Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1906 Comeback

Magistrate Zhao and the others were tied up in a bunch by the Japanese pirates like pigs, and were driven to the prisoner concentration area without dignity.

"Old guy, walk faster!"

When a Japanese pirate saw Magistrate Zhao walking slowly, he stepped up and kicked Magistrate Zhao so hard that he fell to the ground like a dog and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Old man, don't waste time, get up quickly!" The Japanese pirate waved his scabbard, cursing, and wanted to give Magistrate Zhao a few more hard blows.

"Damn it, that's our Lord, please be respectful." Chief Zhang, who was also captured, couldn't help shouting. If Magistrate Zhao's identity was not exposed at this time, Magistrate Zhao would probably suffer a lot.

In addition, Magistrate Zhao is not a rude person. Magistrate Zhao likes to play the role of being close to the people and has a strong sense of presence in front of the soldiers.

Most of the defenders on the city wall recognized Magistrate Zhao's appearance. After Magistrate Zhao was captured, it was impossible to conceal his identity.

Since his identity would have to be revealed sooner or later, it would be better to reveal his identity now so that Magistrate Zhao would suffer less punishment.

"What, you said this old guy is the prefect, hahahaha, I just said, are there any big fish among you? Hahahaha, we really deserve to be rich this time, Niu Er, stop it, have you forgotten what the leader said? , A big fish is more valuable alive, come on, let me see what the prefect looks like."

The little leader of the Japanese pirates was overjoyed when he heard what Chief Zhang said, and quickly stopped the Japanese pirate Niu Er who was wielding his scabbard.

Then, he laughed and looked at Magistrate Zhao who fell to the ground in a panic.

The soldier's uniform worn by Magistrate Zhao did not fit him well. Although his beard and hair were messy and he was in a state of embarrassment, he still had a vague aura of a superior person.

That's right.

That's right, this is the prefect.

"Hahahaha, old magistrate, get up quickly. I will take you to meet our leader and receive your reward."

The little leader of the Japanese pirates stepped forward and grabbed Magistrate Zhao, laughing and dragging him to where Xu Hai was.

"The prefect was caught by us, the prefect was caught by us"

Niu Er and other Japanese pirates dragged Chief Zhang and other prisoners and walked away triumphantly, shouting at the same time.

"Damn it, Niu Er, you guys are really lucky."

"Damn, why did you catch me, the prefect? ​​I wonder what kind of wealth the leader will reward you with."

"Tietou, Niu Er, when you receive the reward, don't forget to let the brothers open their eyes, and don't forget to invite us to drink."

The envy of the other Japanese pirates all flowed out.

"Hahaha, I can't forget it, I can't forget it. Let me tell you, we are not just lucky. We have good eyesight. As soon as we saw them trying to tie a rope and run down the city, we knew there was a big fish among them. Sure enough, there was a big fish. .”

The second-class Japanese pirates did not forget to flatter them. If they catch the prefect, their leader will definitely be promoted.

Soon, Magistrate Zhao and others were brought to Xu Hai.

Xu Hai was also overjoyed when he heard that Magistrate Zhao had been captured. However, he was cautious and interrogated Magistrate Zhao. He also captured several prisoners and identified them several times. After confirming that Magistrate Zhao was the real person, he laughed out loud. got up.

"Hahahaha, Magistrate Zhao, I have been waiting for Magistrate Zhao for a long time. Untie Magistrate Zhao quickly."

Xu Hai sat arrogantly on the chair, looked at Magistrate Zhao with a curious look, laughed and ordered his Japanese pirates to untie him.

"Governor Zhao, you see, your people on the city wall are still a bit stubborn and are resisting my army regardless of life or death. In order to save lives and kills, I would like to ask Magistrate Zhao to persuade them to put down their weapons and turn around. Otherwise, I will be safe." I'm afraid the governor will have to be ruthless and start killing people again."

After Xu Hai untied Magistrate Zhao, he smiled and patted Magistrate Zhao on the shoulder, half threatening, half persuading.

Magistrate Zhao sighed in embarrassment and nodded.

"Hahahaha, those who know the current affairs are heroes. Magistrate Zhao is worthy of being the prefect. He is the one who knows the current affairs."

Xu Hai laughed loudly when he saw this.

Under the knowledge of the current affairs of Zhao Zhifu, all the defenders on the city wall laid down their weapons and became prisoners of the Japanese pirates.

Jiaxing City also became a prisoner of Xu Hai.

After Xu Hai obtained Jiaxing City, the first thing he did was to strengthen his troops.

Xu Hai will pick out the prisoners who are officials and have them guard them. The rest of the prisoners will be gathered together. The remaining prisoners will also have several boxes filled with gold, silver and jewels plundered from the treasury, and placed in In front of a kind of captive.

"Everyone, I used to be a monk at Hupao Temple in Hangzhou. His Dharma name is 'Pu Jing'. I have accompanied the Buddha with a green lantern for more than ten years. I want to save the poor people all over the world. However, my heart is as sincere as a baby. My futon has been torn on my knees countless times. , Wooden fish have also been broken into countless pieces, but there are more and more poor people in the world, getting poorer and more miserable, selling their sons and daughters, and even the big disaster some time ago, it is not uncommon for Yizi to eat each other. "

"The governor is getting more and more confused. I have searched through the scriptures but cannot find the answer. I asked the Buddha but there is no answer."

"I completely understood that this Buddha is useless, so I smashed the Buddha statue, kicked over the incense burner, became a monk who broke the precepts, came to this world of mortals, and used my method to save the world!"

"Why, the officials, the rich, the superiors, the popular ones, the spicy drinkers, the three wives and four concubines, we have to suffer from hunger and poverty?! We can't even sleep with a woman?! Is this world just?! "

"The world is unfair, so smash it!"

"The governor became a Japanese pirate and led his brothers to conquer the country. They ate well, drank spicy food, and slept with women. They lived a very happy life."

"In today's battle, if you are not considered cowards, I will give you a chance. If you are willing to be a Japanese pirate, come forward. I will not only help you survive, but I will also accept you as brothers and share your gold, silver and jewelry with me. Together with the governor, he eats well, drinks hot food, and sleeps with women! As long as you follow me and work hard, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth in the future."

Xu Hai kicked the box full of gold and silver jewelry and spoke to the prisoner in extremely bewitching words.

Most of these prisoners came from the guards and were exploited by the generals. They almost became the generals' slaves, not to mention that they were now prisoners.

This Japanese pirate leader talks nicely. If you become a Japanese pirate, you can not only survive, but you can also share the money and enjoy the hot food.

Better to die than live.

What's more, there are not a few among them who prey on the common people and bully the market. There is no psychological burden on being Japanese pirates.

As a result, at one time, half of the people who came forward were willing to be prisoners of the Japanese pirates, while many others were still hesitant.

"Okay, very good. You are all aware of current affairs. For the rest of you, I will give you three more breaths to think about it. It will be too late to regret it by then. One, two, three. Okay, it's not too late to stand up now. "

Xu Hai gave the remaining people another chance.

Suddenly, many people stood up again, and only less than half of those who did not came forward remained.

"Okay, the time is up, let's forget the rest. I'll give you the opportunity. Who told you that you didn't use it and didn't grasp it? Now, everyone who stands up wants to be my governor's brother or become a Japanese pirate. I will give it to you. At this opportunity, as long as you pay the certificate of surrender, you will be the brothers of the governor. How to pay the certificate of surrender?! You work in pairs or groups of three to kill a prisoner who does not come forward!"

"My sons, watch them, give them both a weapon, and let them complete the declaration of surrender."

Xu Hai looked around at the prisoners who stood up, nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand and gave the order.

"Your Majesty, we are willing to be Japanese pirates, we are willing to be Japanese pirates"

When they heard that they were going to be used as a surrender, the remaining prisoners quickly knelt down and begged for mercy, shouting.

"It's too late. The opportunity has been given to you. Why don't you let yourself be useless?" Xu Hai smiled sadly.

A group of fierce Japanese pirates came forward and handed weapons to the prisoners who stood up, half threatening, half monitoring, to see them complete the declaration of surrender.

A dead Taoist friend should not die a poor Taoist. The prisoners who stood up could only grit their teeth and insert their weapons into their former comrades.

In full view of the public, after paying the petition, it was impossible to turn back, and we could only walk all the way to the dark side on the Japanese pirate road.

In this way, Xu Hai got a thousand Japanese pirates.

Then, Xu Hai and Maye split up again, going all the way to the prison to release the prisoners, and also asked them to pay the certificate of surrender and become Japanese pirates; all the way to the market streets, they collected rogues, market gangsters, ambitious people, etc., and then brought them with them. They led them to rob their homes and homes, pay their names, and become Japanese pirates.

In less than half a day, Xu Hai and Maye got eight thousand Japanese pirates.

There were mountains of weapons and armor in the Jiaxing arsenal. Xu Hai and Maye easily armed the newly attached Japanese pirates, and their strength became stronger again.

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