Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1799 The Japanese pirates divide their forces

The first ray of sunshine in the morning shone down on the earth. The city of Suzhou, which had spent a peaceful night, became vivid and lively again. Before dawn, various stores and vendors began to open, and people came out early. Enjoy life now.

The officers and soldiers who defended the city in Suzhou, who had been on tenterhooks all night, worried about Japanese pirates attacking the city, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The hot breakfast was also prepared in the city and delivered to the city wall in baskets, large basins and wooden barrels. The Suzhou government was not short of money, and it was very useful to provide breakfast to the officers and soldiers guarding the city when the Japanese pirates were approaching. rich.

Each person has a large bowl of hot chicken soup. The golden-colored chicken soup is filled with pieces of chicken, tofu, dried mushrooms, fungus and other soup-making vegetables, five scallion pancakes, and a stack of scallion oil cold radish tofu. Shredded, sprinkled with a layer of chopped green onion and coriander, it immediately makes people salivate and appetite.

"Well, it smells so good. I was worried all day and night yesterday. I need to replenish my body and make sacrifices to my five internal organs temple."

"It has to be. Oh, hey, we are so lucky. There is a chicken leg in our bowl of chicken soup."

"Mom, there is still a chicken butt in my bowl, but hey, this is what I like. What is its scientific name? Yes, Qilixiang, it is Qilixiang. As the saying goes, I would rather give up the golden mountain than the chicken tip. .”

A group of officers and soldiers sat on the ground together in small groups, put their food on the ground, wiped their bodies with chopsticks, eagerly picked up a piece of chicken and stuffed it into their mouths, and started making jokes happily.

However, before they could chew the first bite of meat into their stomachs, they heard a cry of surprise.

"Japanese pirates, Japanese pirates, Japanese pirates are moving, the army is dispatched..."

Hearing this exclamation, the officers and soldiers sitting on the ground eating breakfast were startled. Several of them almost choked to death on the meat in their mouths. They pinched their necks hard and pushed down hard before swallowing.

"Where is it? Where is it?"

All the officers and soldiers put down their chopsticks in panic, drank the chicken soup without hesitation, and stood up in a hurry to look around.

"It's over there, where they garrisoned yesterday. Look, all the Japanese pirate troops are out. Look, they've divided their forces."

The officers and soldiers on duty stretched out their trembling hands, pointed more than ten miles ahead, and shouted in panic.

Sure enough, following the direction of the officers and soldiers' fingers, they could see the direction of the Japanese pirate camp in the distance. The Japanese pirate army was as dense and majestic as ants. It was visible to the naked eye that it was already squirming, and the soldiers and horses were divided into four groups.

The men and horses along the way accounted for half of the troops, and the soldiers moved straight forward towards the Zhejiang Army's position.

The troops along the way accounted for one-third of the remaining troops and horses. The soldiers bypassed the Zhejiang Army's position, made a semicircle eastward, and headed towards the east gate of Suzhou City.

Like the previous group of soldiers and horses, the troops along the way also made a semicircle to the east and headed towards the north gate of Suzhou City.

There was also a line of soldiers and horses, and the front of the soldiers circled around the Zhejiang Army's position, made a semicircle to the west, and headed towards the northwest gate.

The Zhejiang army's position guarded the south gate and radiated the north gate. The Japanese pirates avoided these two gates and divided their forces to attack other gates.

"Quick, quick, the Japanese pirates are divided into three groups and are coming towards the east gate, north gate and northwest gate."

There was a chaos on the city wall for a while. The officers and soldiers were so panicked that they even ate breakfast and started shouting like a leaderless group.

"What are you shouting about, what are you panicking about, what are you afraid of? When the soldiers come, they will cover up the water and the earth. We can raise the troops for a thousand days and use the troops for a while. We have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in the city, and there are hundreds of thousands of people in the city. We can recruit tens of thousands of strong men at any time to help defend the city. "

When Shang Wei, the prefect of Suzhou, heard the news that the Japanese pirates were dividing their troops to attack the east gate, north gate, and northwest gate, he ran all the way. When he saw the panicked soldiers on the city wall, his face turned dark and he shouted and cursed involuntarily.

Seeing Shang Wei leading the officials to suppress the formation, a group of panicked and shouting soldiers stopped.

"Look at how panicked you all are. You don't know, you think the Japanese pirates have broken into the city?!"

"Yesterday, the Zhejiang Army had only 2,000 soldiers and horses outside the city. They relied on a low wall as high as one person to defend themselves against 30,000 to 40,000 extremely ferocious Japanese pirates. How about that? You have also seen that the Zhejiang Army achieved a glorious victory! !!”

"We have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and we can recruit tens of thousands of strong men from the city to defend the city at any time. The city wall under our feet is tens of meters high, and there is a moat several meters deep. As for the Japanese pirates, they were killed by the Zhejiang Army in yesterday's battle. Annihilating seven or eight thousand, why are you panicking?!"

"When the Japanese pirates come, just beat him! What the two thousand Zhejiang troops can do, we can do the same!"

Magistrate Su sternly reprimanded the soldiers in the city and ordered them to return to their posts and prepare for battle.

"General Wang, General Zhao, and General Liu, you are all veteran generals on the battlefield. Quickly lead your troops to the east gate, north gate, and northwest gate to take up positions. You must guard the city gates for me, and there must be no traces. If something goes wrong, hundreds of thousands of people in the city will be relying on you. I will be in the middle to provide support. If you need anything, just ask, and I will definitely satisfy you."

Magistrate Su ordered the three generals to guard a city gate respectively.

"Please be at ease, Master. We have been on the battlefield for a long time. This tassel helmet was made with one sword and one shot. We will guard the city and keep it safe." General Wang, General Zhao and General Liu assured them, patting their chests.

"Okay! The three generals are so confident, I feel relieved." Magistrate Su heard this and praised them.

Soon, the three generals led their direct troops to the three city gates and took up positions.

"Wake up the golden juice quickly!"

"Get ready to roll rocks and logs, and move them under the wall. When the Japanese pirates come, throw them at them and beat them to death!"

"The crossbows used to defend the city are all winched."

"Bring all the feathers and arrows."

"Load the general's cannon first and be ready to fire. The Zhejiang army's firearms are powerful, but they can't compare to the general's cannon!"

The garrison on the city wall, under the command of the magistrate Shang and a group of officials and generals, hurriedly made preparations.

As the Japanese pirates got closer and closer, all the officials and soldiers in the city became nervous.

Of course, despite being nervous, many people are still looking forward to it. There are only two thousand Zhejiang troops under the city, and we can achieve a brilliant victory yesterday. We have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and we hold on based on the huge city. The city is high and the pond is deep. We also It works!

The Zhejiang Army had only trained for a few months, and even the 1,200 recruits they recruited from Yiwu had only been trained for two months.

We have been soldiers for several years. If the Zhejiang Army can do it, I can do it too!

While the defenders on the city wall were nervously guarding the city and preparing for war, the Zhejiang Army camp outside the city. Zhu Pingan stood on the sentry post at the head of Fengqiao Bridge and watched the Zhejiang Army bypass the position and divide the troops into three groups to attack the east gate and north gate of Suzhou. The Japanese pirates at the gate and northwest gate frowned.

What the hell are the Japanese pirates doing? !

Why did they so blatantly divide their forces to attack the city so early in the morning? !

If we want to divide our forces to attack the city, wouldn't it be more successful if we secretly concealed our tracks last night, divided our forces to ambush outside the east gate, north gate, and northwest gate, and launched a sudden attack than if we divided our forces so blatantly now? !

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