Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1884 Barbecue

The night has passed, the night is dark, the moon is dim, the stars are sparse, the wind is cold, and the battlefield is finally cleared.

Everyone returned to Suzhou City covered with stars and moon.

Full of rewards.

A cartload of Japanese pirate heads covered with linoleum, a cartload of Japanese weapons and stomachs, and a cartload of gold, silver and jewelry.

Because there were messengers delivering the news in real time, the people inside Suzhou City were well aware of the situation of cleaning up the battlefield outside the city. Knowing that the trip went smoothly and without incident, Suzhou City opened the city gates early to welcome everyone back to the city.

Magistrate Shang left the city early and welcomed everyone back. He led a group of officials and held their hands with a gentle smile.

"Zi Hou has worked hard, all the officers and men have worked hard, all the fellow villagers have worked hard, and you, Deputy General Zhang, have worked hard too. I have sent someone to prepare a midnight snack. You will enjoy the midnight snack when you enter the city, and then go back to your home to rest."

Magistrate Shang's gentle words made everyone who had been tired for most of the night feel like a spring breeze, and their fatigue was greatly reduced.

"Thank you, Lord Shang." Zhu Ping'an dismounted early, cupped his hands in thanks, and everyone behind him also clasped their fists to say thanks.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and help pull the carriage into the city so that everyone can have a brisk time and enjoy a midnight snack."

Magistrate Shang commanded the soldiers behind him to step forward and help everyone pull the carts of harvest into the city.

After entering the city, the large square not far from the city gate was lit with bonfires and filled with table after table.

Pots of fragrant late-night snacks are simmering on the makeshift stove, and baskets of steaming meatloaf are stacked in the basket.

"Master Zhu, all officers and men, and fellow countrymen, please take a seat and enjoy the midnight snack."

After entering the city, Magistrate Shang enthusiastically pulled Zhu Ping'an to sit down, then stood up and invited everyone to sit down and enjoy supper.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, Suzhou was wet and cold. Everyone had been busy for most of the night. It was cold, cold and freezing. With such a hot late-night snack, it was like an old lady crawling into the bed after a bachelor for fifty years.

"Thank you, sir."

Everyone hurriedly took their seats.

"Today's supper, I prepared a few side dishes, meatloaf, hot soup, and warm rice wine. Haha, don't blame me for being so kind. I know that you run the army very strictly and prohibit drinking in the army, but the alcohol content of this rice wine is low. It won’t make you drunk, it won’t mess you up, and it can also help you sleep. It’s kind and reassuring, even if you drink three big bowls of it, you’ll be fine.”

Magistrate Shang greeted everyone enthusiastically, and when he mentioned rice wine, he even explained it to Zhu Pingan.

"Master Shang is interested. Brothers from the Zhejiang Army, as an exception, you can drink rice wine tonight, limited to three majors."

Zhu Ping'an smiled and thanked Shang Zhifu, and then said to a group of Zhejiang troops.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, Sir Shang."

All the Zhejiang soldiers were overjoyed to express their thanks. They couldn't drink alcohol on weekdays. Although it was just low-alcohol rice wine today, rounding it off, rice wine is also wine, and it was already in time for the Chinese New Year.

While everyone was thanking them, the cooks brought out side dishes, meatloaf, hot soup and rice wine.

"Thank you, Lord Shang." The young and strong people thanked each other and couldn't help but pick up their chopsticks and rice wine.

Cleaning up the battlefield this night had exhausted them.

Salvage Japanese pirate corpses, decapitate their heads, burn them, dig pits; cut down trees, clear vegetation, and dig isolation zones

Feeling tired, cautious, highly nervous, and a little unlucky.

In their hearts, they must be willing to clean up the battlefield. Cutting off the heads of Japanese pirates would satisfy their hatred, but they are corpses after all. In their minds, corpses are unlucky, let alone thousands of Japanese pirate corpses. The bad luck has gone bad.

Now they want to drink too much to anesthetize their nerves and drive away bad luck.

So, after saying thanks, they picked up the big bowl and drank a big bowl of rice wine in one go.

A little sweetness, a little sourness, a little wine flavor, and after a big bowl, half of the fatigue in my body was gone.

After drinking, I want to eat something to fill my stomach. Drinking on an empty stomach is not a good habit.

So, everyone reached out and took out a piece of meat pie from the cage, stuffed it into their mouths, and took one bite.

When you take a bite of the meatloaf, you will be greeted by the fragrant aroma of the meat and the unique burnt smell of barbecue.

BBQ? !

Everyone couldn't help but stop chewing, and the corners of their mouths twitched, as if they had been struck by lightning.

"Haha, knowing that you have worked hard today, I specially ordered the chef to roast pork and mutton for you, chop it into cubes, and put it in the meatloaf. When the meatloaf was just taken out of the pan, the aroma spread for miles, making you greedy. .”

When Magistrate Shang saw everyone eating the meat pie until they were in a daze, he thought it was so delicious that everyone was stunned, so he couldn't help but smile and said to everyone.

He also knew in his heart that the reason why everyone reacted so loudly was that the meatloaf was delicious. There was no doubt that the meatloaf was made by the top barbecue chef in Suzhou with his helpers. He ate one of the meatloaf himself. Pancakes, as he was used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, thought it was a rare delicacy, let alone the common people; secondly, everyone was cleaning the battlefield all night, and they were tired and hungry. In the state of hunger, the delicacies of food increased several times out of thin air. With these two points in mind, everyone was stunned after taking a bite of the meat pie.

"Haha, this is the barbecue made by our famous BBQ Zhang in Suzhou. It is naturally delicious."

The subordinate officials in Suzhou followed suit.

BBQ? !

When they heard the word "barbecue", everyone couldn't help but think of the various shapes of Japanese pirate corpses in the ashes of the forest, either hugging tree trunks, twisted on the ground, or hugged together, charcoal-like and extremely ferocious corpses, as well as the scene The horrible meaty smell that penetrated the mouth and nostrils was something that could not be covered even if one covered one's nose.

At this moment, looking at the charred and fragrant barbecue cubes sandwiched in the meat pie, it seems as if the corpses of Japanese pirates in the ashes have been chopped up and sandwiched in the meat. The burnt yellow color and the aroma that hit the nose and mouth, Exactly the same.

Ever since

My stomach was churning, and an indescribable and uncontrollable force rushed upward from bottom to top, straight into my throat, and instantly rushed into my mouth.

Everyone also knew that this occasion was not an ordinary occasion and was not suitable for vomiting, so they had to hold back and cover their mouths and noses.

But after just drinking a large bowl of rice wine, all of them came back to me, and it was impossible to cover them up.

All of a sudden, my mouth was full. I covered my mouth with both hands, but I still couldn't.

Vomit, vomit, vomit.

He vomited in his mouth, and squirted out from between his fingers.

Finally, they knew not to squirt on the table. They twisted their heads outwards and squirted out from between their fingers. Once they started squirting, they couldn't control it.

If a reservoir releases flood, it will be out of control.

Everyone's abdomen contracted rapidly, and the contents in their stomachs rushed out quickly. Everyone had to hold the table with their hands, bend over, and vomited wildly.

For a time, thousands of people vomited wildly. The scene was simply indescribable. Magistrate Shang and others were all in a state of confusion. (End of chapter)

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