Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1874 An unexpected surprise

There are countless coincidences in the world, just like there is a certain destiny. At the moment when the Zhejiang army arrived in front of the wooden bridge, the Japanese pirates on the other side of the river happened to cut off the pillars of the wooden bridge, and the wooden bridge collapsed with a bang.

The heavy wooden bridge crashed into the water, splashing water several meters high and creating deep vortices.

"Fuck! Damn!"


Dozens of Japanese pirates on the wooden bridge screamed in despair, and involuntarily fell into the rolling river water along with the collapsed wooden bridge. They were swallowed up by the huge splash and whirlpool created by the wooden bridge.

A few Japanese pirates who had never crossed the river gritted their teeth and jumped into the river in an attempt to swim across the river. However, the rapid water and the endless vortex were like a black hole, swallowing up the Japanese pirates who jumped into the river.

Several Japanese pirates who jumped into the river were all instantly buried under the water, and none of them could rise to the surface.

"Xu Hai and Chen Dong, you will die a good death if you cross the river and burn the bridge!"

"If you can't deal with the Zhejiang Army, then deal with your own brothers! You are shameless, incompetent, and irresponsible. What qualifications do you have to be a big leader!"

"Brothers on the opposite side, our today is your tomorrow. We can be burned by them today, and you may be burned by them tomorrow. I advise you to make plans early!"

The Japanese pirates who had not yet crossed the river were completely cut off from their livelihood, and they were scolded even more severely. Xu Hai and Maye, the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the two instigators, as well as the female members of their families, were all cordially treated by the Japanese pirates who had not yet crossed the river. greeting.

Even, in order to retaliate against Xu Hai and Chen Dong, they dug holes frantically and planted the seeds of rebellion for the Japanese pirates crossing the river.

After hearing this, a group of Japanese pirates crossing the river looked at Xu Hai in unison.

"Brothers, crossing the river and demolishing the bridge is a helpless act. If you don't demolish the wooden bridge, you won't be able to escape. At this time, let alone them, even if my own father and mother are behind, I will order the wooden bridge to be demolished."

"Not to mention anything else, didn't our life-and-death acquaintances, brothers and sisters, dearest relatives and friends, and brother Chen Dong, who are also your big leaders, not cross the bridge behind us?! When we should not break the bridge, we will also break the bridge. ?!"

"Or do you also want to bury them with them?!"

Xu Hai looked at the group of Japanese pirates and said frankly, and even shamelessly pulled Chen Dong out to give an example.

A group of Japanese pirates were persuaded by Xu Hai, and they believed that it was a truth that they all understood.

Moreover, it is also true that Chen Dong was left at the bottom. At this moment, Chen Dong was still looking up to the sky and laughing.

"Brothers, I know you have grievances, but don't worry, we will avenge you!"

"Today's revenge will be repaid a hundred times to the Zhejiang Army in the future!"

Xu Hai swore and swore, and in order to increase his persuasion, he drew out a Japanese sword and cut his palm open, dripping blood to swear the oath.

"I will pay you back a hundred times to the Zhejiang Army in the future!"

A group of Japanese pirates crossing the river shouted together.

"Since we are going to die, why not use the Zhejiang Army as a back-up? Killing one Zhejiang Army is enough, and killing two is a profit."

"Think about how they pushed us step by step to where we are today! It is better to fight to the death with the Zhejiang army than to die in vain!"

"We were supposed to be drinking celebration wine, sleeping with women, and counting money in Suzhou, but it was the damn Zhejiang Army that made us fall short of our achievements and put us in this situation! How many brothers and sisters were killed by the despicable and shameless Zhejiang Army's poisonous tactics! If we don't take revenge, we are in vain! We Japanese pirates have never been cowards who knelt down and waited for death! Now that the Zhejiang army has not gained a stable foothold, it is time for a deadly battle. Rush forward and fight with the Zhejiang army!"

Xu Hai stabilized the morale of the Japanese pirates who had crossed the river, while Maye took the lead in convincing the Japanese pirates who had not crossed the river to fight against the Zhejiang army.

I have to say that Ma Ye’s words were quite encouraging. Many Japanese pirates who had never crossed the river clenched the Japanese knives in their hands and used the fish to kill the net to break them, or they looked at the newly arrived Zhejiang pirates with anxious and biting eyes. military.

"Yes, we are all going to die anyway, so why not drag the Zhejiang Army to support us! With so many of us, we can always drag a few Zhejiang Army to support us!"

"Die! Let's destroy together!"

Several Japanese pirates were persuaded, raised their Japanese knives, shouted to kill, and rushed towards the Zhejiang army that had just arrived.

Led by several Japanese pirates, other Japanese pirates were also ready to move. Many Japanese pirates carried Japanese knives and followed the death charge.

After the Zhejiang Army arrived at the bridge, they immediately dismounted and lined up, forming the Zhejiang Army's classic three-stage shooting formation.

Saw a group of Japanese pirates charging to death.

Zhu Pingan waved his hand, and the first wave of Zhejiang soldiers pulled the trigger without hesitation, and stretched the match rope to the fire door.

"Bang bang bang"

After a volley of fire, the dozen or so Japanese pirates who were the first to charge to death screamed and fell to the ground.

The remaining Japanese pirates immediately calmed down a lot.

"Don't be afraid. If you die, just die. Instead of dying on your knees, it is better to die fighting. How many Zhejiang troops can be taken away?"

On the other side of the river, Maye and other Japanese pirates began to agitate again.

"Put down your weapons, kneel down and surrender without being killed! If you resist in a corner, you will be killed without mercy!"

Zhu Pingan glanced disdainfully at the agitating Japanese pirates such as Maye on the other side of the river, and shouted to the hesitant Japanese pirates who had not crossed the river.

"Put down your weapons, kneel down and surrender without being killed! If you resist in a corner, you will be killed without mercy!"

"Put down your weapons, kneel down and surrender without being killed! If you resist in a corner, you will be killed without mercy!"

"Put down your weapons, kneel down and surrender without being killed! If you resist in a corner, you will be killed without mercy!"

A group of Zhejiang Army soldiers followed and shouted three times in a row, the sound was like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

As soon as they heard that they could lay down their weapons and kneel down to surrender without killing, the eyes of the Japanese pirates who had not crossed the river suddenly lit up in disbelief.

If given the chance to survive, even on their knees, most people would not be able to avoid this temptation.

Who would choose death when there is a chance to live?

Japanese pirates have no moral integrity.


As soon as a Japanese pirate finished shouting to the Zhejiang army, he threw away the Japanese sword in his hand and knelt on the ground.

If there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three. Soon, the sounds of weapons being thrown were heard one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the Japanese pirates who had not crossed the river at the bridge were kneeling on the ground, and no one was left standing.

Oh, it’s not like there wasn’t anyone standing. There was another Japanese pirate standing on the field, and that was Chen Dong, who was laughing crazily up to the sky.

At this moment, Chen Dong looked like he was crazy. He looked up to the sky and laughed with tears streaming down his face.

After a group of Japanese pirates knelt down, he was immediately highlighted.

"Chen Dong?!"

Zhu Ping'an looked at Chen Dong who was laughing up to the sky with some uncertainty. The embarrassed and crazy guy in front of him could hardly be related to Chen Dong, the high-spirited Japanese chieftain who guided tens of thousands of Japanese pirates on horseback.

"Sir, yes, he is Chen Dong. It's true! His leg was broken by a tree in the fire. When he was escaping, he was abandoned by Xu Hai and others as a burden. His soldiers also all deserted, and this is what happened. "

Several kneeling Japanese pirates took the opportunity to claim credit and exposed Chen Dong.

Unexpectedly, it was really Chen Dong. Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitch his lips. It was really an unexpected surprise.

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