Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1923 The true king calms down his anger

That evening, heavy snow fell in the capital. This was already the third snowfall since the twelfth lunar month.

"The auspicious snow heralds a good harvest, a good omen. I believe that the Holy Lord has seen the good news from Suzhou Mansion now. You will all act according to the plan tomorrow." Yan Shifan sent Yan Maoqing and others out of the room and stood at the door.

"Don't worry, we understand." Yan Maoqing and others nodded repeatedly.

"Send off to the adults for me, hold umbrellas for them, and send them off in sedan chairs." Yan Shifan said in charge.

"We'll take our leave in the East Building first. Say hello to Mr. Ge on your behalf." Yan Maoqing and others said goodbye and left.

When Yan Maoqing and others said goodbye and left Yan Mansion, Xiyuan was already covered by heavy snow.

In the Xiyuan, the eunuchs and maids were sweeping the snow inside and outside the palace with brooms in their arms. They were all as silent as a cicada. They didn't even dare to swing their brooms vigorously for fear of disturbing the Jiajing Emperor who had just lost his temper.

"These idiots don't know how to share my worries, they only want to cause trouble for me! Why should I raise them?! I might as well raise a bunch of dogs! At least the dogs know how to look after their master! They will only cause trouble for the master!"

Emperor Jiajing was wearing single clothes, standing in the main hall with open windows, and threw one memorial after another on the ground in a rage.

He had just taken the pill and was dispersing the medicine.

Huang Jin on the side was dressed a bit exaggeratedly, wearing thick cotton clothes, which was in sharp contrast to Emperor Jiajing who was in single clothes.

Seeing Emperor Jiajing's rage, Huang Jin quickly stepped forward to comfort him and said, "True Lord, calm down, because it's not worth it for them to make the dragon body so angry."

While Huang Jin was comforting Emperor Jiajing, he waved to the little eunuch who was standing beside him, gesturing for him to pick up the memorials and put them in the pile of memorials under the cases. This pile of memorials all talked about the same thing.

The young eunuch was also very discerning. When he saw Huang Jin's gesture, he bowed forward, picked up the memorials, and placed them in the pile of memorials under the desk.

"How can I not be angry!"

"The private sector minted wasteful money, reduced the size, weight, and cut corners. Only two coins of the private sector are worth one official coin. The proliferation of waste money among the people has led to rising prices. The factory guard reported to me, It used to cost one penny for a bun, but now it has more than doubled. It costs two cents to buy a bun outside the city, and even three cents to buy a bun in the city. In order to solve this problem, I ordered the Ministry of Industry to cast Hongwu, Yongle, and The coins of the nine dynasties of Hongxi, Xuande, Zhengtong, Tianshun, Chenghua, Hongzhi and Zhengde are worth one million ingots each. They are widely used in the world as official money with a heavy weight. It prohibits the misuse of money by the people and stabilizes prices. In order to be effective as soon as possible, I order the government to collect official money when collecting taxes, and to use official money to pay salaries to all civil and military officials, so that official money can be circulated throughout the world as quickly as possible."

"Don't you think I'm thinking about the people of the world?!"

"Look at what these officials are saying. They say that my policies have led to a shortage of private money, which is not enough for the people to buy and sell, and they want me to allow the circulation of misused and evil money?!"

"They said that my move would lead to the private sector imitating official money and passing it off as good quality, and would also lead to the circulation of waste money among the private sector."

"What's more, he even used this to criticize me for cultivating immortals through fasting and worshiping, and neglecting the government and the people, which resulted in the proliferation of bad money among the people, soaring prices, and the deprivation of the people!!! How dare he criticize me like this! I work hard at fasting and worshiping, for whatever reason. All the people in the world are doing it for the common people in the world!"

Emperor Jiajing became more and more angry as he talked, and finally he simply took off all his clothes on his chest, exposed half of his chest, and cursed in the cold wind outside the window.

"They don't understand the good intentions of the Holy One. Just like when the Holy One sent Mr. Zhao Wenhua to Jiangnan to worship the sea, many officials were confused and misunderstood the Holy One at that time. However, on the day of Mr. Zhao Wenhua's sacrifice to the sea, with the cooperation of Mr. Zhu Ping'an and Mr. Zhu I have achieved the first success in fighting the Japanese in the south of the Yangtze River, annihilating thousands of Japanese pirates and saving tens of thousands of people. I believe that as time goes by, they will understand the saint's good intentions."

Huang Jin lowered his head and said in relief.

"Humph, if they had understood, they would have understood it long ago! They are stubborn and stubborn. They turn a blind eye to the good things and blame all the bad things on me!"

Emperor Jiajing snorted, waved his sleeves and cursed.

Huang Jin didn't know how to comfort Emperor Jiajing. At this time, he chose the wisest approach, lowering his head and pretending to be mute.

After a while, seeing the dusk outside, Huang Jin reminded the Holy Lord, "Zhenjun, it's getting late, it's time for dinner."

"I have no appetite, so I won't eat." Emperor Jiajing waved his hand.

"Zhenjun, you haven't eaten at noon. If you don't eat at night, your body won't be able to bear it. Just eat more."

Huang Jin quickly advised.

"I'm already so angry with them! I still have the appetite to eat. If I eat by force, it will be useless to my body."

Emperor Jiajing waved his hand and said with a dark face.

On the one hand, he was indeed disturbed by these memorials. He was indeed in a bad mood and had no appetite for food. On the other hand, he had just taken the elixir and was still dispersing it. He was stimulated by the medicine and had little interest in eating. .

Huang Jin tried to persuade Emperor Jiajing again, but Emperor Jiajing waved his hands stubbornly, with a hint of anger, so Huang Jin did not dare to persuade Emperor Jiajing to eat.

"Report, Your Majesty, Wuyi Palace has sent ten memorials." A young eunuch came in with a pile of memorials to report.

Huang Jin glared at the short-sighted little eunuch with displeasure. He really didn't want to drink any pot. His Majesty was angry because of the memorial. He was so angry that he didn't even eat dinner. He originally wanted to wait for the Holy Spirit to calm down. , and then persuaded the Holy One to have a meal.

The result is good, you sent another batch of memorials!

Is this because the Holy Spirit is not angry enough? ! Is this because the Holy Spirit is not hungry enough? !

Come on.

After reading these memorials, the Holy One has no appetite for tomorrow's breakfast, let alone dinner!

You blind little brat, the Zajia family will remember you. Just wait and see how the Zajia family will deal with you in the future!

Huang Jin glared at the little eunuch again in displeasure, thinking about rescuing him, and then ordered expressionlessly, "Didn't you see that Zhenjun was converting elixirs? Take the memorial back to Wuyi Hall first, and wait until tomorrow." Come and give a preview to Zhenjun."

Why is the manager staring at me, why is he scolding me?

This is what the Holy Father once ordered. Once the Secretary of Wuyi Palace comes to submit a memorial, he must submit it for preview as soon as possible.

The little eunuch felt aggrieved, but he didn't dare to show it at all. He bowed his body, neither advancing nor retreating.

"Submit it, I want to see how they can criticize me. Do I have to blame even the heavy snowfall on me?!"

Emperor Jiajing waved his hand and asked the young eunuch to present all the memorials. He wanted to see what else these ministers had to say.

Huang Jin, who failed to rescue him, put his hand on his forehead and glared at the little eunuch again, "Baby, it's all your fault."

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