Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1875 Stop laughing so hard

"A bunch of boneless villains, do you think you can really avoid death by kneeling down and surrendering?!"

"You are Japanese pirates, Japanese pirates who are full of crimes, Japanese pirates who are too numerous to describe. Which one of you doesn't have a few lives on your hands?! Which one of you has not committed the capital crime of murder, arson, annihilation and robbery?!"

"You think you can become a Buddha immediately by putting down the butcher knife?! Don't you really think that the court can pardon your death penalty? You are so naive! The court's mouth is a liar, and there is only death waiting for you!"

Xu Hai and Maye on the other side of the river saw Zhu Pingan make all the Japanese pirates kneel down and surrender with a simple sentence. Their faces turned livid, and they angrily cursed the surrendering Japanese pirates for their spinelessness.

"Bah, you guys have backbone, so why don't you stay here and fight to the death with the Ming army? Why are you running? Why are you crossing the river and demolishing the bridge?! Shameless! Incompetent! You are the most spineless!"

"That's right, it's you who have brought us to this point! Your leadership is incompetent, you've been defeated in a row, you've betrayed your trust, and you've burned bridges by crossing rivers!"

The Japanese pirates who knelt down and surrendered were even more resentful towards them than the Ming army. If the Zhejiang army was like a sharp knife thrust into the chest, then Xu Hai and Ma Ye were like poisonous daggers stabbing into the back. How could they not be resentful? Before Hai and Maye could finish their scoldings, several of them raised their heads indignantly and cursed back angrily.

"You guys know what you are doing. This is to lose the car to protect the commander, and to keep the green hills without fear of running out of firewood! In the future, we will come back to avenge you, and we will make them pay a hundred times a thousand times the price!"

Maye and others on the other side of the river cursed loudly.

"Shameless, incompetent, hypocritical." The Japanese who surrendered on their knees cursed endlessly.

While the two Japanese pirates were quarreling with each other, Chen Dong was still laughing like crazy, crying and laughing at the same time.

"Tie them up!"

Zhu Ping'an was too lazy to listen to their scoldings, and waved his hand. Immo's soldiers tied up the Japanese pirates who were kneeling in surrender.

Zhu Pingan gave an order, and a group of Zhejiang army soldiers came down the mountain like tigers. They used hemp ropes to tie the hands of the surrendered Japanese pirates on the ground. They first tied their hands behind their backs, and then tied up the Japanese pirates one after another like tying sheep.

"Stop laughing!"

A Zhejiang soldier tied up Chen Dong and gave him a big bag, which instantly calmed him down.

"Fuck! Do you know who I am?!"

Chen Dong was beaten up by a big rival. He woke up from his half-mad state and turned around to glare fiercely. He originally thought that he was in an embarrassing enough situation, but he didn't expect that he could be even more embarrassed. He was beaten by an unknown soldier. Has Dabi Kabuto reached the point? ! It's not just like a tiger falling into Pingyang, it's like a tiger falling into a cesspool!

If Zhu Ping'an, the commander-in-chief of the Zhejiang Army, beat him up, Chen Dong wouldn't think anything of it.

But being beaten up by an unknown soldier of the Zhejiang Army was nothing less than being humiliated!

I am Chen Dong, one of the leaders of the Tuolin Japanese Pirates Alliance!

Even if a leg is broken, even if everyone is betrayed, even if the bridge is demolished, even if he is ignored by the Japanese pirates who once commanded him, his power is still there, and no blind Japanese pirate dares to lay a finger on him!

You, a mere unknown soldier of the Zhejiang Army, dare to hit me with a big blow. It is simply too old to cause trouble!

"Why are you staring! Who are you?! You are our defeated general and our prisoner!" The Zhejiang soldier slapped Chen Dong again with his backhand.

After being beaten twice in a row, Chen Dong encountered the biggest humiliation in his life. His chest heaved violently and his eyes nearly popped out.

"What? Not convinced?! Do you still want to eat a big bidou?!" The Zhejiang soldier glared at him.

Huh, Chen Dong snorted, cursing in his heart that a dog's eyes cannot recognize the mountain, and chose to retreat temporarily. He didn't want to be subjected to another competition in broad daylight. He was already embarrassed enough, and he didn't want to be even more embarrassed.

Seeing that Chen Dong was honest, the Zhejiang soldiers led him and prepared to tie him to a group of Japanese pirates.

"Er Gouzi, he is a big fish. Tie him up alone and keep him under strict supervision. If he runs away, I will take it from you."

Zhu Pingan noticed this scene, raised his chin, and explained to the Zhejiang soldiers.

As for Ergouzi hitting Chen Dong with two big handbags, Zhu Pingan turned a blind eye. The death of this kind of Japanese pirate was not a pity, so two big handbags were nothing.

When the Zhejiang soldiers tied up a group of Japanese pirates who were kneeling to surrender, Zhu Pingan slowly walked to the river and quietly looked at the Japanese pirates on the other side of the river. Liu Dadao and others were holding up their shields to protect Zhu Pingan.

Xu Hai and other Japanese pirates on the other side felt emboldened after cutting down the wooden bridge and did not continue to flee. Instead, they rested by the river.


The bridge is broken.

Zhu Pingan really can't do anything to them at the moment, but his family knows his own affairs. Even if the wooden bridge is still alive, Zhu Pingan will not attack Xu Hai and the others, because the Zhejiang army does not have much gunpowder anymore and can release at most three more The fire cannons of the Zhejiang Army were 90% better than the fire sticks, so they could only fight with cold weapons.

To be honest, when it comes to cold weapons competition, the Zhejiang Army is really no match for the Japanese pirates who have experienced hundreds of battles.

If the Japanese pirates did not demolish the bridge, but fought on the bridge, Zhu Ping'an would have no choice but to command the Zhejiang army to kite three-wheeled firecrackers and stop when they were ready.

Fortunately, the Japanese pirates were so scared that they lost their courage and had no courage to fight.

This time, being able to make an emergency landing of half of the remaining Japanese pirates and capture the Japanese chief Chen Dong alive has already met Zhu Pingan's psychological expectations, or it has far exceeded Zhu Pingan's expectations.

Zhu Ping looked at the hundreds of remaining Japanese pirates on the other side of the river quietly, twitching his lips, still feeling a little regretful in his heart.

It would be great if we could wipe out all the Japanese pirates. Xu Hai was the second most powerful Japanese pirate in history after Wang Zhi! If Xu Hai is eradicated, less than half of the Japanese plague will be eliminated, and the common people will suffer less.

Not to mention far away, the Japanese pirates entrenched in Tuolin land have no leader and can be easily wiped out without becoming powerful.


A little greedy.

The Great Wall was not built in a day, and the Fat Man was not built in one bite. Today's results have far exceeded expectations.

The Japanese pirates can't escape!

Today’s regrets will be made up for tomorrow!

Zhu Ping'an shrugged his shoulders and fixed his gaze. He sent Xu Hai's dog head for now and would pick it up later!

"Zhu Ping'an! Don't be too proud! Today we are defeated, but just wait, we will repay you a hundred times in the future. When the time comes, I will make you live and die, and avenge my sons. !”

Xu Hai saw Zhu Pingan, the instigator, coming out of the crowd holding a Japanese sword, pointing at Zhu Pingan and shouting with gritted teeth.

"Xu Hai! You are lucky enough to escape today, but you will not be so lucky tomorrow! It is disrespectful to come and go without reciprocating. Today you gathered a crowd to attack Suzhou. You will definitely bring an army to visit you someday. Go back Wash your neck and wait, don't dirty our knives." Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth disdainfully and replied lightly. (End of chapter)

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