejiang Army must be catching up. Run quickly."

Before the hundreds of forward Japanese pirates who escaped from the battle ran back to their own formation, they saw the army starting to retreat. They thought that the Zhejiang army was catching up, so they ran faster.

The Japanese pirate army retreated in an orderly manner at first, and gradually retreated. Rumors spread from somewhere in the middle, and they became more and more chaotic, and more and more evil. They said "the Zhejiang Army is catching up" and "the Zhejiang Army is here too". We have planted gunpowder and it is about to explode. Run quickly, it will be too late if you don't run.", "The commander-in-chief of the Zhejiang Army has started to invite thunder from the sky again, whoever runs slowly will be killed", etc., in short Under the influence of rumors, they retreated faster and faster, from slowly retreating, to striding back, to quickly retreating, and then getting faster and faster, and then lost control. The Japanese pirates were scrambling to escape, just like Yingxiao. It's like blowing up the camp.

There was no way. The continuous, earth-shaking, landslides and earth-shattering explosions just now, the scenes of people being blown into dregs, being blown into sieves, etc., had a huge impact on the psychology of the Japanese pirates. It can no longer be described as terrifying. It's indescribable, they are highly frightened and their nerves are on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, when I heard that the Zhejiang Army was chasing me, that gunpowder was about to explode again, that the commander-in-chief of the Zhejiang Army was doing something that would cause thunder, etc., my nerves, which were highly frightened and on the verge of collapse, naturally stopped.

One person's collapse, like a plague, quickly infects the people around him, who scramble to escape for their lives. In order to escape, they are merciful and drag down the people in front of them, and even take out weapons to chop down the people in front of them.

For a time, the Japanese pirates were in chaos, and it was about to turn into a roaring camp.

"Damn it! The Zhejiang army is not chasing us! There is no gunpowder to explode underground! Zhu Pingan will not trigger thunder!"

"Stop everyone, if anyone runs away again, I will kill him!"

Xu Hai was furious and swung his knife to kill three Japanese pirates who collapsed and fled for their lives. The veins in their necks bulged.

He regretted his decision to retreat just now. It was too hasty, and his mentality was still affected by the big explosion just now.

Forgetting their own situation, the Japanese pirates don't have much discipline at all. They rely on violence and gold and silver to lure them. The more frustrated they are, the less they can retreat easily, otherwise they will easily lose control, just like now.

Fortunately, it is still in the early stages of losing control, and there is still room for recovery.

The merciless violent killings can also scare them to avoid the situation of roaring and blowing up the camp.

If it really turns into a roaring and bombing of the camp, then there will be no way to save the day, and no matter how awesome the general is, he will lose control of the army. It is normal for a camp howl to blow up the camp and kill and injure most of the army.

Chen Dong and Maye also knew the seriousness of the matter. They followed Xu Hai's example and slashed several out-of-control Japanese pirates to death, and ordered the Japanese pirates to stop.

Under the decisive action of Xu Hai and other Japanese chiefs, the Japanese pirates finally stopped their rout and gradually stopped.

After all this trouble, hundreds of Japanese pirates were trampled to death and killed each other.

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