Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1885 Fish Soup

"Ah? Folks, what's wrong with you? Why are you vomiting? Lieutenant General Zhang, why are you vomiting too?"

All the subordinate officials in Suzhou Mansion were stunned when they saw everyone vomiting after taking one bite of the meat pie.

"Could it be that the barbecue is broken and making you feel sick?! It's impossible. The pork and mutton are all freshly slaughtered, and the barbecue has just been roasted. It can't be expired! Moreover, the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army also ate it. Are they okay? !”

The first reaction of all the officials was that the meat was not fresh and spoiled. Everyone was feeling upset after eating spoiled barbecue.

But he quickly denied himself. In order to express his condolences to everyone for cleaning up the battlefield, Magistrate Shang specially ordered pigs and sheep to be slaughtered to ensure that the ingredients were fresh and delicious. The barbecue was also freshly baked and could never be expired.

In addition, the Zhejiang Army also ate, so why are they okay? From Master Zhu Ping'an to the Zhejiang Army soldiers, everyone is fine. Half of the cake is eaten, and no one is vomiting.

"Vice General Zhang, what's going on with you? How do you behave?" Magistrate Shang asked with some displeasure, what look like you all vomiting.

"Ahem, Sir, I am really unbearable for my humble position. Today, when cleaning the battlefield, thousands of Japanese pirates were burned to charcoal in the woods. The scene exuded a strong aroma of roasted meat. The roasted meat sandwiched in this meat pie was broken into pieces. , are 78% similar, it feels like chewing the corpse of a Japanese pirate, and my stomach is churning, it is really unbearable, so I lost my composure and hope that the government will forgive me." Deputy General Zhang explained with a face of shame.

"That's it, fellow villagers. You have never been on the battlefield. You are from the army and have experienced swordsmanship for a long time. How can you be so unbearable?"

Magistrate Shang looked at Vice General Zhang and others, and then at the Zhejiang Army soldiers who were eating and drinking contentedly, and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

It’s really hard to compare people to death, and you have to throw away goods when comparing goods!

You are all soldiers. How come the Zhejiang Army can fight and win no matter how hard you fight? Why can’t you fight and win no matter how hard you fight? Now even your psychological quality is in the sky and on the earth. The Zhejiang Army eats the same pancakes. If you are calm and composed, you will vomit.

However, the Zhejiang Army is, after all, the Zhejiang Army, and it is the best in the entire Jiangnan. It is understandable that you cannot compare with the Zhejiang Army.

Very normal.

However, you must be aware of your shame and be brave in the future. I am not asking you to catch up, but I only ask you not to be left too far behind.

"Ashamed of my humble position." Vice General Zhang and others felt even more ashamed.

"That's all, that's all. You have rarely experienced battles, so it's understandable that you are not as good as the Zhejiang Army. You will practice well in the future. I don't ask you to catch up with the Zhejiang Army. I just ask that you don't fall too far behind the Zhejiang Army."

Magistrate Shang waved his hand.

Vice General Zhang and others were even blushing with shame, wishing they could find a mouse hole to crawl into.

"Since they can't eat the meat cakes, then tear them off and spread out some fried cakes and bring them over." Magistrate Shang thoughtfully ordered

"Fellow elders, your stomach is empty after vomiting so much. Please fill your stomach with some fish soup."

The officials of Suzhou Prefecture also diligently encouraged everyone after vomiting to drink some fish soup to fill their empty stomachs.

"Thank you, sir." After hearing this, everyone took up the fish soup to drink. After vomiting so much, their stomachs were already empty. They were already hungry, but now they are even more hungry, with their chests pressed against their backs, and their stomachs are cramping. .

Gudong Gudong

I finished a big bowl full in one go.

"It's delicious, delicious. This fish soup is really delicious."

"It's as white as milk, delicious and rich, with an endless aftertaste. This fish soup is so delicious that I almost swallowed it with my tongue."

After everyone drank a large bowl of fish soup, they were full of praise.

"Of course it's delicious. Every pot of fish soup is cooked by Master Tang Ji, the number one fish steak maker in Suzhou. And this fish, Mr. Fu Zun specially ordered us to take people to catch it in the big river ahead. All of the live fish are at least a foot long, not even an inch less."

The Suzhou official said boastfully, and patted the magistrate Shang on the way.

As soon as the subordinate officer finished speaking, he felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene. The scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone felt as if their acupuncture points had been tapped.

"Ahem, where did you catch the fish?" someone coughed and asked.

"It's in the big river ahead. Not long after you set off, the Master asked us to go fishing in the river."

The subordinate officer answered again and pointed in the direction.


As soon as the official finished speaking, there was a sound of vomiting. Those same people were vomiting even more violently than before.

"Oh my God, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing this spectacular roaring scene again, the officials were bewildered and asked dumbfoundedly.

"Vice General Zhang, what's going on?" Zhifu Shang asked with a look of helplessness on Vice General Zhang who had just finished vomiting.

"Ahem, Mr. Fu, it's the same as before. It's also a psychological effect. The river where they cleaned the battlefield today is the river where they fish. The first battlefield where Lord Zhu and the others ambush the Japanese pirates is the river. Countless Japanese pirates were shot to death and drowned in it. In the river. When we went to clean the battlefield, the corpses of the Japanese pirates in the river were swollen, and there were many fish eating around the corpses of the Japanese pirates. Maybe the fish they caught was one of them. The pots of fish soup they made, Maybe it contains the corpses of Japanese pirates, vomit... I feel so sad for my humble position, and when I think of this, I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach... vomit..."

Vice General Zhang explained with a pale and haggard face, vomiting while explaining.

"The section of the river where we fish is still about ten miles away from the section of the river where you clean the battlefield. The fish can't swim across..."

The subordinate officer of Suzhou Prefecture explained helplessly.

"It can't be completely ruled out, right?" Vice General Zhang said with a pale face.

"Uh..." The subordinate officials were speechless. Although they were more than ten miles apart, they could not be completely ruled out.

Who knows if any fish had nothing to do, ate the corpse of a Japanese pirate, and then went upstream for more than ten miles.

They are not fish, so how can they know about fish? Fish are disobedient.

"Ahem, Mr. Zhu, officers and men, how can you keep drinking? Don't you feel sick in your heart?" Vice General Zhang and others saw Zhu Ping'an and others eating barbecue and drinking fish soup as usual, and couldn't help but curiously asked for advice. .

"Ge Ying? Why Ge Ying? Not to mention that the two places are more than ten miles apart. Such a long distance is still a countercurrent. Generally speaking, it is impossible to catch fish on the battlefield. Even if you catch it, so what, when Yue Wumu's "Man Jiang Hong" "There is a poem that goes: Aspirations eat Hurry meat when hungry, and laugh about thirsting for Huns blood. If one can eat Japanese pirate meat when hungry, and drink Japanese blood when thirsty, it is also a happy event in life. What should I do?" Zhu Ping'an smiled nonchalantly. laugh.

"Master Zhu, I finally surrendered."

After hearing this, Vice General Zhang was completely convinced and admired Zhu Pingan and everyone in the Zhejiang Army. (End of chapter)

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