Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1866 God will not destroy me

It is said that the most painful way to die in the world is to be burned alive. The Japanese pirates in the woods have a say in this.

Oh, they are speechless...

Countless Japanese pirates were burned to death or choked to death in the woods. Their death was so tragic that the living Japanese pirates were horrified and frightened.

No Japanese pirate is willing to go through the same process of being burned or choked to death, which makes them desperate to survive and frantically looking for a way out.

The wet sleeve covering my mouth and nose was evaporated by the high temperature of the fire in a short time, and I couldn't urinate. What should I do?

It's simple. Ask a Japanese friend to borrow some blood. The main component of blood is water. It's almost the same. Soak your sleeves with blood and cover your nose. It will also block the smoke. He refused to borrow it, so I had to use a Japanese sword to teach him what generosity is.

The fire is raging, the smoke is billowing, and there are many dangers. What should I do if I can’t see the road clearly?

It's simple, just let the Japanese friend explore the way ahead. He refused to explore the way, so we had to use the Japanese sword to teach him what bravery and responsibility are.

After exhausting all means, good luck and bad luck, a Japanese pirate finally escaped from the burning woods by stepping on the bodies of his Japanese friends.

Although the clothes on his body were burned to the point where he was barely covered, although his body was almost completely covered with skin, and although his hair was singed in several places, the Japanese pirates who escaped with their lives could not help but shout excitedly to the sky and shed tears for the rest of their lives. , laughing hysterically, "Hahahaha, Minggou, Minggou, have you seen it, God will not destroy me, God will not destroy me, I finally escaped."

At this moment, a "bang" sound was heard.


The hysterical Japanese pirate looked up to the sky, covering his bleeding chest, and looked in disbelief at the direction where the gunfire sounded.


At some point a Zhejiang soldier sitting on a mule horse appeared.

"Bah, turtle grandson, you are too happy too early. If God does not kill you, grandpa and I will die! You will be born into a beast in your next life. Don't forget to reflect on your sins in this life and work hard to atone for your sins!"

The Zhejiang army officer on the mule horse spat thick phlegm from a distance and sneered and cursed.


The sky was spinning, and the vision was blood red. The Japanese pirate clutched his chest and fell down unwillingly, dying here.

One after another, Japanese pirates escaped from the burning forest, but either they were just rejoicing, or before they had time to rejoice, they were discovered by the patrolling Zhejiang Army officers and soldiers, who used bows, arrows, and firecrackers to get to know them.

Of course, there were also lucky Japanese pirates who escaped from the raging fire and were not discovered by the Zhejiang Army in time. They also knew that the Zhejiang Army might stay around to deal with the fish that slipped through the net, so they were very stubborn after escaping and fled to the river in stealth. , escaped with his life.

In the raging woods, Xu Hai once again stabbed a Japanese pirate under his command. He borrowed a handful of blood to moisten his sleeves, covered his mouth and nose, took a deep breath, and with a ferocious face covered in blood, waved the Japanese knife to order the other Japanese pirate to attack. A Japanese pirate explores the road again.

"Water, there is water, leader, we found a ditch ahead!!! There is still water in it." The Japanese pirate who was exploring the path shouted excitedly.

"Where, where, lead the way!" Xu Hai beamed with joy when he heard this, and his voice was trembling with excitement.

The Japanese pirates behind him also showed excited expressions.

The ditch not only means a source of life-saving water, but also means a direction. The ditches all lead to the outside, and you can walk out of the woods along the ditches.

"Chief, it's right here."

The Japanese pirate who was exploring the road led Xu Hai a few steps forward, pointed at his feet and said.

Xu Hai stepped forward excitedly and pushed the Japanese pirate away. He knelt down and took a look. Sure enough, it was a ditch, covered with dead branches, weeds and ashes. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to spot it. He pushed the dead branches and weeds away with his hands. , there is shallow water flowing slowly below.

Xu Hai touched the water excitedly and washed his face that was burned by the fire. He didn't care about the dirty water and took another sip.

The dry and cracked throat suddenly felt like drinking jade liquid, so comfortable that the hairs all over the body stood up.

"Hahahaha, it's true that good people don't live long, and disasters live for thousands of years. God will not kill me, Xu Hai!"

Xu Hai raised his head from the ditch, wiped his face covered in black ash, and laughed crazily.

"The leader is auspicious and has good fortune. If he survives a disaster, he will be blessed later." A group of Japanese pirates behind him quickly flattered him.

After taking pictures of the horses, the Japanese pirates couldn't bear it any longer. Like mad dogs, they rushed to the ditch and drank heavily until they were full.

After drinking a lot of water, the Japanese pirates didn't know who was the leader. They threw themselves down and rolled in the ditch, soaking their clothes.

When Xu Hai saw it, he threw himself into the ditch without hesitation and rolled around twice, getting all wet.

"Leader, which direction should we go?" With hope of survival, the Japanese pirates gradually calmed down from their madness.

"Of course we followed the direction of the water flow. The water goes lower. This direction must lead to the river."

Xu Hai squinted his eyes, pointed to the direction of the water in the ditch, and said to the Japanese pirates.

"Chief, do we still want to go to the river? Our boats have been burned." A Japanese pirate asked in confusion.

"At this time, the Zhejiang Army must be ambushing outside, waiting for us to go out. The direction of the river beach is not conducive to the deployment of troops by the Zhejiang Army. The Zhejiang Army rides mules and horses, and the river beach is trapped by horseshoes. The Zhejiang Army will not go to the river beach easily, and it is precisely Because the boat was burned, the Zhejiang army thought that we would not go to the river, and it would be safer if we went to the river."

Xu Hai gave a rare explanation to a group of Japanese pirates.

"What the leader said is absolutely true."

"Xingxi, the leader is very wise."

After hearing this, all the Japanese pirates suddenly realized and flattered him again and again.

"Then let's go quickly." After the Japanese pirates flattered them, they couldn't wait to escape along the ditch.

"With this ditch, our lives are not in danger, so why worry! Our lives are not in danger, but how many brothers are still in danger in the fire, their lives hanging by a thread, you all spread out and shout, attract more brothers here, and work together Escape for your life.”

Xu Hai pulled out the Japanese sword with a sonorous sound, looked around everyone with dark eyes, and ordered everyone with dignity.

There was a more important consideration, which Xu Hai did not mention for fear of damaging his image, that is, Zhu Ping'an was treacherous, and the lack of protection this time predicted his prediction. What if the Zhejiang army ambushed on the riverbank? ! There are only seven or eight hundred people following him now, and their strength is no more than that of the Zhejiang Army. If they had just escaped from the fire after many risks, and met the Zhejiang Army who had been waiting for work and had been lying in wait for a long time, it would definitely be another tragedy.

Therefore, it is necessary to gather more Japanese pirates and more troops to have the ability to protect ourselves.

"The leader is unparalleled in his benevolence and righteousness!"

"The leader's kindness is a blessing to our brothers!"

Was it because Xu Hai had killed fewer people just now, or was his Japanese sword not sharp? ! The Japanese pirates no longer objected, but nodded repeatedly.

"Are you alive? If you are alive, come quickly. We have found the exit. Come quickly."

"If you don't want to be burned alive, come here quickly. There is a ditch here that leads outside. You can get out."

"Gather, everyone who doesn't want to die is here. Follow Chief Xu and you can escape."

A group of Japanese pirates scattered in all directions and shouted.

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