Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1934 Yan Song’s proposal

"Everything has been said by Mr. Xu Ge, what else can I say? However, words are pale in front of the facts. It is true that several people, including Zhao Wenhua, are also Zhu Pingan's nominal teachers, but Zhu Pingan and them Our relationship with Mr. Xu Ge is far less close than with Mr. Xu Ge; if Zhu Ping’s successful report is false, then Mr. Xu Ge’s submission of Zhu Ping’s letter to the Holy Sage is, to a certain extent, helping Zhu Ping’an to deceive the Holy Sage.”

Yan Maoqing was worthy of being a high-ranking official of the Strict Party. After Xu Jie finished speaking, he was silent for a few seconds and then continued his criticism.

"That's enough, Wei Zhong, what do you have to say?"

Emperor Jiajing, who was sitting on the dragon throne, waved his hand to stop Yan Maoqing and others from continuing to criticize, and asked Yan Song for his opinion.

"Going back to your Majesty, through the debate just now, it can be seen that everyone has different opinions and opposing views on the Suzhou victory. The veteran is worried that the case of Zhang Tianxiang and Wang Xianchen during the Hongzhi period will happen again, and is worried that the results of the factory guard's verification will not convince the public."

Yan Song bowed his hands in salute to Emperor Jiajing and said with a bow.

What Yan Song mentioned about Zhang Tianxiang and Wang Xianchen refers to what happened during the Hongzhi period of Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty.

In the seventeenth year of Hongzhi, Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty received the good news from Liaodong, which was jointly signed by Zhu Xiu, the eunuch of Liaodong, Yang Yu, the governor's minister, and Zhang Nai, the governor's censor.

The three people reported the victory, saying that in December of the 16th year of Hongzhi, thieves from Taining's three guards invaded Ruichang Fort at night, shot and wounded the Jianzhou tribute mission, and plundered cattle, horses and other tribute items. Zhang Tianxiang, the commander of Ningyuan Prefecture, heard the news and led his army to pursue them all the way. They caught up at Waitou Mountain and fought with the bandits of Taining's three guards. Twenty-seven people were killed. The bandits of Taining's three guards were defeated and fled. Zhang Tianxiang led his army. Chasing all the way, eleven more bandits were killed in the pursuit map, and all the tributes plundered by the bandits were taken back.

Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty received the good news, and Long Yan was overjoyed. He was personally commended and greatly rewarded Zhang Tianxiang and others.

At this point, everyone is happy and it has come to an end.

However, a few days later, the censor Wang Xianchen issued a letter of impeachment, causing a 180-degree reversal in the matter.

The truth behind Wang Xianchen’s impeachment memorial is:

The people of Taining Sanwei came to Ningyuan and asked Ningyuan guard Zhang Tianxiang for the broken words, tea and other things necessary for Taining Sanwei's life. Zhang Tianxiang learned from them that the Jianzhou tribute mission was nearby.

In order to claim credit, Zhang Tianxiang ordered people from the Jianzhou Mission to be shot and wounded, slandering that it was someone from the Taining Sanwei who did it. Later, Zhang Tianxiang pretended to pursue the thieves of the Three Taining Guards. During the "pursuit", he massacred a village, beheaded the villagers, and passed their heads off as those of the Taining Three Guards thieves.

Report meritorious service to the imperial court in the name of a great victory.

Zhang Tianxiang not only killed good people and took credit, but also deceived the court and deceived the emperor.

As soon as Wang Xianchen's impeachment memorial came out, Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty was extremely concerned and ordered the Jin Yiwei to verify the truth. The Jin Yiwei went to Ningyuan and quickly found out the truth. Zhang Tianxiang had indeed killed good people and taken credit for his crimes, deceived the court and deceived the emperor.

As a result, Zhang Tianxiang was arrested and imprisoned for questioning, and died in prison.

Logically speaking, the matter should have come to an end at this point, but there was still another organization in the Ming Dynasty, Dongchang.

Dongchang conducted a secret investigation. After the investigation, it was discovered that the reason why Wang Xianchen learned about Zhang Tianxiang's killing of Liang Liang and taking merit was because an officer named Zhang Mao from Ningyuan and his son Zhang Qin reported to Wang Xianchen.

This Zhang Mao is also related to Zhang Tianxiang. He is the brother-in-law of Zhang Tianxiang's grandfather, that is, Zhang Tianxiang's uncle. Because of family interests, there was a conflict between him and Zhang Tianxiang, so he reported Zhang Tianxiang.

As the censor, Wang Xianchen did not find out the relationship and conflicts between Zhang Mao and Zhang Tianxiang, so he used Zhang Mao's confession and the evidence he provided.

Dongchang also investigated and found that Wang Xianchen had climbed a certain mountain in Ningyuan while investigating the case, and was suspected of touring the mountains and rivers.

Finally, we came to the conclusion that Zhang Mao and his son were using personal vendetta to falsely accuse Zhang Tianxiang to retaliate, and the censor Wang Xianchen and others were also falsely accusing Zhang Tianxiang.

After Ming Xiaozong received the conclusion of Dongchang's investigation, he was very angry. He thought that Wang Xianchen and others had fabricated facts to frame the border generals, and severely punished Wang Xianchen and others.

At this point, Zhang Tianxiang's case has ushered in another 180-degree reversal, which is also the final outcome.

Over and over again, although the case is closed, the hearts of the people are not yet settled.

So far, the government and the public have different opinions on this case. Many people believe that Zhang Tianxiang did kill good people and falsely reported military merits, and deceived the court and the emperor. Some people think that Zhang Tianxiang did indeed perform meritorious services.

"What's Wei Zhong's opinion on this?" Emperor Jiajing asked again.

"In order to convince the public of the verification results, I suggest that Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment and other departments also send people to Suzhou to jointly verify with the factory guards. In this way, the verification results will naturally convince the public." Yan Song suggested.

When Yan Maoqing heard this, his eyes lit up, Yan Ge was really tall.

We don’t know who the factory guards secretly sent by the Holy Spirit to Suzhou for verification, but Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment and other yamen, their strict party has the initiative, and they can send their own people to Suzhou to participate in the investigation.

Once you participate in the investigation, there is a lot of room for maneuver.

The evidence that is good for Zhu Pingan can be destroyed, and the evidence that is unfavorable to Zhu Pingan is not available, but it can be there.

"What do you think?" Emperor Jiajing asked everyone.

"I second the proposal." Yan Maoqing and others naturally agreed with Yan Song's suggestion. They couldn't wait to raise their hands and feet in approval.

Then there is Xu Jie.

"Old Yan Ge's opinion is mature and prudent, and I have no objection." Under the eyes of everyone, Xu Jie also agreed with Yan Song's proposal.

This did not surprise everyone.

After all, during this period of time, Xu Jie was very obedient to Yan Song. Xu Jie had no objection to Yan Song's words.

Everyone in the palace unanimously agreed with Yan Song's opinion, and Emperor Jiajing had no objection. He nodded and said, "Okay, then the cabinet will decide on the candidates and go." Before he could finish speaking, he heard "report" coming from outside the palace. .

There are many guards outside the meeting hall, and there are layers of interceptions. If you are allowed to go inside to report, something big must have happened.

"Xuan come in." Emperor Jiajing suspended Lianhe's order to send personnel to Suzhou for verification and ordered the guard at the entrance of the hall.

When the person who reported the report entered the hall, Huang Jin, who was waiting in front of Emperor Jiajing, couldn't help but let out a surprised sound.

"What's wrong with Huang Ban?" Emperor Jiajing noticed that Huang Jin, who had always been steady, lost his composure and asked curiously.

"Going back to the Holy Spirit, kneeling under the hall is Zhao Ang from a hundred households in the East Factory. He is one of the factory guards sent by the old slave to Suzhou for verification. The old slave clearly sent them to Suzhou for verification. He should be on his way to Suzhou. Why did a man come back to the capital? Is there anything else to report?" Huang Jin quickly explained, and then asked for drunkenness. "When I saw him, the old slave couldn't help but be a little surprised. He lost his temper before the emperor, and asked the emperor to punish him." (End of this chapter)

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