Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1907 Snoring to the Sky

It's still dark, and the gates of Suzhou City have just opened.

Because we had just encountered Japanese pirates, the guards at the city gate checked very strictly to prevent Japanese pirates from sneaking into the city.

"Urgent military situation, urgent military situation, get out of the way quickly, get out of the way quickly"

An orderly soldier with a flag was running all the way from outside the city, shouting and running rampant.

The people who lined up at the city gate to enter the city hurriedly evaded, and the city defenders also quickly placed flags to signal the soldiers to evacuate a way.

The journey was smooth, and soon the messenger arrived at the magistrate's office and handed over the urgent military information to Magistrate Shang.

"What, Xu Hai, the Japanese chief who was defeated in Suzhou, actually captured Jiaxing City with a few hundred defeated soldiers?! Is it true?! Although Jiaxing City is not as good as our Suzhou City, it is not much different?! What's more in the city? With a standing army of two thousand, how can a group of defeated Japanese pirates easily deceive the city and succeed?!"

After reading the emergency military information, Magistrate Shang's jaw almost dropped, and he asked the messenger in disbelief.

This news was so shocking, even magical, that he couldn't believe it could be true.

"Master Huifu, Jiaxing City has fallen into the hands of the Japanese pirates, and Magistrate Zhao has also become a prisoner of the Japanese pirates. This news was given to Xiao by the hidden Jinyi guards in Jiaxing City. It should be confirmed. Along the way, Xiao also saw it with his own eyes. There are countless people fleeing in Jiaxing. In another hour or so, it is estimated that many people will flee to Suzhou."

The ordering soldier replied truthfully.

"Okay, I understand. It's been a hard journey. Let's go down and rest. Come, take the messenger down to rest and treat him well."

Magistrate Shang nodded and ordered the messengers to go down to rest and entertain them.

After the others left, Magistrate Shang took another look at Jiaxing's emergency military situation, and he couldn't help but feel grateful.

Xu Haineng defrauded Jiaxing City with hundreds of defeated soldiers, which shows that he is not a mediocre person, but a traitor with both strength and cunning.

Now thinking about the battles of the past few days, I can't help but sweat dripping down my back. I am very happy. At that time, Xu Hai led an army of more than 40,000 Japanese pirates. You must know that Xu Hai led a few hundred remaining soldiers and defeated the generals to defraud Suzhou City. If not Zi Hou stepped in to turn the tide. Today's Jiaxing is the Suzhou of that day!

Even the prefect Zhao was captured by the Japanese pirates.


If it weren't for Zihou, I'm afraid he would have been a prisoner of the Japanese pirates.

If I were to become a prisoner of Japanese pirates, I would rather bite my tongue and commit suicide than suffer this humiliation!

Zihou, you saved my life again. Magistrate Shang thanked Zhu Pingan again and again in his heart.

After calming down, Magistrate Shang ordered several copies of the emergency military information to be submitted to Zhu Ping'an and the respective departments in Suzhou City.

Then, he ordered the city of Suzhou to be under martial law, and sent more soldiers and horses to each city gate to conduct overt and covert inspections to prevent Japanese pirates from infiltrating.

Taking into account the people fleeing from Jiaxing Prefecture, the prefect Shang also ordered households to set up porridge sheds to prepare porridge to help the refugees.

With Zhu Ping'an and the Zhejiang Army stationed in Suzhou, the prefect Shang was not worried about the Japanese pirates in Jiaxing being able to fight back.

He was no match for Zihou when he was completely victorious, and now that he has just hastily recruited thousands of desperadoes, he is no longer a match for Zihou.

When the urgent military information sent by the magistrate Shang was sent to Zhu's mansion, Zhu Ping'an was still sleeping soundly with Li Shu in his arms.

During the continuous battles in the past few days, Zhu Pingan barely slept a wink. After the Japanese pirates who invaded Suzhou were completely defeated, Zhu Pingan could finally relax and have a good sleep, not to mention the delicious smell of Li Shu by his side.

I had a very solid sleep this time, and I was still snoring loudly until the sun rose high.

Although Zhu Pingan was snoring loudly, Li Shu was sleeping soundly in Zhu Pingan's arms.

In the past few days, Zhu Pingan didn't sleep well during the battle. Li Shu was worried about Zhu Pingan's safety at home and didn't sleep well either.

Now that Zhu Pingan is back and sleeping next to him, Li Shu finally feels at ease and sleeps soundly.

It was just a pain for Qin'er who was serving in the ear room. Zhu Pingan's snoring was so loud that it almost kept her awake all night.

When she woke up in the morning, Qin'er's eyes were filled with dark circles that were almost as heavy as a treasure.

"Qin'er, are my uncle and young lady awake? Liu Dadao sent an official document from outside, saying that it was an urgent military situation from the prefect. Liu Dadao specifically said, please don't be nervous. This urgent military situation does not belong to us in Suzhou. , from Jiaxing next door."

Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, came in from outside with a letter in her hand, and asked Qin'er in a low voice.

"No, the young lady and uncle are still sleeping." Qin'er whispered.

In fact, Hua'er knew the answer without Qin'er answering.

Zhu Ping'an's loud snoring told her the answer, and her uncle was still sleeping soundly.

"Snoring so loudly, I must be exhausted from the battle a few days ago. I usually don't snore much."

Hua'er said distressedly.

Then, thinking of Li Shu, Hua'er quickly asked worriedly, "My uncle is snoring so loudly. Didn't the lady sleep well? I was worried about my uncle a few days ago and didn't sleep well at night."

"Miss slept soundly, and she hasn't woken up yet." Qin'er replied.

"Ah, how can a young lady fall asleep with such a loud snoring?" Hua'er asked with a look of disbelief on her face.

She knew that Li Shu was a light sleeper and had to be quiet when sleeping. She couldn't sleep even if there was some movement outside.

"Maybe it's because my uncle is back and the young lady is finally relieved, so she should have a good sleep." Qin'er thought for a moment.

Hua'er nodded repeatedly, "Yes, that's right. A few days ago, the young lady was worried about my uncle and couldn't sleep well. Now that my uncle is back, the young lady is relieved and can sleep well."

"Then, with this urgent military information sent by Liu Dadao, should I wake up my uncle?" Hua'er said awkwardly, "It's rare for my young lady and my uncle to sleep so soundly. I really don't want to wake up my uncle and young lady."

"Didn't Liu Dadao tell my uncle not to be nervous? This is an emergency military situation in the Jiaxing Mansion next door. Since it's from Jiaxing, it's not particularly important. It's better to let my uncle and the young lady sleep a little longer."

Qin'er thought for a while and said.

"Well, what you said makes sense. This emergency military situation is not ours." Hua'er nodded.

Just when they made up their minds to let Zhu Pingan and the others sleep a little longer, they suddenly heard the snoring in the bedroom stop.

"Is there an emergency military situation? Come on, bring it in." Zhu Pingan's voice came from the bedroom.

"Oh." Hua'er was a little annoyed that he had spoken loudly just now and woke up his uncle.

When Zhu Ping'an read the emergency military situation, his first reaction was not much better than that of Magistrate Shang, and he almost dropped his jaw in shock.

Somewhat unbelievable.

However, no matter how unbelievable it is, it is also a fact. Magistrate Shang has ensured that the emergency military information will not be wrong.

Xu Hai!

He is worthy of being the Japanese chieftain second only to Wang Zhi in history! As expected, there is no simple character who can leave his name in the book.

After being defeated in Suzhou in embarrassment, he actually took the city of Jiaxing with the help of four hundred defeated soldiers! ! ! He also captured Magistrate Shang (end of chapter)

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