Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1894 Let's live

It took no more than five minutes from when the Japanese pirates pulled the rope to when the Jiaxing soldiers knelt down and surrendered to the Japanese pirates.

Twenty-eight Jiaxing soldiers knelt and surrendered, and a Jiaxing general who was rescued by the neck made a total of twenty-nine people.

"Now, the governor wants to ask you a few questions. If you answer honestly, you can live. If you refuse to cooperate."

Xu Hai walked up to the Jiaxing soldier who knelt and surrendered, opened his mouth slowly, and suddenly drew his sword and slashed at a hapless Jiaxing soldier.

The sharp Japanese knife cut across his neck, and a big head rolled down like this, and blood sprayed all over the surrounding Ming soldiers.


Xu Hai drew his sword and killed people when he disagreed with him. He screamed in fright at the kneeling and surrendering Ming army. Those with poor mental quality all peed their pants on the spot.

"If you refuse to cooperate, this is an example."

Xu Hai put away the Japanese sword, and slowly finished what he had just said.

Scared to death!

Butcher, he kills, just to give an example!

Only then did the soldiers from Jiaxing understand why Xu Hai killed people, and their fear of Xu Hai reached an unbearable level.

"Now, pull them down, interrogate them separately, and ask them what they are doing out of the city?! And how many defenders are there in Jiaxing City, and how are their forces deployed? If they don't answer the same, kill them all! Remember, I said all Kill them all, not one left! Anyway, catching them is easier than catching pigs!"

Xu Hai waved his hand and ordered his Japanese pirates to pull down all the Jiaxing generals, interrogate them separately, and threatened to kill them all if the answers were inconsistent.


Immediately dozens of Japanese pirates came out, and the two escorted a Jiaxing soldier, and dragged him aside like a dead dog for interrogation.

"Damn it, everyone has surrendered, so don't be a moth, confess honestly, if anyone tries to die, I will never let you go!"

"That's right, don't play it dead, if there is a disagreement, they will kill us all! Just now everyone has seen that they are the masters of killing without batting an eye, they will kill if they don't agree with each other!"

"Everyone has to agree, don't be smart, recruited honestly, so that you can stay in the green hills without worrying about no firewood, just keep alive, don't be shabby. Think about the wives, children, brothers and sisters at home, recruited honestly, Don't die!"

When a group of Jiaxing soldiers were dragged away, many Jiaxing soldiers worried that someone would be smart and answer dishonestly. The answers were inconsistent, and everyone would be killed by Japanese pirates. They couldn't help shouting, reminding everyone to confess honestly.

"General, general, say something, let everyone confess honestly, and the brothers will listen to you." Some people shouted General Jiaxing.

"Everyone confesses honestly, so that the green hills are left without worrying about no firewood!" Jiaxing generals were kind and shouted loudly.


All the Jiaxing soldiers shouted in unison.

Soon, a group of Jiaxing soldiers were separated and pulled aside for interrogation.

The Jiaxing general received special care, and was dragged to the side of the road by two Japanese pirates, and was interrogated by Xu Hai himself.

Xu Hai held the Japanese sword that was still dripping blood, and slowly stretched it towards the general of Jiaxing. As the Japanese sword got closer, the general of Jiaxing became more and more nervous, swallowing his saliva again and again, when the Japanese sword was still 30 centimeters away from him , He peed his pants uncontrollably, knelt on the ground with a "plop", and kowtowed repeatedly, begging for mercy, "Your Majesty, forgive me, please forgive me, the last general is willing to surrender, and I am willing to lead the horse and go through fire and water for the king.".

"Just like you, a bear who pissed your pants, can you still go through fire and water for me?!"

Xu Hai twitched the corners of his mouth in disdain, sneered, and patted General Jiaxing's face with the back of his knife.

"Ahem." The Jiaxing general blushed with embarrassment.

"Name?" Xu Hai patted the Jiaxing general's face again with the back of his knife, and asked coldly.

The knife was cold, and Xu Hai's voice was even colder.

"The surrendered general's name is Zhao Dezhu, his style name is Zhonghai, his former name was Zhao Dazhu, his nickname was Zhuzi, and his nickname was Optimus Prime."

General Jiaxing was terrified by Xu Hai, especially when the cold Japanese knife slapped him on the face indiscriminately, fearing that Xu Hai would cut him off if he disagreed, so he hurriedly put his name, word, former name, nickname , Nicknames are all explained.

Seeing this, Xu Hai's disdain became heavier, but he was even happier in his heart. This boneless softie is just right for him.

"Why did you go out of the city overnight?" Xu Hai asked again.

"Return to the king, our lord, no no no, it is Zhao Chong, the prefect of Jiaxing dog, who received the news that there were Japanese pirates in the village to the north of Jiaxing mansion. Send us out of the city overnight to ask for help from Yangchengwei, and ask Yangchengwei to send troops to help Jiaxing City defend your army."

Zhao Dezhu hurriedly beckoned, and also spontaneously entered the role, calling Zhifu Zhao a dog official and the pirates a noble army.

"How far is Yangchengwei from here?" Xu Hai continued to ask.

"There are still more than thirty miles. The thousand households in Yangchengwei are named Wang Defa, and they are most greedy for money. The deputy general is named Huang Yougui. He is a family friend with me. He is generous, but he has a weakness of lust. Yangchengwei has five thousand soldiers. Six hundred people, but this is the number on the surface, in fact it is only a little over three thousand, and nearly half of them are old, weak, sick and disabled, their weapons and equipment are not very good, and the armor rate is less than 20%."

Zhao Dezhu explained all the situation in Yangchengwei up and down, without Xu Hai needing to ask.

Xu Hai nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, how many defenders are there in Jiaxing City, and how are they deployed?"

"There are still 2,000 defenders in Jiaxing City, plus 200 assisted guards, a total of 2,200 people. The north gate has the largest force, with 700 people defending, and the remaining three gates, east, west and south, have an average of 500 people defending."

"As for the general of the defense, if nothing else happens, it should be Zhang, the head of the military room. He is the confidant of the prefect of the dog, but he is just a literati who doesn't understand military affairs.

"The assisted defense must be General Wang and General Zhao. General Wang is a fat man with a fat body. He claims to be brave and good at fighting. In fact, he bullies and bullies the people. He has no real skills. The fat all over his body is fat from eating; General Zhao is a skinny man. , the reason why he is thin is because he was tossing on the bellies of women who are prostitutes in Hualou. They are all bullying guys, and they have no real skills."

Zhao Dezhu was as active as ever, without Xu Hai asking, he sold Jiaxing City up and down.

"Hahahaha, okay, Zhao Dezhu, you are very good, and the governor is very satisfied. We need talents like you."

Xu Hai laughed in satisfaction.

Soon, the interrogation of the other Japanese pirates was also over. As a pair, all the Jiaxing soldiers answered the same as Zhao Dezhu.

The difference is that due to their status, some people know more, and some people know less.

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