Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1930 Imperial Food and Disagreement

One topic after another was discussed until lunch time came, and there were still three topics that were not finished.

"Let the imperial dining room cook something simple and pass the meal quickly. After eating, we can discuss it later." Emperor Jiajing ordered the young eunuch to go to the imperial dining room to pass the meal.

The court meeting was temporarily adjourned for lunch.

Emperor Jiajing asked the imperial dining room to make something simple, but the imperial dining room didn't dare to make it simple. If they took it seriously, they would have said goodbye to the imperial dining room long ago.

The imperial dining room didn't sit in the kitchen all day long without paying attention to worldly affairs. They also kept an eye on all directions and listened to all directions. After receiving the news that Emperor Jiajing summoned a group of ministers to hold a court meeting, they had already prepared meals for the ministers. Prepare, prepare the ingredients early, wash and cut them, start the pot early, stew the soup in the pot, mix the cold dishes in advance, and prepare the hot dishes.

As soon as the little eunuch came to pass the meal, the dozen or so royal chefs immediately opened the hot dishes with ladles, and the dishes were ready in minutes.

Soon, the delicious and fragrant imperial meals were put into food boxes and presented to the main hall by the young eunuchs.

Emperor Jiajing was also dining with the ministers in the palace.

Of course, Emperor Jiajing's imperial meal was much richer than that of his ministers. The ministers all had four simple dishes and one soup, while Emperor Jiajing had ten dishes and one soup.

The young eunuch sent a message to Huang Jin. Huang Jin nodded slightly, walked up to Emperor Jiajing, and whispered a few words.

Emperor Jiajing couldn't help but smile after hearing this, and said proudly to the ministers below, "My ministers, you must taste this bowl of noodle soup. The flour used in this bowl of noodles is the one I personally opened in Xiyuan. The wheat grown in the field is ground, and the yield per mu reaches two hundred kilograms."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I am very blessed today. I asked you why this noodle is so fragrant. Even before the servants opened the food boxes, the hall was filled with the fragrance of the noodles. It turns out that it was planted by Your Majesty."

"Suck, suck, suck. Oh, this is the most delicious bowl of noodles I have ever eaten in my entire life. It's so delicious."

"It smells really good."

After listening to Emperor Jiajing's words, all the ministers below turned on the eating and broadcasting mode. Everyone ate so deliciously and praised endlessly.

When it comes to mukbang, Yan Song ranks first. He is old and doesn't usually eat much, but he finished a big bowl in three times, five times divided by two, without even a drop of soup left.

"Your Majesty, when the discussion is over, could you please allow me to bring a bowl of noodle soup back for my old wife to have a try?"

Yan Song wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, left the table and bowed to Emperor Jiajing, licked his old face and asked for a bowl of noodle soup to take home for his wife to try.

"Haha, Wei Zhong is really a model of husband and wife's love. He never forgets his old wife. I have never heard of Aiqing taking concubines and prostitutes. It must be difficult. A bowl of noodle soup. I'm sure. I'll reward you again. Ten pounds of flour.”

Emperor Jiajing was very considerate of Yan Song. He not only approved the noodle soup Yan Song asked for, but also rewarded him with ten kilograms of flour.

Damn it, as expected of the cabinet minister, the ministers below suddenly felt that their own mukbang was too low-level, and they all wanted to imitate him.

"Forget it, you're late. I only cultivated one-third of an acre of land. In total, I harvested more than two hundred and sixty kilograms of wheat and ground two hundred kilograms of flour. I rewarded Weizhong with ten kilograms of flour. There are less than two hundred kilograms of flour left, and I still have a huge harem to support, so don’t worry about this flour."

Emperor Jiajing waved his hand to stop the ministers from asking for face.

There was a sound of pity underneath.

Soon, Emperor Jiajing finished his lunch and waved his servants to leave.

Emperor Jiajing had finished eating, but the ministers below him had not finished eating and could not eat any more, so they all asked the servants to remove the food.

Continue the discussion.

One after another, due to different camps, different departures, and different interest groups represented, on every issue, all the ministers were blushing, even if they belonged to Yan Song's party, they also competed for their interests.

The more benefits you get, the less I get; the less work you do, the more work I do.

I have to explain to the people below when I get back.

Therefore, the debate in the hall was fierce, but due to the strength of the Yan Party, both Li Mo and Xu Jie were at a disadvantage, especially Xu Jie's current behavior was still trying to please Yan Song and made concessions on some key issues. This also allowed the Yan Party to There was strength in numbers on these issues, and the issues were passed with advantage.

One after another.

By the second half of the afternoon, the topic of Japanese invasion was discussed.

"Regarding the current Japanese invasion, if you, ministers, have any opinions, there is no need to hide them, speak openly. No matter what you say, no matter whether it is right or wrong, I will forgive you." Emperor Jiajing made a tune, allowing the ministers to speak freely.

"The Japanese invaders have no other choice but to strike hard, encircle and suppress them with heavy troops, and kill all the Japanese pirates so that they will not dare to covet our dynasty."

Officials from the Ministry of War were the first to speak.

"It's easy for you to say, how to strike hard and how to kill all the Japanese pirates. The Japanese invasion has already started in the Puppet Yuan Dynasty. When the Ming Dynasty was established, the Japanese invasion emerged in endlessly and has not been eradicated. In our dynasty, it has become more and more serious. So far, it has It has been hundreds of years. If it had been easier to eradicate it, it would have been eradicated long ago, so why would it cause the current troubles?"

Officials immediately retorted.

"Master Ma, how do you think we should solve the Japanese problem?" the official from the Ministry of War said unconvinced.

"We cannot just attack with heavy blows. The Japanese pirates have been going on for hundreds of years, and it has been proved that the Japanese pirates cannot be killed cleanly. We should use suppression and appeasement at the same time, pull out some and hit some." The official proposed to suppress and appease in parallel.

"Why are the Japanese pirates invading our southeast? They are just seeking money. Why don't we open a sea ban and allow sea trade? If we can get wealth through sea trade, why do we lick blood and risk our lives to do what the Japanese pirates do?"

Another official took this opportunity and boldly proposed the idea of ​​lifting the maritime ban and allowing maritime trade.

However, he was interrupted as soon as he finished speaking, "I'm confused, it's not that the sea ban caused the Japanese pirates, but that there were more Japanese pirates along the coast, and we only imposed the sea ban. Mr. Wang, you are putting the cart before the horse!".

"Did the Pseudo-Yuan Dynasty have a sea ban? No! Then did they have Japanese pirates? The answer is yes!"

"The Japanese pirates' chaos was in the Japanese country. The Japanese pirates were torn apart and wars were raging everywhere. The defeated Japanese warlords were Japanese pirates, the displaced Japanese slave people were Japanese pirates, and the Japanese warlords who lacked military expenditures were also Japanese pirates..."

"The only way to deal with them is to kill them, one by one, a pair by a pair, until they dare not come again!"

"Japanese pirates plundered the people, burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil. They were no different from animals. I am in court, how can I make peace with animals!!"

"This is use, just like the Song Dynasty used Song Jiang to win over them and make them bite other Japanese pirates, causing them both to lose. When the Japanese pirates subsided, it was not a matter of words whether to kill or behead them."

A group of officials had different views on how to deal with the Japanese invasion, and the arguments turned into a pot of porridge. (End of chapter)

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