Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1935 Although he sacrificed himself as a prisoner, he proved himself guilty

"Zhao Baihu, I asked you to go to Suzhou to verify the Suzhou victory. Why did you come back? Is there anything important to report?"

At Emperor Jiajing's nod, Huang Jin stepped forward and asked Zhao Ang, who was kneeling in the center of the hall.

"Replying to the Holy Majesty, the Governor, all your lords, the humble ministers and others rushed to Suzhou overnight. On the way, they passed by the Tianjin Guard Station and learned that a Suzhou general and his entourage were escorting Japanese pirate prisoners and their heads to the capital to present their prisoners.

Hearing this, we immediately remembered that when we rushed to the outskirts of the capital last night, we encountered a group of people camping outside a village. This team may be the generals who were captured by Suzhou. Therefore, Wang Qianhu specially ordered his subordinates to return and review the matter, and they continued to rush to Suzhou for verification.

Beizhi returned to the capital. Due to the huge momentum of Suzhou's offering of prisoners, Beizhi found out their whereabouts as soon as he returned to the capital. Soon he found the Suzhou generals and his party who came to the capital to offer prisoners. The Japanese pirate prisoners and heads were basically true. Because the matter was serious, I did not dare to delay and came back to report it as soon as possible. "

Zhao Ang knelt on the ground, cupped his fists and reported.

Zhao Ang's words hit the hall like a comet, causing everyone in the hall to burst into noise.

"What? Suzhou prisoners and heads are here?"

"They even presented Japanese pirate prisoners and their heads?"

"No, could it be that Suzhou really achieved a great victory against the Japanese that is rare in a century, and they all came to the capital to offer prisoners?"

"Offer prisoners? How many years have it been since I came to the capital to offer prisoners? The last time I offered prisoners was during the reign of the late Emperor Zhengde, when Mr. Yangming defeated King Ning and offered prisoners. Zhu Ping'an and others from Suzhou were so virtuous that they also came to the capital to offer prisoners. ."

There was a lot of discussion in the hall, especially Yan Dang and others, who were caught off guard by the news that Suzhou Prefecture had offered prisoners.

Unexpectedly, Suzhou came to offer prisoners.

If Suzhou dares to come to the capital to offer prisoners, it must have some real materials that can withstand investigation before it dares to offer prisoners.

Is the Suzhou victory real? !


The great victory in Suzhou was such a glorious victory that had never happened in a century. It was a great victory that would leave its name in history.

Zhu Ping'an only had 2,000 Zhejiang troops, not 20,000. How could he achieve such a brilliant victory? !


Absolutely impossible!

This is unacceptable to everyone in the strict party.

"Zhao Baihu, I want to ask you, how many Japanese prisoners were taken by the Suzhou government?" Yan Maoqing couldn't help but ask.

"Back to my lord, I have humbled myself. I have also checked with General Liu, the person in charge of the prisoner collection in Suzhou. A total of 482 Japanese prisoners were captured during this trip to Suzhou. Five of them were killed on the way. There are now 477 Japanese prisoners left. ."

Zhao Baihu replied immediately.

"Hahaha, there are only 477 Japanese prisoners. Suzhou's victory was enough to annihilate nearly 40,000 Japanese pirates. There are 477 Japanese prisoners. How can you prove that Suzhou is a great victory?!"

When Yan Maoqing heard that Suzhou and his party had captured a total of 477 Ming Japanese pirates, he immediately grasped the loophole of Suzhou's great victory, laughed out loud, and self-righteously unveiled the fig leaf of Suzhou's great victory.

Yan Maoqing's words immediately started the mockery of everyone in the Yan Party, and many people immediately started to follow the rhythm.

"That's right, for a great victory of 40,000 people, only more than 400 prisoners were brought. The gap is too big."

"Not only is the gap too big, it's like one is in the sky and the other is below. The difference is a hundred times. It's so ridiculous."

"This sacrifice of prisoners directly proves that there is something behind the Suzhou victory! The Suzhou victory was a false report! Otherwise, why would only 400 Japanese pirates offer prisoners?"

"You want to use 400 prisoners to prove a victory of 40,000 people?! Isn't this using ants to prove an elephant?!"

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous. The prisoner sacrifice in Suzhou Prefecture can be said to be self-incrimination, but this time they rushed to present the evidence of their guilt! Haha, this can't be regarded as their surrender."

Everyone in the Yan Party laughed one after another, saying that the 400 Japanese pirate prisoners could not prove the victory of Suzhou. On the contrary, the more than 400 Japanese pirate prisoners presented by Suzhou could prove that the victory of Suzhou was a false report and there was something wrong in it.

They relaxed now. Although it seemed that Suzhou had indeed achieved a great victory. After all, more than 400 Japanese pirates were captured, this great victory was definitely not the 40,000 Japanese pirates mentioned in the Suzhou victory report!

Certainly not!

How can you use 400 Japanese prisoners to prove a great victory in wiping out 40,000 Japanese? It is obviously impossible!

Suzhou wanted to use this prisoner sacrifice to prove their victory in Suzhou, but they unexpectedly shot themselves in the foot. This prisoner sacrifice just proved that their victory report was false, and it just proved that their victory report was exaggerated!

This is really greedy.

You said that Suzhou should have won this time, and captured four hundred Japanese pirates. It was also a rare victory. The result was at least two to three thousand. This was already greater than the victory of Jihai.

You said, wouldn't it be great if you can honestly report victory? You can also get promoted and make a fortune, although it is definitely not as good as the 40,000 victory.

But you are so greedy that you actually reported a great victory worth 40,000 yuan. You falsely reported a great victory, but you deceived the court and deceived the Holy One. This is the crime of deceiving the king. Now it’s better. Not only can you not be promoted or make a fortune, You still have to be punished, haha, I made you greedy, you deserve to be punished now!

This is what you asked for. Not only will you be convicted this time, but your head will also be needed!

For the crime of deceiving the emperor, I'll kill you. It's not too much!

"The fact that they sacrificed four hundred prisoners is enough to prove that they falsely reported war achievements, falsely reported great victories, deceived the court, and deceived the king!"

"Cure them for deceiving the emperor!"

"The magistrate of Suzhou just wants to pay him back. After all, he only paid for his role in defending the city. Zhu Ping'an killed 40,000 Japanese. He who deceived the emperor and ignored his superiors will not be able to escape. He must be severely punished."

Everyone in the Strict Party demanded that Zhu Ping'an be punished for Shang Wei's crime. Some of them spoke up for Shang Wei, but towards Zhu Ping'an, everyone in the Strict Party was quite unanimous in their attitude, and they all demanded severe punishment.

Just when everyone in the Yan Party was mocking and demanding that Zhu Ping'an be punished, Xu Jie gave the censor Guo Kui a look.

Guo Kui immediately understood and stood up and asked Zhao Baihu, "Zhao Baihu, didn't you say that Suzhou and his party had sacrificed the Japanese prisoners and there were still heads? There were 477 Japanese prisoners. Where were the heads of the Japanese?" how many?"

After listening to Guo Kui's question, Yan Maoqing and other Yan Party members couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. They had been so busy mocking and happy that they had forgotten about the heads of Japanese pirates. However, there were only more than 400 Japanese captives. How many Japanese pirate heads could there be? .

Isn't it enough to support the sky with more than one thousand? Although there is more evidence than one thousand, it still cannot prove the great victory of forty thousand.

It still doesn't change your sin of falsely reporting military exploits, deceiving the court, and deceiving the emperor.

Everyone in the Yan Party was not too worried. (End of chapter)

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