Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1947 The fall of Jiaxing brings disaster to peace

"Holy shit! Isn't it?! Jiaxing was captured by Japanese pirates?! This is the first time that a city has been captured by Japanese pirates!!!"

Yan Shifan opened the Jiaxing battle report and took a look at it. He couldn't help but be shocked and cried out in disbelief.

"Old man, this battle report will only pour cold water on the Holy Spirit. What impact will it have on Suzhou and Zhu Ping'an? They are not the same place." Yan Shifan complained impatiently after only reading the beginning.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Donglou, you are smart, but sometimes you are too impatient and impatient. You must know that only by sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai can you be a qualified leader. Be more patient and read on slowly. Just know it.”

Yan Song frowned slightly, criticized Yan Shifan, and told him to be patient and continue reading.

"The older the old man gets, the more he loves educating people. He can educate people even better than when he was a child." Yan Shifan shrugged.

However, after listening to Yan Song's words, he lowered his head again and looked at the battle report in his hand.


Yan Shifan was confused when he saw it, "Isn't this Xu Hai one of the Japanese chieftains who attacked Suzhou?! There is also Maye."

"Ah?! They only led hundreds of Japanese pirates and captured Jiaxing City, which ranks among the top five in Jiangnan?!"

"This time?!"

"This almost coincides with the time when they fled from Suzhou. This means, this means"

When Yan Shifan saw this, his eyes lit up and he looked up at Yan Song. He understood why his father gave him this battle report.

"I understand." Yan Song asked calmly.

"I understand, now I understand, old age is still hotter, old man, you are the father, you are my father."

Yan Shifan was so impressed that he flattered Yan Song.

"Nonsense! I'm not your father, who is your father!" Yan Song snorted and scolded Yan Shifan with an angry smile.

"Brother Donglou, can you let me see Jiaxing's battle report?" Luo Longwen on the side scratched his head and ears curiously.

"Here, here you go."

Yan Shifan threw the battle report to Luo Longwen.

Luo Longwen hurriedly caught the battle report thrown by Yan Shifan and couldn't wait to read it.

"It turned out to be like this. It turned out that during the Suzhou defense battle, the Japanese chiefs Xu Hai and Maye, who were defeated by the little thief Zhu Ping'an, led the defeated generals to deceive the gates of Jiaxing. They attacked suddenly, defeated the defenders in the city, and captured Jiaxing. City." After Luo Longwen read the battle report, he opened his mouth in disbelief.

When the day's interrogation ended, it was basically confirmed that the Suzhou victory was indeed what they had reported, and it was basically confirmed that Zhu Ping'an really captured Chen Dong, one of the Japanese chieftains, alive, killed nearly 40,000 Japanese pirates, and achieved an incredible and brilliant victory. .

As a result, while Luo Longwen was envious and jealous, he also despised the Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirates were just like that. They fought against the five scum and forty thousand Japanese pirates. After a battle, almost all of them were killed by Zhu Pingan. Only the Japanese chiefs Xu Hai and Maye escaped with their lives with hundreds of defeated soldiers. .

However, they did not expect that Xu Hai, Maye and hundreds of defeated soldiers who had escaped with their lives would actually capture Jiaxing City.

Not only did they falsely open the gates of Jiaxing City, but they also killed thousands of Jiaxing City's defenders with heads rolling in and corpses scattered everywhere.

Now look back at the Battle of Suzhou.

Wouldn't it mean that it's not that the Japanese pirates are too scummy, but that the little thief Zhu Ping'an is too fierce? !

The little thief Zhu Pingan is so terrifying!

However, he quickly understood the significance of this battle report.

The Japanese pirates who captured Jiaxing were the Japanese pirates who fled in disgrace from the Suzhou City at the hands of the little thief Zhu Pingan. In other words, it was the little thief Zhu Pingan who let these Japanese pirates go, which led to the fall of Jiaxing City.

From this perspective, it is not an exaggeration to say that the culprit for the fall of Jiaxing City was the little thief Zhu Pingan.

"Okay, we can impeach Zhu Pingan for deliberately allowing the Japanese pirates to escape and using neighboring Jiaxing as a ravine, causing the fall of Jiaxing City. Zhu Pingan was the culprit of the fall of Jiaxing. We demand that Zhu Pingan be removed from office and investigated!"

After Luo Longwen read the Jiaxing battle report, he said excitedly, like a vicious dog that had seen its target.

"Obviously more than 40,000 Japanese pirates were wiped out by Zhu Pingan, why didn't he just kill these few hundred defeated soldiers? It's not like Zhu Pingan deliberately allowed them to escape."

"He has the ability to annihilate, but he doesn't annihilate, because he lets it go on purpose!"

"He, Zhu Pingan, is responsible for the fall of Jiaxing!"

Luo Longwen was a little excited. He played the Jiaxing Battle Report in his hand and criticized Zhu Ping'an sentence after sentence.

"Are you just impeaching him for allowing Japanese pirates to escape and beggaring their neighbors?" Yan Shifan asked with a sinister smile.

"Well, what else can be done to impeach Zhu Ping'an?" Luo Longwen scratched his head, he was a little surprised.

"Why did little thief Zhu Ping'an deliberately allow the Japanese pirates to escape? He got a taste of the benefits from the war. The Japanese pirates were military merits and were the qualifications for him to be promoted to an official position. The reason why he did not annihilate all the Japanese pirates was to deliberately let the two Japanese pirates escape. A Japanese chieftain and hundreds of remnants of Japanese pirates raised Japanese soldiers to respect themselves, and regarded their defeated Japanese pirates as military exploits that he could harvest at any time."

"The little thief Zhu Ping'an took his neighbors as a beggar, allowed the Japanese to escape, and raised the Japanese to respect themselves. He ignored his neighbors in Jiaxing, ignored his tens of thousands of people in Jiaxing, and ignored his saints."

Yan Shifan said sadly.

In his mouth, Zhu Ping'an's crime was even greater.

"Yes, yes, what brother Donglou said is absolutely true. The little thief Zhu Ping'an is just trying to support the Japanese to respect themselves! He harbors evil intentions! For his own selfish desires, he does not hesitate to sacrifice tens of millions of people in Jiaxing City, and he does not hesitate to sacrifice the splendid rivers and mountains of the Holy One. I'm sorry for the Holy One, I'm sorry for the common people, Zhu Ping'an deserves to die!"

Luo Longwen was even more excited.

"Let's organize people to impeach Zhu Pingan now. Let's brainstorm, and maybe we can come up with more crimes of the little thief Zhu Pingan."

Luo Longwen couldn't help but want to impeach.

"No rush, no rush. Let's wait until the interrogation results are reported to the Holy One tomorrow, and Zhu Pingan's contribution can be confirmed. Zhu Pingan killed 40,000 Japanese and captured the Japanese chief Chen Dong alive. Only the Japanese chiefs Xu Hai and Maye led hundreds of The remnants of the Japanese fled in disgrace.”

Yan Shifan smiled and shook his head.

Luo Longwen was stunned at first, and then he understood the deep meaning of Yan Shifan, and couldn't help but applaud, "Hahahaha, high, really high. Zhu Pingan's contribution has been confirmed, and his guilt has been confirmed. Jiaxing City has fallen." In the hands of Xu Hai, Maye and these hundreds of remnant Japanese who escaped."

"Haha, Donglou, can you help me, an old man, figure out how to write this Qing Ci?"

Yan Song looked at Yan Shifan with a smile.

"Of course, of course, brothers fighting tigers, father and son go into battle. If I don't help dad, who will?"

Yan Shifan stepped forward with a smile.

Yan Shifan lived up to his claim to be one of the three wise men. He only read it once and continued writing:

The holy emperor has been adhering to the throne for a long time, pure filial piety leads to the prosperity of the rites, and it is only in the period of troubles, that is, he cooperates with Tianxin's Yu, his enlightened virtue reaches Weixin, his spiritual talisman is clear and has the beauty of Yu, and Huang Zhihua transforms into the chapter of reforming Heluo. The minister Song Ao prepares the ceremony officials to respectfully accept the grand event. He writes a Qingci poem, which is attached to the ancient poet in order to commemorate Shuxiang, praising the virtues and the meaning of the event.

"Good! Great good! You are worthy of being my Qilin!" Yan Song was full of praise and high-fived as he watched. (End of chapter)

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