Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1932 Zhu Pingan is summoned

Amidst the sound of impeachment like snowflakes, Xu Jie glanced at the censor Guo Kui who was standing next to him, and Guo Kui immediately stood up.

"My lords, you are impeaching Zhu Ping'an for killing a good man and taking merit, impeaching him for deceiving the court, deceiving the Holy Emperor, and impeaching him for falsely claiming military exploits. Impeach him for so many crimes. I wonder if there are any witnesses, material evidence, or documentary evidence? Today, the Holy Ming Dynasty, the Qing Ming Dynasty, cannot just Just based on your words, you can accuse a meritorious person who has just made great achievements of so many crimes! Your Excellencies don’t want the unwarranted tragedy of Fengbo Pavilion in the Southern Song Dynasty to happen again, do you?”

After Guo Kui stood up, he first bowed his hands to the impeachment officials, and then raised questions about their impeachment.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that we framed him?! Evidence?! Isn't the evidence obvious? How many years ago, has there been a war in the south of the Yangtze River to destroy thousands of Japanese?! It was only a sea victory, and it was only more than a thousand That's all, but the victory of Jihai was achieved by the hard work of more than 10,000 soldiers and horses. Zhu Pingan had only 2,000 soldiers and horses in the Suzhou defense battle. Two thousand soldiers fought against more than 40,000 Japanese pirates. A great victory that wiped out 40,000 Japanese?! Do you think it’s possible? Is it realistic?!”

"You want evidence?! His good news is clear evidence! His good news is the best evidence!"

"He just didn't bring it upon himself!"

Officials from the Ministry of War first faced Guo Kui and refuted it loudly, directly saying that Zhu Ping'an's good news was the best evidence.

"That's right, wiping out 40,000 Japanese troops is so ridiculous! There is a limit to false claims of military exploits. He, Zhu Ping'an, is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. His false claims of military exploits have been blown to the sky! I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"More than shameless, he has a human face and an animal heart. He is so ruthless and inhumane. Behind the false report of 40,000 military achievements, it is inevitable to kill the good and take the merit. How many poor innocent people finally escaped the Japanese pirates, but they did not escape Zhu Pingan's black hands!"

"I request that Zhu Pingan and Shang Weili be summoned to the capital. They will be severely punished, but Shang Wei will just pay it back. There is no problem with the merits of defending the city. He is just accomplices for Zhu Pingan. If he candidly testify against Zhu Pingan, he can be given a lighter sentence. "

"At a time when the Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River are becoming more and more serious, Zhu Pingan must be severely punished to prevent this unhealthy trend from growing. If Zhu Pingan is not severely punished and false claims of military exploits are made, this will add fuel to the fire for the Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River."

Then, several ministers stood up one after another to support the officials of the Ministry of War and demanded that Zhu Pingan be severely punished.


"My lords, we have never achieved such a great victory before, so Zhu Ping'an's achievement of such a great victory is a false claim for military exploits?!"

"No one has done it before, but now Zhu Pingan has done it, so he is fake?!"

"There are countless first times in this world. Isn't it rare that every first time is fake?!"

"My lords, are you so wise?"

After hearing what everyone said, Censor Guo Kui chuckled, and refuted everyone's refutations one by one.

He is a royal censor, and all his skills lie in his words, and he is not guilty of fighting with others with his words.

"You are so smart. Two thousand Zhejiang troops not only defeated more than 40,000 Japanese pirates, but also annihilated 40,000 Japanese pirates?! Do you think it's normal?!"

"Guo Kui, did you accept Zhu Ping'an's donation and tell lies for him with your eyes open?"

"As the censor, it's fine if you don't impeach Zhu Ping'an, but you still speak for Zhu Ping'an. It's really that you are not seeking political power in your position, and you are still working as a coward. Guo Kui, you are in vain as the censor, we want to impeach you too. !”

"Guo Kui, you don't understand military affairs, you'd better keep your mouth shut! Don't play tricks on others, don't use a sword in front of Guan Gong! Two thousand defeated forty thousand, and annihilated 40,000 Japanese. I haven't heard such a funny joke in a long time!"

When all the officials heard that Guo Kui said that they were so wise, they couldn't help but became angry and started attacking Guo Kui one after another.

"My lords, I don't understand military affairs, but I understand history! The less can't win against the many, and the weak can't be strong?! There are many examples in history of defeating the many with less, and the weak defeating the strong. The Battle of Feishui, The army of the former Qin Dynasty was 800,000 strong, but the force of the whip was cut off. The Eastern Jin Dynasty only had 80,000 soldiers and horses. As a result, the army of the former Qin Dynasty was completely defeated, and Fu Jian was also killed. In the battle of Guandu at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao's army was 20,000. , Yuan Shao's army was 100,000, but in the end, Cao Cao burned Wuchao and won by surprise. Yuan's army was in chaos and was immediately defeated by Cao Cao. In the Battle of Julu, the overlord of Chu had tens of thousands of soldiers, and the famous generals of Qin, Zhang Han and Wang Li, had 400,000 soldiers. As a result, Well, the overlord of Chu broke the cauldron and destroyed the boat, defeated the Qin army in one fell swoop, annihilated Wang Li's army, and made an forced landing at Zhang Han; there is also the classic Three Kingdoms Battle of Chibi, Liu Bei and Sun Quan allied forces of 50,000, Cao Cao's army of 200,000, and the result was that the iron rope connected the boat and burned Chibi. , Cao Cao was defeated and took Huarong Road, and luckily escaped with his life."

"There are so many examples in history where the weak defeated the strong and the small defeated the large. Why couldn't Zhu Ping'an kill 20,000 with 2,000?!"

The imperial censor Guo Kui remained calm despite being besieged by everyone. He cited four classic examples in history of defeating the large with the small and the weak defeating the strong.

"Zhu Ping'an's army only has two thousand troops. Is there any example in history where two thousand troops were used to fight tens of thousands?!"

"Two thousand people are too few. The number of troops must reach at least ten thousand to be able to fight. Only then can we have the possibility of defeating the many with the few and the weak defeating the strong!"

"That is, no matter how strong an army is, it must have a base of troops. A strong army has always been said to be invincible if it reaches 10,000. It must at least reach 10,000 to be invincible!"

Officials from the Ministry of War took the lead, followed by other officials, seizing the point where Zhu Pingan's troops were too few and launching a counterattack.

"That's enough! This is in front of the imperial court, not in the vegetable market. Don't argue anymore. We can't find out if it's true or false." Li Mo, who had been watching from the sidelines, saw that the two sides were arguing in front of the imperial court just like the vegetable market. He couldn't bear it. He endured and reprimanded everyone, "If it is true that there is a lie, then I will punish you severely without giving you any credit!"

After finishing speaking, Li Mo added, "If you really achieve extraordinary achievements, just agree on the reward!"

Speaking of which, Li Mo actually has complicated feelings towards Zhu Ping'an.

At first, Li Mo had no good impression of Zhu Pingan, thinking that he was a strict party member, and even reprimanded Zhu Pingan. Later, he found out that he was not a strict party member, and even impeached a member of the strict party. However, Li Mo's attitude towards Zhu Pingan was not the same. It got better, or even worse, because Zhu Ping'an's "Houhei Xue" was circulated.

In Li Mo's view, although there are many strict parties, they are still numerous. However, once the thick black school is developed, the thick black shameless school can educate thousands of Yansong, causing harm for ten years, a hundred years or even a thousand years!

Later, the incident of Yang Jisheng's memorial happened, and Li Mo's feelings towards Zhu Pingan became slightly better.

Later, Zhu Pingan was demoted to Jingnan, and he made a comeback step by step through military exploits and meritorious service. Li Mo's feelings about Zhu Pingan became better again.

However, after hearing the news today about the great victory in Suzhou and the victory of 2,000 to 40,000, Li Mo's attitude became complicated again.

This good news is just as everyone in the Yan Party said, it is too unbelievable and too questionable.

If Zhu Pingan lied about his military exploits, then his previous military exploits would be equally questionable.

In this way, Zhu Ping'an lived up to his profound academic achievements.

This kind of person is something Li Mo hates deeply.

However, if Zhu Pingan really wins a big victory, then Zhu Pingan is still a talent worth saving. (End of chapter)

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