Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1882 Cleaning the battlefield (Part 1)

After the celebration banquet, the guests and friends enjoyed themselves. The officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army fought for a day, first breaking out of the camp, seizing the gate, ambushing, and chasing the Japanese pirates. At the end of the day, their chests were already pressed to their backs with hunger.

Suzhou has a lot of money, and although the venue is a little rough, the food is definitely super luxurious.

All kinds of meats and all kinds of delicacies were served one after another, on table after table, more than thirty courses, almost all of which were hard dishes.

Wine was also served, and Zhu Ping'an allowed each person to drink one bowl, or only one bowl, as he would have to clean up the battlefield later.

Of course, because they had to clean the battlefield, the Zhejiang army officers and soldiers ate very quickly and devoured a battle banquet.

"Send this handwritten letter to my house for me and give it to Madam." Zhu Ping'an wrote a handwritten letter and asked someone to bring it to his house and give it to Li Shu.

The general meaning is to clean up the battlefield and return home later. Don't think about it and go to sleep first. I will return by the moon.

"Sir, the young lady has been waiting for you for a long time. You can go back to your house. We can clean the battlefield as long as we are there."

Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others persuaded Zhu Ping'an to return home.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter for a moment. This battlefield has caused serious damage to the surrounding area. I won't worry if I don't keep an eye on it personally. The forest must be completely put out, which is related to the safety of the surrounding villages, and we can't be careless; the river must be clean, which is related to the downstream. Don't be careless when it comes to drinking water." Zhu Pingan waved his hand and insisted.

In winter, the days are short and the nights are long. When we enter the city, it is sunset and we finish the celebration banquet quickly. It is already dark outside.

"Prefect Shang, it's getting late. We're going to clean up the battlefield now. Prefect Shang can choose dozens of soldiers to go with us and send a message to the city every half an hour. Prefect Shang can also send messages outside the city. The situation is well understood.”

Before leaving, Zhu Pingan suggested to Magistrate Shang.

The reason why Zhu Ping'an proposed this was because he didn't want to come back from cleaning the battlefield and be locked out of the city gate for verification and identification again.

It's fine during the day, but it's better to say goodbye this late at night. Everyone has had enough hard work cleaning the battlefield. It's freezing cold, sleepy and tired, and being locked up outside the city for verification and identification makes me feel miserable just thinking about it.

Previously, when faced with a siege by Japanese pirates, Suzhou City could not mobilize any manpower to follow him to ambush the Japanese pirates. Now that the Japanese pirates have been repelled, Suzhou City has enough manpower to follow him.

"Well, Zi Hou's words make sense. I will ask Vice General Zhang to bring five hundred people with you to clean up the battlefield."

Magistrate Shang nodded, accepted Zhu Pingan's opinion, called Lieutenant General Zhang, and asked him to order 500 troops and horses to accompany Zhu Pingan. At the same time, he also told him to send ten people back to the city every two moments to report on the situation on the battlefield. .

After Magistrate Shang finished explaining Vice General Zhang, he said with some regret, "If I hadn't been stationed in Suzhou City, I would have really wanted to go with Zihou and you to clean up the battlefield, see it, and learn a thing or two."

"With Lord Shang's sea-fixing needle in Suzhou City, we can safely clean up the battlefield outside."

Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

It was getting late, so after being polite, Zhu Ping'an resigned from Shang Zhifu to clean the battlefield.

All the officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army, plus the 500 people led by Vice General Zhang, and 4,000 young and strong people recruited and selected in the city.

In fact, there were as many as 30,000 to 40,000 young people in the city who had signed up for recruitment, but so many young people were not needed to clean the battlefield. Zhu Pingan asked Vice General Zhang to help select 4,000 young people.

"Hahahaha, Zhang Laosan, I'm sorry. Master Zhu chose me to clean the battlefield this time, and you failed. However, don't be downcast. I will describe the situation of cleaning the battlefield to you in detail when I come back, hahahaha."

"Thanks to the blessings of our ancestors, Tiedan, you can be selected to help our benefactors clean up the battlefield this time. You must do a good job. I will burn incense to my ancestors when I get home and tell them the good news."

"Mom, don't worry. This time I help my benefactors clean up the battlefield, and I will definitely use all my energy to suck milk."

The young and strong people who were selected were very proud and looked forward to it, as if they had received a great honor, and their relatives and friends were all honored.

The young people who were not selected were dejected, as if the million-dollar prize had just passed them by.

"Hey, this time I had diarrhea last night and was a little weak. That's why I wasn't selected, and Tie Dan got an advantage. If it had been before, I would have given him Tie Dan two hands, and he wouldn't have been the same person. .”

"You little bastard, I asked you to exercise more, but you just didn't listen, so you lost the election. It's really embarrassing to our ancestors."

"Oh, Dad, don't fight again. I didn't get selected this time. I have a better memory. I will practice hard when I get back. Don't worry, you will definitely be selected next time."

The young and strong people who lost the election were dejected and said with envy and dissatisfaction to comfort their disappointed family members.

Zhu Pingan allocated a part of the Zhejiang Army to lead the young and strong people. Every ten young and strong people formed a small team, led by a Zhejiang Army soldier, who acted as the temporary captain and was responsible for command and maintaining order.

In order to facilitate the cleaning of the battlefield, Zhu Ping'an asked the prefect Shang for assistance and collected dozens of ships and hundreds of carriages from Suzhou City. He also took thousands of torches, shovels, long iron hooks and other tools from the Suzhou treasury and distributed them. Go down.

Zhu Pingan divided the people into two groups. One group went by boat and was responsible for cleaning the river; the other group rode mules and horses on foot and was responsible for cleaning the woods. The officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army were also evenly divided into two teams by Zhu Pingan.

Everything is ready and we set off.

"Zihou, all my fellow soldiers and fellow countrymen, everything goes well. I'm waiting for your return in Suzhou City."

Magistrate Shang led the officials of Suzhou City to see him off at the door.

"Thank you, Mr. Shang/Mr. Prefect." Zhu Ping'an and a group of soldiers and fellow villagers returned the gift and turned around to set off.

"Hey, we are so awesome this time, we can actually help Mr. Zhu and the Zhejiang Army officers clean up the battlefield. Let me tell you, this battle is the greatest victory we have in the defense of Suzhou City. It is better than the last time Fengqiao Camp blocked it. The results of the battle were even greater. I heard that Master Zhu and the Zhejiang Army soldiers killed more than 20,000 Japanese pirates in this battle."

On the way to clean the battlefield, the young and strong people couldn't help but feel excited, and laughed and said to their companions.

"It's more than 20,000. I heard there were 50,000 or 60,000. This time only two Japanese chiefs ran away. The other Japanese pirates were all killed."

The person traveling with him corrected him seriously.

"What fifty or sixty thousand? I heard it was one hundred thousand." I don't know how it was spread, but later it was spread to one hundred thousand.

"How can there be so many Japanese pirates? The total number of Japanese pirates who came to attack Suzhou this time is only 50,000 or 60,000."

Someone questioned.

"What do you know? It's true that there were 50,000 or 60,000 Japanese pirates who attacked Suzhou at the beginning, but they still had reinforcements, and another 50,000 to 60,000 reinforcements came later."

Questions were answered quickly.

"So that's it."

Everyone around him actually believed it. (End of chapter)

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