Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1946 Are you confused?

"Ah? Why haven't you shown your original shape yet?" The naughty child walked around the painting and scratched his head in confusion.

It was clear that black pig blood and child urine were spilled on Sister Hua'er, why hasn't she shown her true form? Is Sister Hua'er really not a goblin? The scene of tearing out the intestines of the country bumpkin brother-in-law was all just to tease me?! Country bumpkin My brother-in-law is too idle and boring, right?!

"I've already told you that Hua'er is not a goblin." Li Shu stepped forward with her big belly, stretched out her finger and tapped the naughty boy's head, and scolded, "Why don't you go and apologize to Hua'er."

"Yes, I'm sorry, sister Hua'er."

This is a rare advantage of Brother Rui, the naughty kid. He corrects his mistakes when he knows they are wrong.

"No, it's okay, but Brother Rui, why did you say I'm a goblin?" Hua'er wiped her eyes that were blurred by black dog blood with her hand. She still looks confused now. She doesn't know why Brother Rui Would say she is a fairy.

"Because I went to the study at noon to see the country bumpkin brother-in-law, but I saw you tearing out the country bumpkin brother-in-law's intestines with your mouth." The naughty child scratched his head, "I didn't know that you and the country bumpkin brother-in-law deliberately used props to tease me. "

"Ah? Ah"

Hua'er was stunned for a moment after hearing what the naughty kid said. He immediately realized what the naughty kid was talking about by pulling out his intestines. He immediately blushed with embarrassment, as if he was about to bleed. He quickly covered his face with his hands, feeling shameless. See everyone.

"Okay, wipe your face quickly. I'll have someone put a bucket of hot water for you. You can just go take a shower and change clothes."

Qin'er quickly handed Hua'er a wet towel and asked Hua'er to wipe the black dog blood on her face. She helped Hua'er with a simple treatment, and then arranged for a little girl to quickly put hot water into Hua'er so that Hua'er could Shower and change clothes.

In the evening, the snow in the capital has long since stopped, the clouds and fog have dispersed, the setting sun has emerged from the floating clouds, and the western sky is covered with sunset.

Against the backdrop of the sunset, the snow on the eaves is like silver mountains, and the snow on the streets is like a silver dragon.


Yan Shifan cursed, and accompanied by Luo Longwen, returned to Yan's Mansion from outside and walked straight to the study.

In the study room, Yan Song was standing in front of the desk writing Qing Ci. There were four or five written Qing Ci beside the table, and there was another Qing Ci he was writing under his hand. He was quite old and his waist was bent, and he was still struggling to write. tired.

There is no way, who makes the Holy Spirit always hold fasting festivals, and the demand for Qingci is endless.

Now reserve more Qing Ci and polish it more, so that when the Holy One needs it, you can present it to him.

Today, Yan Song saw the scene of the snow stopping and the sun rising, and he suddenly got inspiration. However, after the inspiration came to him, he couldn't be satisfied when he wrote it down.

He failed to perfectly express his inspiration.

I have written five pieces in a row, but I am still not satisfied. This piece of Qingci is now the sixth.

"The snow stopped and the sun rose, the sky was clear, and there were five-colored clouds hugging the sun. The light was gorgeous and shining like silk. The subjects kept looking and shouting for a long time, and after examining the records, they found that the smoke was not smoke, the clouds were not clouds, and there was a lot of depression. Xiaosuo Lunxiao is called Qingyun, also called Jingyun, which is auspicious. Taihu's supporting deity says: If the emperor is filial, then Jingyun will come out, and You Xinsi will say this. Yunfu today's situation, from Yu Ting's song, Forget it. If the official records are not mentioned, I have read them for three thousand years. Gongwei."

When he wrote this, Yan Song stopped writing. He had written the first few pictures from here to the bottom and didn't know how to write.

He forced himself to write five times, but he was still dissatisfied.

He believed that as long as his inspiration was perfectly presented, it would definitely be a poem that would make the emperor's eyes shine and he couldn't put it down.

However, after writing this, I really don’t know how to write further.

At this time, Yan Shifan's cursing business came from outside. Yan Song looked at the door as if he was hoping for a savior, and called repeatedly, "East Tower, come here, let's see what to write next."

"Old man, why are you still in the mood to write Qingci? I'm not in the mood to help you continue writing!"

Yan Shifan entered the room and said angrily.

"What's wrong, but the interrogation is not going well?" Yan Song asked.

"It went well, it went so well. The prisoners were separated and interrogated separately by expert interrogators drawn from the capital and nearby areas. They all came to the conclusion that the prisoners offered as prisoners in Suzhou were all genuine Japanese pirates. They were all in Suzhou. Zhan was captured by Zhu Pingan. The battle history and their past are all genuine and not fabricated. They also confirmed from their mouths that the little thief Zhu Pingan achieved an incredible victory in the Battle of Suzhou! "

"Those heads have been preliminarily identified as genuine Japanese pirate heads, and no counterfeiting has been found among them."

"Basically confirmed, that little thief Zhu Ping'an really achieved a glorious victory in which 40,000 Japanese were wiped out!"

Yan Shifan almost said it through gritted teeth.

"Yeah." Yan Song nodded, seemingly not surprised at all.

"No, old man, don't you feel surprised?" Yan Shifan asked Yan Song angrily.

"I'm used to preparing for the worst in everything, so it's not surprising." Yan Song said calmly.

"No, what are your plans?" Yan Shifan asked, and then saw Yan Song's Qing Ci, he rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, "Your old plan is to write Qing Ci, Zhu Ping'an will achieve great victory, and the Holy Lord Longyan will be happy. We have a fasting festival again, why don’t you always write a Qingci and send it as the icing on the cake?!”

"Yes, and no." Old God Yan Song was here.

"What are you always trying to do? Tell me quickly. I'm almost dying of anxiety." Yan Shifan urged with an impatient look.

"The Qing Ci is the first clear sky after the snow today. I had an idea and God gave me the inspiration for a Qing Ci; my plan is another."

Yan Song smiled slightly, with a confident attitude.

"Which one? Don't show off at this time." Yan Shifan urged with an eager look.

"After seeing the news of the Suzhou victory, I secretly ordered to collect intelligence from all over the south of the Yangtze River and submit it from time to time. Take a look. This is a battle report from Jiaxing. The official battle report has not been sent to the capital yet. Due to the special situation in Jiaxing this time , Jiaxing’s official battle report must be reviewed and approved by Zhejiang Province and Zhang Jing before it can be sent to the capital. Estimating the time, Jiaxing’s official battle report will not be sent to the capital until at least the day after tomorrow.”

Yan Song pointed to a piece of information on the desk and said to Yan Shifan.

"Jiaxing's battle report? Jiaxing also fought with the Japanese pirates? But, old man, are you old and confused? Jiaxing is Jiaxing, Suzhou is Suzhou. Regardless of whether Jiaxing wins or loses, what does it have to do with Suzhou and Zhu Ping'an? It's all nonsense. Cows are irrelevant."

Yan Shifan muttered, reached out and picked up the piece of information on the table, and said with a puzzled look on his face. (End of chapter)

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