Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1800 Japanese pirates attack the city

The Japanese pirates' actions were blatant and they made no secret of their intentions. It didn't take long for the Japanese pirates to divide their forces and arrive at the east gate, north gate and northwest gate of Suzhou City. They temporarily camped about a mile away and prepared to attack the city.

Last night, the Japanese pirates did not do any work at all. They actually took out hundreds of crude ladders in one night. The Japanese pirates had more than 30 ladders in front of each city gate.

Last night, the Zhejiang Army's rangers who monitored the Japanese pirates' temporary camp did not find that the Japanese pirates cut down a large number of trees. I don't know how they took out more than 100 ladders.

The Japanese pirates divided their forces to attack the city in a blatant manner. The Zhejiang army's rangers, who were monitoring the movements of the Japanese pirates at the traffic arteries, had already identified the Japanese pirates' movements and returned to the Fengqiao camp before the Japanese pirates encircled the Zhejiang army's position.

Outside the east gate.

The endless stream of Japanese pirates, carrying simple ladders, seemed like black clouds coming over the city.

The black Japanese pirates, the white Japanese swords, the ridiculous but terrifying Tsukiyo head, the ferocious face, are full of oppression.

"Damn it, it's the first time I see so many Japanese pirates. It's a bit scary. My calves are trembling..."

"Weren't seven or eight thousand Japanese pirates killed by the Zhejiang army? Why are there still so many people?"

"Damn it, the Japanese pirate's armor looks like an evil spirit, and it also has two long horns. It's so scary."

When some timid defenders at the east gate of Suzhou City saw the swarming Japanese pirate army below the city, they not only trembled when they spoke, but even their calves began to tremble. Their hands were trembling so much that they could hardly lift their swords.

"Silence! What are you afraid of? No matter how many Japanese pirates there are in the city, they are just a mob. Think about the Zhejiang Army. Eight hundred bandits were recruited and one thousand, two hundred farmers were killed before they put down their hoes. After only a few months of training, they were killed. Killing seven to eight thousand Japanese pirates! This is enough to prove how powerful the group of Japanese pirates in front of us is. If the Zhejiang army can do it, there is no reason why we can't!"

General Wang was sitting at the east gate. When he saw the frightened soldiers under his command, he couldn't help but cursed and cited the example of the Zhejiang Army to boost the morale of his soldiers.

To be honest, he was still a little dissatisfied with the Zhejiang Army. The Zhejiang Army had only been training for a long time and they had achieved such great results.

In his opinion, the reason why the Zhejiang Army achieved such a brilliant victory yesterday was that apart from the sharp weapons of the Zhejiang Army and the fact that they buried a huge amount of explosives to assassinate the Japanese pirates, the quality of this group of Japanese pirates should not be very good.

The Zhejiang army can achieve a great victory!

There’s no reason why we can’t do it!

At this moment, General Wang was feeling a little excited. It was time to make meritorious deeds! It was time to be promoted and make a fortune!

Since this group of Japanese pirates are not very good, isn’t that just a military achievement sent from heaven?!

Zhu Ping'an offended Mr. Yan Ge and was demoted to a small county in Jingnan as the county magistrate. Isn't it because of his series of military exploits that he was able to make a comeback and become the fourth-rank official he is today?

The glorious military exploits achieved by the Zhejiang Army yesterday will definitely help him take another step forward and reach a higher level.

He can't eat the meat alone. If he eats meat, let's share a piece. And, haha, my appetite has always been good. One or two pieces can't satisfy my appetite. I want to be full this time...

Outside the east gate of the city, Xu Hai rode a tall horse at a trot. He circled the city gate twice from a distance, called his subordinates, pointed at several locations on the city wall with his riding whip, and ordered them to attack the city. Order.

The Japanese pirates outside the North Gate and Northwest Gate were led by Chen Dong and Maye respectively, and they successively issued siege orders.

As for the Japanese pirate army in front of the Zhejiang Army's formation, they took advantage of their strength and surrounded the Zhejiang Army's position from a distance. They sent a group of more than a thousand Japanese pirates from the north and south directions and slowly pushed towards the Zhejiang Army's position.

Four battlefields, the war is about to break out.

Outside the east gate city.

It is not easy for the Japanese pirates to attack the city. The first obstacle they have to face is the moat. A moat outside Suzhou City is winding and gurgling, protecting Suzhou City like a patron saint.

At this moment, the bridge over the moat has been demolished, leaving only two stone stacks standing alone at the head and end of the bridge.

The attacking Japanese pirates arrived in front of the moat in a hurry. Hundreds of brave Japanese pirates took off their clothes, regardless of the cold water in the river, and jumped into the cold moat wearing only dirty white calf-nose pants.

"What are the Japanese pirates doing? Are they committing suicide by jumping into the river?" The defenders on the city were a little confused when they saw this scene.

"Hahaha, are they going to jump into the river to liven up the tense atmosphere?" Someone laughed.

"The Japanese pirates are trying to build a bridge!" The experienced officers and soldiers shook their heads and corrected in a deep voice with a worried look on their faces, "It is winter now, the dry season, and the water level in the moat is not deep. The Japanese pirates can build a simple pontoon bridge."

"General, we can't just watch the Japanese pirates build the pontoon bridge. Before they build the bridge, we open the door and send people to guard the shore to prevent them from building the bridge with arrows. If the Japanese pirates can't build the bridge, let's see how they attack the city. In the end, the general will not do it. , I am willing to lead 300 archers and 200 swordsmen and shieldmen out of the city, and we will not let the Japanese pirates build a pontoon bridge!"

Lieutenant General Liu saw that the Japanese pirates were trying to build a pontoon bridge and quickly asked General Wang for advice.

"No! During the dry season, the water in the moat is not deep. Japanese pirates come across the sea and have superb water properties. Just like these Japanese pirates who jumped into the moat, once the city gate is opened, the Japanese pirates may brave the cold to jump across the river at any time and attack the city gate. We must not take this risk before we find out the quality of the Japanese pirates. If the Japanese pirates are brave and you lose, you will die in vain. If the city gate is lost, you will be responsible for your death!"

General Wang shook his head and rejected Vice General Liu's proposal.

Although he wanted to make meritorious deeds, he didn't want to take risks.

Therefore, the defenders on the city ignored the Japanese pirates who were building a pontoon bridge outside the city, and watched helplessly as the Japanese pirates built a pontoon bridge.

The Japanese pirates on the shore pushed special tree trunks into the river, and these trunks were sharpened at one end.

The Japanese pirates in the river took the tree trunks on the bank, pointed the sharp end downwards, and rammed them into the river bottom with all their strength.

Tree trunks were erected at some distance apart in the river, from one end of the river bank to the other end of the river.

Then, the long tree trunks were pushed into the river. The Japanese pirates in the water tied them to the vertical tree trunks to build the skeleton of the pontoon. They then tied the crossbars and put planks, branches and straw on them.

After a while, a simple pontoon appeared on the moat.

The Japanese pirates followed suit and built three adjacent floating bridges in one go.

Then, the Japanese pirate army attacking the city crossed the moat leisurely on the pontoon bridge they had built.

"Kill! You little bastards, break down the city gate, the gold, silver, jewels and little girls will all be yours!"

"Kill me!"


After crossing the moat, under the orders of the big and small leaders, a group of Japanese pirates rushed towards Suzhou City, howling, carrying shields, and shouting to kill.

Ladders were also held up by the Japanese pirates and rushed towards the city wall.

"Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow!"

"Don't worry about rocks or rolling logs, just throw them down for me! Hit these Japanese pirates like dogs to death!"

"City-defending crossbow, shoot! Damn you, don't shoot randomly. Is this little soldier worthy of a city-defending crossbow? Just aim at the leaders of the Japanese pirates who are commanding on the battlefield. They are the ones worth a city-defending crossbow!"

General Liu was wearing armor and carrying a long sword. Guarded by his own soldiers with shields, he went back and forth on the city wall, shouting and giving orders.

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