Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1931 Impeachment of Zhu Pingan

When everyone was debating whether to use both suppression and appeasement or to eliminate them all at once, Xu Jie stood up and spoke.

"Whether we use both suppression and appeasement, or eradicate them all at once, the Japanese invasion in Jiangnan must be dealt with in every possible way. Jiangnan is our food bag and money bag. Every day the Japanese invasion lasts, the food supply and tax supply in Jiangnan will be affected. This not only affects Jiangnan, but also affects the overall situation of our Ming Dynasty, affecting the whole body. For example, to solve the problem of northern captives, we need food, grass, and soldiers' wages. Where do the food, grass, and soldiers' wages come from? Most of them come from Jiangnan. Jiangnan is affected, and the north is affected. All the captives will be affected, so we must not delay any longer. We must cut the knot quickly and resolve the Japanese invasion in the south of the Yangtze River as quickly as possible." Xu Jie interrupted everyone's endless debate and said without any doubt.

"Mr. Xu Ge, you are always in the capital. You don't know about the Japanese situation in the south of the Yangtze River. The Japanese pirates are so fierce that one is worth ten. A few months ago, more than a hundred Japanese pirates roamed for more than a thousand miles and killed thousands of our officers and soldiers. This is a good example. In addition, the Japanese pirates crossed Coming from the sea, there is no trace to follow, and there are stubborn traitors who follow the Japanese to serve as their eyes and ears. The real and fake Japanese add up to more than 100,000 people, and the number is getting more and more. Solve it quickly," the Ministry of War official retorted.

He is a member of the Yan Party. Although Xu Jie obeyed Mr. Yan Ge during this period, most people within the Yan Party still habitually suppressed Xu Jie.

They were still wary of Xu Jie, Xia Yan's disciple.

Xia Yan was tortured to death by Mr. Yan Ge and the others. Xia Yan was Xu Jie's mentor. As the saying goes, once a teacher is always a father, the hatred of killing his father is irreconcilable. Who knows if Xu Jie will avenge Xia Yan? ? !

Yan Ge is the elder, relatively speaking, Xu Jie is much younger. To put it bluntly, Yan Ge has passed away. As the second minister of the cabinet, Xu Jie became the chief minister of the cabinet in one fell swoop and took control of the government. .

As members of the Yan Party, Xia Yan's death was inseparable from them, and Yan Ge and his son had been working as mischief for so many years. If Xu Jie became the chief minister and liquidated the Yan Party, they would not be able to escape.

As for Xu Jie's obedience to Mr. Yan Ge during this period, who knows whether he is really obedient or whether he is just trying to take advantage of others.

They don't want to gamble.

It's better to get Xu Jie down and replace it with his own insurance.

Therefore, most people within the Yan Party still focused on suppressing Xu Jie.

Of course, there are also some members of the Strict Party who advocate wooing and absorbing. After all, the Strict Party has a big deal, cannot unify its ideas, and there are also hilltop factions within it.

"Japanese pirates are fierce, one is worth ten?! Is it difficult to solve the Japanese invasion in Jiangnan quickly?!" Before Xu Jie could speak, Emperor Jiajing on the dragon throne spoke displeasedly, "Huang Ban, read them the good news from Suzhou."

Of course Emperor Jiajing wanted to quickly solve the Japanese invasion of Jiangnan. The entire Ming Dynasty was his private property. Jiangnan was an important area for taxation, money and food. Affected by the Japanese invasion, the tribute taxes paid by Jiangnan had been continuously reduced.

As Xu Jie said, the influence of Jiangnan affects the whole body. The reduction of taxes in Jiangnan leads to difficulties in the supply of soldiers' wages and food in border towns, which makes it difficult to deal with the northern captives, which leads to insufficient money and food for disaster relief, and so on.

In addition, his private treasury has also shrunk significantly.

The purchase of items used in fasting rituals, such as ambergris, pearls, talisman paper, etc., is greatly affected.

Therefore, Emperor Jiajing is now eager to quickly solve the Japanese problem in Jiangnan so that Jiangnan can quickly restore hematopoiesis.

"My lords, the Zajia family will now begin to read out the news of Suzhou Prefecture's victory. Sir, please listen carefully."

After Emperor Jiajing gave the order, Huang Jin began to read out the victory report of Suzhou Prefecture.

At this moment, the ministers who are qualified to stand in the hall are all important members of the court, and they all know the good news about Suzhou Prefecture.

It was not enough. Even though they had known it in advance, after Huang Jin read it out, everyone still couldn't help but talk among themselves.

"Such a successful report from Suzhou Prefecture is very different from the war reports from various places in the south of the Yangtze River for several years. I can't help but doubt its authenticity."

Under the hint of Yan Maoqing's eyes, a strict party official stood up first and questioned the authenticity of Suzhou Prefecture's victory report.

"Yes, a few months ago, more than a hundred Japanese pirates roamed for more than a thousand miles, killing and wounding thousands of our officers and soldiers. The battle reports from various places showed that the Japanese pirates were unstoppable and they lost troops and generals one after another. Zhu Pingan's Zhejiang army only had 2,000 men. How could he do that? Even with such great results, they couldn’t kill tens of thousands of pigs.”

"Everywhere else we lost troops and generals, but Suzhou won and more than 30,000 Japanese pirates were annihilated. There is obviously something wrong with this victory report."

"The news of success in Suzhou Prefecture is too exaggerated and must be false."

For a time, many strict party officials in the palace spoke in agreement, saying that there was something wrong with the Suzhou Prefecture's good news, and there was a big problem.

"Your Majesty, I am impeaching Zhu Ping'an, deputy envoy of the Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Department, and the prefect of Suzhou for maintaining false positive reports and deceiving Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, I am impeaching Zhu Ping'an, the deputy envoy of the Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Department, for deceiving his superiors and his subordinates. The reported 40,000 battle merits are most likely due to his killing a good person and taking credit for it."

"Suzhou Magistrate Shang Wei only reported his contribution to the defense of the city. There is no problem with his contribution to the defense of the city. The problem is that Zhu Ping'an, deputy envoy of the Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Department, reported his contribution to the annihilation of nearly 40,000 Japanese pirates. This problem is huge! A mere 2,000 new soldiers who had been recruited for less than half a year were able to achieve a great victory against more than 40,000 Japanese pirates. How realistic is this? There must be fiction in it, and Zhu Ping'an's crime is extremely serious!"

"I impeach Zhu Ping'an for deceiving the court, deceiving the Holy Emperor, and committing the crime of deceiving the emperor. I request that Zhu Ping'an be severely punished and put an end to this trend of falsely reporting military achievements! Nip this trend in its bud. Now that the Japanese invasion is raging in Jiangnan, if If other officials followed Zhu Pingan's false report, then Jiangnan's political arena was ruined by Zhu Pingan! Wouldn't it be that he condoned the Japanese pirates and let them go wild, making the Japanese invasion of Jiangnan even more difficult to deal with!"

Then many, many strict Party officials stood up and petitioned to impeach Monk Zhu Pingan, mainly Zhu Pingan.

Some of them interceded for Shang Wei, saying that Shang Wei only avenged the defense of the city, so there should be no problem. It was Zhu Ping'an who fabricated the merits of wiping out 40,000 Japanese soldiers. Based on this, Shang Wei was excerpted and only Zhu Ping'an was impeached.

"Haha, back then Zhu Pingan impeached Zhao Daying for killing a good man and taking credit for his crimes. Unexpectedly, just a short time later, he, Zhu Pingan, has become the kind of person he hates. He despises Zhao Daying and impeaches Zhao Daying. How ironic it is to become Zhao Daying!"

"Your Majesty, for the sake of the tens of thousands of innocent people in Jiangnan who were killed by him for taking advantage of his merits, I request that Zhu Ping'an be hunted and killed to comfort the souls of the innocent people in heaven, to calm the anger of the people in Jiangnan, and to kill the trend of fabricating military exploits!"

For a time, there were endless voices in the hall to impeach Zhu Pingan, and memorials to impeach Zhu Pingan came like snowflakes one after another, demanding that Zhu Pingan be severely punished. (End of chapter)

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