Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1893 This Is The Familiar Ming Army

"Little ones, keep working harder. We will arrive at Yangchengwei in another 30 miles. I am a family friend with Deputy General Huang in Yangchengwei. For my sake, when you arrive at Yangchengwei, you will be able to eat big fish and big meat." That's enough."

The general of Jiaxing rode a tall horse, whipped the horse fast, and drew cakes for the soldiers at the same time.

"Thank you, General. Following the General, we will be lucky." A group of soldiers followed quickly, flattering their mouths.

"Hahahaha, I'm keeping up, go to Yangchengwei early, and eat big fish and meat early." The Jiaxing general was very helpful, laughed, and slapped the horse again, and the horse ran faster.

"Drive! Drive! Drive!"

A group of soldiers followed suit again and again.

A group of generals rode horses and galloped up the slope, and soon they went up the slope, and in front of them was the official road of Yima Pingchuan.

Thirty miles from the official road is Yangchengwei.

The hearts of all the generals had already flown to Yangchengwei, they didn't notice that there were three black tripping ropes lying on the official road more than ten meters ahead.

Although the Jiaxing cavalry team has also lit dozens of torches, almost no three people have a torch, but how bright the torches can be, in this dark night, you can only vaguely see the outline within three meters, and it is almost pitch black beyond three meters One piece.

In particular, they were all cavalry, riding on horseback and holding torches, the ground could not be seen clearly, and they would not pay special attention to it.

In particular, the tripping rope was painted black, blending into the night, and lying on the ground, it was even more difficult to see clearly.

"Drive, drive!"

When Jiaxing's soldiers rushed to the front of the tripping rope, the Japanese pirates on both sides of the road suddenly pulled up the tripping rope.

The three tripping ropes swished one after the other and became taut.

The three galloping horses slammed into the tripping rope, and the legs of the horses were broken instantly under the high-speed impact.

The war horse screamed, and under the action of inertia, it almost turned around 180 degrees, and hit the ground heavily, splashing a burst of dust.

A war horse directly broke the horse's neck, and the horse vomited blood from its mouth. After struggling hard with its hind hoofs a few times, it became motionless.

The necks of the two war horses were not broken, but they couldn't stand up for a while.

As for the generals on horseback, they all flew out from their horseback at once, and fell heavily to the ground.

This is the first wave of cavalry.

The second wave of four cavalrymen had no time to rein in their horses. They followed the first wave and bumped into the second tripping rope, and they also fell on their backs.

The Jiaxing general was in the second wave. His horse fell to the ground, struggled twice and stood up again, but the Jiaxing general couldn't stand up. He hit the ground and passed out.

The third wave of cavalry reined in their horses hastily, but they couldn't rein in the galloping horses in a hurry, so they still bumped into them, pretending to be alone.

The cavalry at the back reined in hastily. Although they didn't hit the tripping rope, they were all crowded together.

When the tripping rope was pulled up, the Japanese pirates hiding on both sides of the road screamed and rushed out brandishing Japanese swords.

Like a tiger descending the mountain, he rushed into the huddled Jiaxing cavalry, waving the Japanese sword like a whirlwind.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack"

Jiaxing soldiers huddled together shouted hastily.

However, because their general was hit by a rope and fell unconscious, they are now a group of dragons without a leader, and they have no one to command them, just like a group of sheep. After the Japanese pirates killed them, they became a mess.

The Japanese pirates were extremely ferocious, especially after the men of the Zhejiang army were beaten up again and again, they were simmering with anger. At this moment, they finally found a breakthrough. The knife slashed, and the blood of the Jiaxing soldiers who killed them flowed into rivers, crying for their father and mother.

The Jiaxing cavalry was trapped in place and lost the cavalry's maneuverability. Instead, the horse became a burden, and riding on horseback became a living target.

In particular, their general was stunned by the tripping rope immediately. Without the command of the general, they could not organize a decent resistance at all.

There are also those who are unwilling to resist, but their guards basically don’t train at ordinary times. Occasionally, they practice their fists and legs. As soon as they fight against the Japanese pirates, they are crushed. They are not the enemies of the Japanese pirates at all. .

There were even two Jiaxing soldiers who besieged a Japanese pirate, but they were not opponents, and were cut down by the Japanese pirates three or two times.

The rest of the Japanese pirates saw that the Japanese pirates were killing gods, so they still had the courage to resist. Their pants were so frightened that they peed wet, and they turned around and ran back.

But before they could turn around, they heard a shout of killing coming from behind them, and when they turned around, they saw a group of pirates shouting for killing coming out from behind them.

Flank back and forth!

There is no need to run.

The morale of the Jiaxing soldiers fell to the bottom in an instant. They couldn't organize a decent resistance, and they even stretched their hips.

The Japanese pirates were on the rise. Many Japanese pirates tore off their clothes and left their upper body naked. They swung knives and killed Jiaxing soldiers like pigs and dogs. Jiaxing soldiers cried for their fathers and mothers.

This is the familiar Ming army.

This is the feeling of fighting with the Ming army!

The Zhejiang Army was completely accidental!

The more the Japanese pirates kill, the braver they are, and the more they kill, the more enjoyable they are

"Bastard! Stop, stop! Stop it for me, if you kill again, you will be killed! Ming army, listen carefully, throw away your weapons, surrender on your knees and don't kill!"

Seeing the rise of the Japanese pirates, Xu Hai forgot his instructions, and couldn't help yelling, ordering the Japanese pirates to stop and Jiaxing soldiers to kneel down and surrender.

Under Xu Hai's yelling, the Japanese pirates stopped. As for the Jiaxing soldiers in the field, they heard Xu Hai yelling to kneel down and not kill, as if they had grasped the life-saving straw, they threw away the weapons in their hands one by one. , plop plop plop fell to his knees.

"We surrender, we surrender, Japanese pirate grandpas don't kill us."

The Jiaxing soldiers were so frightened that they knelt down and kowtowed for mercy, as if they were pounding garlic.

"Count, how many Ming soldiers are still alive." Xu Hai commanded his subordinates to count the number of Ming soldiers.

"One, two, three, twenty-seven, twenty-eight. Turn around, only twenty-eight of the Ming army are still alive."

After counting, the subordinates reported back.

"Ma De, I told you a long time ago, don't kill the motherfuckers, leave dozens of people alive, look, there are only twenty-eight left! It's almost not a big deal for me!" After hearing this, Xu Hai couldn't help it. He cursed again.

"Boss, boss, this dog's head is still alive, and he wanted to pretend to be dead, but I saw through it."

A Japanese pirate shouted happily.

Xu Hai turned his head and saw that the Japanese bandit was holding a Ming army general wearing gorgeous armor in his hand.

A general of the Ming army who died in a fierce battle must be a soft bone.

Soft bones, I like it. (end of this chapter)

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