Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1865 I don’t accept it

The raging fire burned the entire forest, from the dry grass and fallen leaves under the trees to the entire big trees, whether they were bare trees or stubborn pines and cypresses, they all burned.

The fires in the trees were like fire dragons, spiraling upwards, dozens of meters high at least, opening their huge mouths, spitting out countless tongues of fire, burning everything, and the crackling and popping sounds were endless.

The fire that covered the sky brought thick smoke that covered the sky. This deadly combination started the Hell Express.

One after another Japanese pirates in the woods were sent to hell by this pair.

"Help, help, dad, mom, I don't want to die, I'm still young, and I don't have an heir to our family yet."

"Ming Yusuke, O God of Rizhao, save your people in a foreign country. I want to go back to my hometown to marry Nobuko."

"Help, help, Grandpa Zhejiang Army, please help me. I surrendered. I surrendered. Get me out quickly. I don't feel like I'm being burned to death. It's too uncomfortable. Please help me."

"Ming Gou, fuck your eighteenth generation ancestors. You burned so many people to death in one fire. Aren't you afraid of shortening your lifespan?!"

"My surname is Zhu, I curse you to a bad death."

There were screams one after another in the fire, pleadings one after another, curses one after another, all kinds of sounds mixed with the crackling sound of the fire, like playing a piece of terrifying music, which filled the hearts of the Japanese pirates with terror. Magnified countless times, it made them distorted, made them crazy, and made them hysterical.

Some Japanese pirates knelt on the ground and kowtowed frantically, kowtowing in all directions, kowtowing to the gods and Buddhas in the sky, cradling the Buddha's feet temporarily, begging the gods and Buddhas to save him from the sea of ​​fire.

Some Japanese pirates cursed wildly, cursing the sky, cursing the earth, cursing the Zhejiang army, and cursing Zhu Ping'an for not having a good death.

Some Japanese pirates were frantically looking for a way out, darting left and right through the sea of ​​fire in an attempt to find a way out.

No matter what they do, they can't avoid being blocked by the death express of fire and smoke to collect the express.

One after another, countless Japanese pirates were choked to death by the thick smoke and burned to death by fire, ending their sinful lives.

Seeing Japanese friends falling one after another around me, the Japanese pirates became even more terrifying, twisted and hysterical.

Zhu Ping'an led the horse and stood on a high slope from a distance, with a wet cloth covering his mouth and nose, quietly looking at the burning forest.

Being so far away, the thick smoke was blowing over me. It was so choking that it was difficult to breathe without covering my mouth and nose with a wet cloth.


This forest was burned to the ground by myself. It is a pity that so many trees, as well as the innocent wild animals and flowers in the forest, have also damaged the environment. If it were placed in modern times, it would definitely be condemned by the public.


It's all worth it.

This fire can kill at least more than half of the Japanese pirates, and indirectly protect countless ordinary people from being poisoned by Japanese pirates.

"A group of ten people, riding horses, once they find a small group of Japanese pirates breaking out of the sea of ​​fire, shoot them with muskets, bows and arrows from a distance."

"If a large group of Japanese pirates breaks through the encirclement, shoot them with bows, arrows and fire muskets first. If the Japanese pirates do not escape and counterattack, then avoid them."

"It's limited to half an hour. When the time is up, no matter what the outcome of the battle is, everyone must come here to gather. There must be no mistakes."

Seeing the fire sweeping through the entire forest and covering the sky, Zhu Pingan slowly gave orders to his soldiers.

"As commanded."

The officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army took the order, and a group of ten people rode on mules and horses, and dispersed far around the burning woods.

Like Zhu Pingan, they all had wet cloths wrapped around their mouths and noses to avoid suffocation from inhaling the smoke.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha, I didn't expect that I, Xu Hai, would be buried here. Time? Luck? Fate?"

Xu Hai's hair was burnt in several pieces, and his face was covered in black ash. He laughed like crazy.

This is a true portrayal of the end of the road.

He didn't expect that his Suzhou strategy would end up like this. He never dreamed that it would be so miserable.

His worst-case scenario was that he would get off to a bad start and fail to capture Suzhou City.

As for death here? !

Hahahaha, just kidding, he, Xu Hai, formed an alliance with Maye, Chen Dong, and the third class of Hojo Dou. He has a strong say in the alliance and is also vaguely the leader. There are more than 40,000 Japanese pirates under his alliance, and his military strength is second only to that of the Japanese pirates. Hui Wang Wang Zhi, in the entire Jiangnan, no Ming army had more troops than him. This time he led more than 30,000 troops to attack Suzhou. Even if Suzhou City could not be captured, safe retreat would definitely not be a problem.

How many soldiers and horses does Suzhou have? ! If all the chaos is added up, only ten thousand people can be killed! Moreover, the combat power is also very strong in the crotch.

How can Xu Hai be retained with this small force!


I never expected that even the heavens and the earth could not predict that I would be where I am today! How could he be burned to death here in such agony!


It's a shame that I, Xu Hai, am full of ambitions and strategies, but I haven't been able to fully implement them. It's a shame that I haven't shown my full potential. I hate that my grand plan for hegemony has ended here. I hate it so much. I hate it so much.

Damn Zhu Pingan!

It's all this damn little thief's fault, I owe everything to him! Damn you little thief, I won’t let you go even if I’m a ghost!

"God of thieves, I hate it so much. I don't accept it, I don't accept it, I don't accept it. I, Xu Hai, am determined to be in the world, how can I lose my life in this unknown grove, at the hands of a little thief! I don't accept it, I, Xu Hai, don't accept it. !”

Xu Hai seemed to be going crazy, stumbling around in circles, with a ferocious face, and roaring crazily towards the sky.

He is really dissatisfied!

He, Xu Hai, had more than 40,000 Japanese pirates under his command, while Zhu Pingan had only 2,000 soldiers and horses. With such a disparity in military strength, Xu Hai was defeated by Zhu Pingan, and even ended up dying in an unknown grove!

How could he be convinced?

However, being unwilling to accept it was of no use. The fact was that he, Xu Hai, was going to be buried in the sea of ​​​​fire in this unknown grove.

Xu Hai struggled, but there was a sea of ​​fire in all directions. Several attempts failed, and he lost more than a thousand soldiers at the beginning. In the end, the number of Japanese pirates who followed him was less than a hundred, and he was almost burned. die.

At that time, a burning tree collapsed suddenly. Fortunately, I had quick eyesight and quick hands, and pulled a Japanese pirate onto his back, and I escaped the disaster.

"Ahem, are you going to die here?" Xu Hai bent over and coughed violently, feeling like he was suffocating.

"Chief, pee on your sleeves and cover your mouth and nose with your sleeves. It will make you feel better." A Japanese pirate behind reminded him.

"Damn it, I didn't tell you earlier!"

Xu Hai cursed, took off his pants without saying a word, and peed all over his sleeve. Regardless of the smell of urine, he covered his mouth and nose with his wet sleeve.

It's really much better.

"Everyone peed on their sleeves and covered their mouths and noses. Try it again. I don't believe it. I, Xu Hai, will never do this!" The Japanese pirates around Xu Hailing followed suit and peed on their sleeves, covering their mouths and noses, and organized another breakout. Out of the fire.

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