Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1924 Jiajing’s Emperor’s Mental Technique

Under Huang Jin's worried eyes, Emperor Jiajing picked up the top memorial from the young eunuch and opened it.

After just one glance, Emperor Jiajing laughed "haha".

Huang Jin couldn't help but trembled, and looked at the memorial in Emperor Jiajing's hand with bright eyes, just like a person who was about to die of thirst in the desert saw a bottle of water.

This is a memorandum written by some lord, and what great deeds he has written. His Majesty just glanced at it and smiled.

God has really shown his spirit. His Majesty can finally calm down and eat some food. Well, what kind of meal should I bring to the imperial dining room later? It’s such a snowy day and His Majesty is wearing so little. Let’s have a pot of hot mutton soup to wash it down. Let’s have some fresh side dishes from the hothouse and a pot of hot rice wine to warm up.

As for the other dishes, let the imperial dining room take care of the matching. Well, okay, we will arrange it like this later.

After Emperor Jiajing chuckled, in the blink of an eye, Huang Jin had already figured out how to order the imperial dining room to eat.

However, just when Huang Jin regained his energy, Emperor Jiajing's next words shattered his energy into pieces.

"Haha, look what, I really told you, they actually put this big snow monster on my head."

Emperor Jiajing said with a sneer.

In an instant, the temperature in the hall seemed to drop by seven or eight degrees, as if one were in an ice cellar.

Huang Jin's heart felt cold, as if he had fallen from the colorful clouds to the ground.

Damn it, this is a memorial from some bastard minister. The Miscellaneous Family thought it was a good memorial, but they didn’t expect it to make the Holy One laugh so angry. How infuriating must it be to make the Holy One laugh!

Damn it!

Even the snow outside is blamed on the Holy Spirit. I will find out which minister it is later. I must ask the factory boys to give me twelve hours a day and keep an eye on his family and elders without missing a moment. Small, including the servants in his house.

There are no truly clean people in this world, so I don’t believe that I can’t catch any dirt on you. I will make sure to make you look good when the time comes.

Huang Jin secretly made up his mind.

"This memorial says that it is freezing cold outside and there is heavy snowfall. People, especially those in the city, are rushing to stock up on meat, vegetables, rice, grain, oil and other supplies. As a result, the supply of meat, vegetables and other supplies exceeds demand, and prices continue to rise. And because I Ordering the circulation of official money and prohibiting the misuse of private money has resulted in insufficient coins on the market for private transactions, and has caused prices to soar. Look, look, you can pull anything and put it on my head!"

Emperor Jiajing threw the memorial to Huang Jin and said angrily.

Huang Jin respectfully caught the memorial thrown by Emperor Jiajing with both hands and glanced at it hastily. The content of the memorial was the same as what Emperor Jiajing said. Huang Jin looked at the author of the memorial and gave it to Liu Zui!

Liu Zui!

Okay, Zajia remembers you!

Huang Jin remembered Liu Zui, and made up his mind to let the son-in-law in the factory keep an eye on Liu Zui, his family, including the servants in his house, and dig out all the dirty information. When the time comes, give this bastard a good lesson.

"Huang Ban, what do you think I should do with him?!" Emperor Jiajing looked at Huang Jin and asked slowly.

"The true king forgives me, but I don't know." When Huang Jin heard Emperor Jiajing asking him how to deal with Liu Zui, he quickly knelt on the ground to apologize.

Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang clearly stipulated that eunuchs were not allowed to interfere in politics.

Although this rule is basically nonsense now, and although he has actually given orders on behalf of Emperor Jiajing by criticizing the red line, Huang Jin still keeps this red line in mind in front of Emperor Jiajing, at least Huang Jin will not touch it in front of Emperor Jiajing. For a high-voltage red line, every batch of red products strictly follows Emperor Jiajing's oral instructions and wishes, and will not be mixed with Huang Jin's personal ideas.

So when Emperor Jiajing asked him how to deal with Liu Zui, he knelt down to apologize.

"You guy, I just asked you to scare you." Emperor Jiajing smiled and shook his head.

"Well, didn't he say that we issue official money and prohibit the misuse of money by the private sector, resulting in insufficient coins on the market for transactions?! Then check carefully for me, how many coins are 'short' in the private market. How much is the difference, I Just give him as much official money as he wants, and if he can’t find out, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Emperor Jiajing kicked the memorandum to Huang Jin with his foot and ordered, "Let's draw up the votes. Let him check for me how many coins are 'difference' in the private market. It must be accurate and the data must be well-founded."

"Follow the decree of Lord Zhen." Huang Jin stepped forward on his knees, picked up the memorial with both hands, stood up slowly, bowed and retreated to the draft cases, picked up the red pen, and gave instructions according to Emperor Jiajing's wishes next to the memorial .

Huang Jin knew that this Liu was the most unlucky, and there was no need for factory guards to keep an eye on him for twelve hours.

Check how many coins are ‘difference’ on the market? ! It also needs to be accurate, and the data must be well-founded.

This task is too large and too difficult to investigate. It is simply an impossible task.

The Ming Dynasty had two capitals and thirteen chief secretaries. Below the chief secretary, there were government and county levels. There were as many cities as a chessboard, countless villages and towns, and tens of millions of people. Such a large territory, so many people, transactions How many coins are the difference? Where to start and how to find out? This is simply a confusing account. How can it be accurate and justified? !

He, Liu, would definitely not be able to catch this decree, and he would definitely not be able to check it out. At most, he would check it in a hazy way and come up with a confused account.

However, in this way you will be violating the will of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit wants you to be precise and well-founded.

Therefore, he, Liu, would definitely be charged with violating the holy will. Dismissal, investigation, and even expulsion from the army would not be an exaggeration.

However, he, Liu Zui, and neither the government nor the public could criticize the Holy One. Because it was you, Liu Zui, who said that His Majesty issued official money and prohibited the people from misusing money, which resulted in a shortage of money for private transactions and soaring prices.

If you say there is not enough money, then go and check how much "insufficiency" there is. Isn't this reasonable?

I believe that after this incident, no one will dare to criticize His Majesty's policy of issuing official money and prohibiting the misuse of money by the public.

Then, Emperor Jiajing opened another memorial. When he saw it, his face darkened again, and he threw it on the ground angrily.

This memorial did not explicitly say that Jiajing was wrong in fasting and cultivating religious rituals. It did not say that he spent money on fasting and practicing Taoism. Instead, it suggested that Jiajing should set aside the silver used for fasting and rituals for military pay and the national economy and people's livelihood.

"You bastard, I am holding a feast for the country, the country, and the common people! How can I be a minister if I have the highest aspirations?"

Emperor Jiajing cursed angrily.

Huang Jin, who was voting while voting, almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. Can't these ministers make the Holy One happy and have some food? ! (End of chapter)

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