Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1895 All the blame on Zhu Ping'an

"Brother Ma, what a feat we didn't achieve in Suzhou City, how about we go to Jiaxing City for a gamble?!" Xu Hai walked up to Ma Ye, put his arm around Ma Ye's shoulders, pointed in the direction of Jiaxing City, with a wild look on his face Said.

His gaze was like a wolf's, fierce and bloodthirsty, greedy and ambitious, wishing he could swallow Jiaxing City in one gulp.

"Brother Xu, I know you'll say that, but the halberds fell into the sand in front of Jiaxing City, and the troops were lost. There are only four hundred people left in the 30,000-strong army. Even if the 30,000-odd people didn't succeed, the four of us now How can more than a hundred people succeed? Although Jiaxing City is not as tall as Suzhou City, it is one of the few big cities in the south of the Yangtze River. Just now, Brother Xu also listened to their confession, and Suzhou City has more than 2,000 defenders."

Ma Ye shook his head, and did not agree with Xu Hai's idea. The defeat in Suzhou has not slowed him down so far.

When boarding the ship, the 30,000-odd army under his command was smug, and he felt that Suzhou City could be defeated in a single battle, but he never expected that before reaching Suzhou City, nearly 10,000 soldiers were lost in the previous battle at Fengqiao. There were also losses of troops under the city, and it was even more a nightmare when they retreated. Only 400 people were left.

The worst dreams are not so bad!

When he heard that Xu Hai was going to take 400 people to attack Jiaxing City, Ma Ye's first reaction was to oppose and disagree.

More than 30,000 people are going to fight Suzhou like this. Now more than 400 people are going to fight Jiaxing City. Isn't that the birthday star hanged himself?

"Brother Ma, where did the defeat in Suzhou come from?! Isn't it defeated by Zhu Pingan! You ask yourself, if there is no Zhu Pingan and the Zhejiang Army under his command, do you think our Suzhou Raiders will be defeated?! Our sneak attack was discovered by the scouts of the Zhejiang Army, who lit the beacon to break the whereabouts, and were forced to attack openly; the Battle of Fengqiao was also defeated by the Zhejiang Army under Zhu Ping'an's command, and he used gunpowder to kill us. , hurt the muscles and bones, which led to troubles in the back; trapping General Wang, pretending to be a prisoner and entering the city, was about to succeed, but Zhu Pingan called out the trick, which led to a fall short; as for the retreat, Zhu Pingan used insidious tricks The vicious series of fire schemes led to our complete defeat, and there were only about 400 people left."

Xu Hai hugged Ma Ye's neck, looked back at the defeat of the Suzhou Raiders, summed up the analysis, and came to the conclusion that the defeat of Suzhou was all the fault of Zhu Ping'an.

"Uh, that's true. It's Zhu Ping'an's fault. If it wasn't for him, there would be no reason for Suzhou City to go down!"

Ma Ye thought for a while, stroked the context of the battle in Suzhou, couldn't help but nodded, convinced by Xu Hai's analysis.

"That's right! He only has one Zhu Ping'an! It's still finishing in Suzhou Mansion! Can Jiaxing City produce another Zhu Ping'an?! Without the variable of Zhu Ping'an, Jiaxing City is much easier to get than Suzhou City, plus we If you capture these Jiaxing soldiers, you will have an advantage over Jiaxing City, and you can definitely give it a go."

Xu Hai said bewitchingly.

"That being said, Brother Xu, even without Zhu Ping'an in Jiaxing City, there are still more than 2,000 defenders in Jiaxing City. We only have 400 people. How can we take down a big city guarded by more than 2,000 people?!"

Ma Ye still shook his head, for Jiaxing City, he is not daring at the moment, without him, there are too few soldiers.

"Brother Ma, if, I said, if all our soldiers and horses enter Jiaxing City, are we confident in dealing with more than 2,000 people?"

Xu Hai asked.

"If you can enter Jiaxing City and fight against more than 2,000 people, hehe, that will be worthwhile. Judging from the quality of Jiaxing soldiers tonight, the defenders in Jiaxing City are also a bunch of local chickens and dogs. They can rival our four hundred hungry wolves, and they will be vulnerable if they fight against each other!"

Ma Ye grinned. If he can enter the city, he has full confidence. The battle just now gave him great confidence.

"Hehe, Brother Ma, I have an idea. The Jiaxing soldiers we captured who went to Yangchengwei for help this time, this is our first opportunity! We can pretend to be the vanguard of Yangchengwei's reinforcements, take these Jiaxing soldiers, Going to Jiaxing City to cheat the city, I think we have a great chance to succeed."

"The magistrate of Jiaxing City is a coward who is trying to gain fame and reputation, and he is as cowardly as a mouse. He will probably rush to open the door for us."

Xu Hai came slowly, with a pair of eyes like hungry wolves staring wildly in the direction of Jiaxing City in the distance.

"Brother Xu, it's not easy to pretend to be the reinforcements of the Yangcheng Guards. How can we disguise ourselves with our current outfits?"

Ma Ye pointed to a group of Japanese pirates and smiled wryly.

At first glance, they were Japanese pirates. The clothes they were wearing were ordinary uniforms and Japanese uniforms. They were tattered, burned by fire, and soaked in water. They looked like Japanese pirates who were defeated in the city of Suzhou.

"Hehe, I'm not afraid of this. Just now I got a message from the captives. Not far from here, there is a town called 'Changping Town' more than ten miles away. There is a small iron mine in the town. In order to protect this small iron mine, the Ming court is in Then a Hundred Households Office was set up, named Changping Office. If it was full, there would be 112 guards, but in fact, there were less than 50 people in Changping Office, and half of them were old guards. Weak and disabled"

Xu Hai pointed to the east direction and said to Ma Ye.

Ma Ye's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Brother Xu, you mean we want to take down the Changping Police Station and take its military uniform for camouflage."

"Hahaha, Brother Ma, who knows me. That's right, that's exactly what I thought. The Changping Station is more than ten miles away from us. Let's select more than 20 elites, put on the uniforms of the Jiaxing soldiers, sneak into the Changping Station first, and then catch them by surprise. , Sudden killer, you can take down the Changping office in one fell swoop, half an hour is enough to take down the Changping office from now on the road, and it will take more than an hour if we pretend to be the Ming army and dare to go to Jiaxing City."

"Think about it, Yangchengwei is 30 miles away from here. Jiaxing soldiers ride horses to ask for reinforcements, and Yangchengwei sends troops to support Jiaxing. This time and again, it is estimated that it will take an hour for Yangchengwei's reinforcements to reach Jiaxing City."

"The timing is just right."

"Hahaha, God helped me too."

After Xu Hai analyzed it, he burst out laughing.

Ma Ye closed her eyes and pondered.

"Brother Ma, as long as we take Jiaxing City, not only can we get the riches in Jiaxing City, but also the rascals, opportunists, profit-seekers, money-grubbers, and criminals in Jiaxing City. Those who are dissatisfied with the status quo, etc., etc., we can easily gather tens of thousands of people."

"The soldiers and horses we lost under Suzhou City can be replenished in Jiaxing City; the face we lost under Suzhou City can be regained in Jiaxing City, and our reputation can shake Jiangnan!"

"If you cheat to open the city gate, we will go! If you can't cheat the city gate, at worst, we will slap our ass and leave."

Xu Hai is persuasive and persuasive.


Ma Ye opened his eyes and gritted his teeth hard.

"Hahaha, we brothers are of one heart, and our benefits can cut through gold. Jiaxing City is nothing, it must be in our pocket!"

Xu Hai put his arms around Ma Ye's shoulders and laughed wantonly. (end of this chapter)

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