Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1881 A tacit understanding

"Sir, the gongs and drums are roaring, the firecrackers are blasting, and the people are cheering in the streets. Let's walk a few steps like this. It feels like we have taken an elixir. Piao Piao Yuxian, you are in a good mood when you are the top scholar in high school and parade on horseback."

A soldier squinted his eyes, every pore exuding pride and satisfaction, and said to Zhu Pingan with emotion.

"Not as good as this time."

Zhu Pingan shook his head with a smile.

"Really? That's the top pick in high school." The soldier said with some disbelief.

"When the No. 1 scholar reaches the top and parades through the streets, the common people just watch, envy, rejoice, and educate their children. How can it be compared to now? The common people are sincerely grateful and thank us. The common people recognize us, support us, love us, and welcome us. , my mood at that time was not one-tenth of what it is now.”

Zhu Pingan explained with a smile.

"I see, hehe, although we don't have the top pick in high school, we are as happy as if we have won ten top picks." The soldier suddenly felt better, as if he had won ten top picks, and he giggled.

After walking a few more steps, Zhu Pingan looked up at the window of a roadside restaurant as if he had a clear understanding.

The painted building is flying towards Nanpu clouds, and the bead curtain rolls into the west mountain rain.

The elegant room faces the street, with antique carved sandalwood windows opening outwards, and a long-awaited person stands by the window.

Both demon and fairy, full of pregnancy, with a smile on her face.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

It feels as if I have returned to Shanghe Village and Xiahe Village, as if I have returned to the time when the wedding room was decorated with candles and the red hijab was lifted.

It was Li Shu.

Behind him, Hua'er and Qin'er, the little maids with buns and cheeks, carefully supported Li Shu with a big belly, stuck out her head, and looked excitedly at Zhu Ping'an downstairs, who was greeted by the people beating gongs and drums and walking along the street.

Hua'er and Qin'er were very excited, as if they were being welcomed by the people beating gongs and drums and filling the streets.

More salty than glory.

Zhu Ping'an smiled and waved, and Li Shu also extended her slender hand to wave, all without saying a word.

"My lord, my lord"

The soldiers behind him were surprised why Zhu Pingan stood still and refused to leave.

"Why are you so blind? Why are you shouting?" Liu Dadao couldn't help but slap the blind soldier on the head.

"What's wrong?" The soldier was confused and aggrieved.

"What's wrong? You've lost your expression. I don't know how you'll die in the future." Liu Dadao gave him another hint.

After receiving this blow, the soldier looked up belatedly and saw that the carved sandalwood window had been closed.

"Let's go." Zhu Ping'an smiled and waved.

The procession continued.

In the private room of the restaurant, after Zhu Ping'an moved on, Li Shu couldn't help but let out a sigh and sat down with the support of Baozi's maids Hua'er and Qin'er. A layer of dense sweat had appeared on her forehead.

"Miss, are you okay? Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang, come and see what's wrong with Miss." Hua'er, Qin'er and others immediately became nervous when they saw this. While taking care of Li Shu, they shouted to Aunt Wang to come over and take a look.

"It's okay, I'm okay. The two little guys probably knew that their father was coming. They were so excited that they moved around. It made my stomach hurt."

Li Shu carelessly touched her belly and explained with a smile.

"Then we have to let Aunt Wang take a look." Hua'er and Qin'er said seriously.

After saying that, Aunt Wang came, checked Li Shu's pulse, and said with a gentle smile, "Miss, it's not that the two babies are too excited, it's that you were too excited, and there were some breathing problems, so the baby felt uncomfortable and moved. That's a lot. It's okay. Drink a cup of crucian carp and tofu soup, which can not only replenish the amniotic fluid, but also comfort the two babies."

As soon as Aunt Wang finished speaking, Hua'er and Qin'er brought crucian carp and tofu soup. One held it and the other fed it to Li Shu with a spoon.

"I still want to drink. Didn't I just drink a cup? It's a bit fishy." Li Shu couldn't help but protested, covering her mouth.

"If you want to drink, drink."

Hua'er and Qin'er listened to Aunt Wang's words even more at this time, and fed Li Shu spoonful after spoonful of soup.

Zhu Ping'an led the Zhejiang army not far away. A celebration banquet venue rebuilt on a pier in front of him was in front of him. Simple sheds were erected on the empty pier to keep out the wind and keep warm. Under the sheds were filled with Another table.

There are also copper stoves one after another under the shed, burning blazing charcoal fire to heat the shed.

Dozens of chefs, with the help of dozens of helpers, have set up large pots one after another, and are cooking various delicacies in an nervous and orderly manner. The sound of the sizzling pots comes one after another, and the aroma of wine, meat, coriander and coriander are blowing on your face. Come.

"Master Zhu, gentlemen, this is the celebration banquet. Please take your seats. The venue is a little rough, but the wine, food and meat will definitely be enough. Please take your seats. The delicious food will be served soon."

Magistrate Shang stood at the entrance with a group of officials and invited Zhu Ping'an and other officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army to sit down.

"Brothers, please join me in thanking Magistrate Shang and all the adults for organizing a celebration banquet for us."

Zhu Ping'an led a group of Zhejiang army officers and soldiers to thank Shang Zhifu and others.

Magistrate Shang and other officials quickly turned aside, not daring to accept the salute from Zhu Ping'an and others, and waved their hands in humility and said:

"Master Zhu, you are serious. We cannot bear this gift. We should be the ones thanking you. If Master Zhu had not led the Zhejiang Army soldiers to protect our Suzhou City, our Suzhou City would have fallen into the hands of the Japanese pirates and suffered a lot of fire. They were killed and plundered. Hundreds of thousands of people in Suzhou Prefecture must thank Mr. Zhu and the Zhejiang Army officers for their life-saving grace."

"Speaking of which, our Suzhou City owes you at least three celebration banquets. In front of the Fengqiao Camp, Mr. Zhu led the Zhejiang Army officers and soldiers to stop the Japanese pirates. They killed tens of thousands of Japanese pirates in one battle. They greatly killed the Japanese pirates and greatly inspired us in Suzhou. morale, I owe you a celebration banquet; the traitor Wang failed to chase the Japanese out of the city, fell into the trap of the Japanese pirates, and suffered heavy casualties. He surrendered to the Japanese pirates and led the Japanese into the city. If you had not appeared in time to reveal the true colors of the traitor Wang and the Japanese pirates, and Help us wipe out the Japanese pirates in the city, and fight hard to repel the Japanese pirates outside the city. Our city of Suzhou has fallen, and we owe you another celebration banquet. This time you go out of the city to pursue the Japanese pirates, setting up ambushes in the rivers, and in the woods. The fire almost wiped out all the Japanese pirates, and even captured one Japanese pirate Chen Dong alive. Only Xu Hai and Maye led hundreds of remaining Japanese to escape, and I owe you another celebration banquet."

"This belated celebration banquet is not enough to express the gratitude of our whole city. We will thank you again later."

"Master Zhu and all the officers and soldiers please come to the table."

With that said, Magistrate Shang took Zhu Pingan's arm and led Zhu Pingan to the main seat of the banquet.

Other officials also followed the same example, pulling Zhejiang soldiers one after another and inviting them to sit down.


After a burst of firecrackers, the celebration banquet began. Chickens, ducks, fish, flying animals, those swimming in the sea and those running on the ground were all brought to the table.

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