Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1949 Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony

After the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, Inspectorate and Factory Guards reached an agreement, they quickly wrote a document and sealed it. The official document they jointly produced was submitted to Emperor Jiajing just after he finished his morning practice.

"Well, that's right. I gave them three days, and it only took a day and a half to investigate clearly." Emperor Jiajing nodded with satisfaction.

After reading the joint document, Emperor Jiajing was even more satisfied. He nodded slightly and said, "Yes, Suzhou Mansion is good, and Zhu Xiaozi is also good. Neither the prisoners nor the heads have been deceived. It seems that they have indeed achieved a remarkable victory." Big win.”

"When we return from going to Suzhou to deliver the letter to the factory guards, if no villagers around Suzhou are killed and take credit, we can be sure that Mr. Xiao Zhu has won an incredible victory." Huang Jin, who was standing aside, added in a low voice. .

"Haha, I'm sorry that Mr. Zhu wouldn't dare." Emperor Jiajing smiled slightly.

"Yes, yes, Lord Xiao Zhu impeached Zhao Daying for killing a good man and taking credit for it." Huang Jin agreed.

"Well, yes, when you said that, I also remembered it. Back then, he impeached others for killing good people and taking merit. If he becomes the person he impeached, it would be a huge disappointment to me. I will definitely punish him. Wait."

Emperor Jiajing was reminded by Huang Jin and remembered Zhu Ping'an's impeachment of Zhao Daying, so he nodded and said.

"What if we are sure that Mr. Xiao Zhu did not kill anyone and take credit for his crimes?" Huang Jin deliberately spoke for Zhu Ping'an.

Mr. Xiao Zhu has saved the Lord's appetite many times, and it's time to say something for Mr. Xiao Zhu.

Through interrogation and identification, Huang Jinxin has determined that Zhu Ping'an has really won a great victory this time and made a brilliant contribution, although the factory guard who went to Suzhou to investigate has not yet replied.

But there is definitely no problem with this victory.

If Zhu Ping'an killed good people and pretended to have merit, and among the heads of the prisoners offered this time were civilians who were killed and pretended to have merit, it would be impossible to identify them at all; moreover, the prisoners presented this time had gone through several The rounds were interrogated separately, but it was confirmed that they were all real Japanese pirates, and there was nothing false. The confessions of these prisoners were also confirmed. There were more than 40,000 Japanese pirates who attacked Suzhou this time. In addition to those captured, there were also Except for the hundreds of Japanese pirates who were lucky enough to escape with their lives, the others all died due to Zhu Pingan's serial scheme.

Zhu Pingan caused a great psychological shadow on these captured Japanese pirates. The prisoners even gave Zhu Pingan a nickname, "Fiery Butcher".

The fiery butcher does not mean that Zhu Pingan is very popular, but that Zhu Pingan is accustomed to using firearms, including gunpowder, blunderbuss, and artillery. The Japanese pirates were blown up by the Zhejiang Army's firearms and left an indelible psychological shadow.

As soon as he heard the sound of firearms, he was frightened. Even when he heard people mention firearms, he trembled uncontrollably.

"The punishment must be heavy, and the reward must be heavy. I will not be stingy with meritorious ministers, not to mention that Mr. Zhu has repeatedly made meritorious service, and this time his meritorious service is so huge and hearty. I am both emotional and rational. I will not be stingy. A good reward."

Emperor Jiajing said without hesitation.

"Rewards and punishments are clear, the saint is wise." Huang Jin immediately flattered him.

"Well, don't wait around, Huang Ban. You go to Wuyi Palace to notify the ministers and let them prepare for the Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony. Dongying is a small country with wolfish ambitions, but it dares to covet the land of our country and harass the southeast of our country. Along the coast, they burned, killed, looted, and killed the people. They committed all kinds of evil and were really seeking death! Regardless of whether Zhu Xiaozi killed good people and took credit for his merits, the more than 400 Japanese pirates he brought as prisoners from Suzhou were all genuine Japanese pirates! It can be seen that Suzhou has indeed achieved something. This is a great victory. The Japanese pirates have been invading our border for a long time and disturbing our people. It has severely dealt a blow to the arrogance of the Japanese pirates. It has greatly promoted the power of our Ming Dynasty and boosted the morale of the army and the people!"

"The Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony is scheduled for the day after the factory guard returns from Suzhou! Let the ministers in Wuyi Palace prepare in advance."

Emperor Jiajing ordered Huang Jin to go to Wuyi Hall to convey the order, and ordered the ministers on duty at Wuyi Hall to prepare for the ceremony of offering captives at the Meridian Gate.

In fact, Emperor Jiajing had already recognized the contributions of Suzhou and Zhu Ping'an from the bottom of his heart.

Indeed, as Emperor Jiajing said, through the interrogation and identification of the Japanese prisoners and their heads by the Sanfa Division and the factory guards, it has been confirmed that Suzhou has indeed achieved an incredible victory.

Regardless of whether Zhu Ping'an committed crimes by killing good people or not, at least these more than 400 Japanese pirate prisoners were genuine Japanese pirates.

That great victory is real.

If Zhu Pingan had not killed the good ones and taken the credit, then this great victory would have been even more glorious, capturing 452 Japanese pirates and annihilating 40,000; Four hundred and fifty-two, the number of Japanese pirates annihilated should be reduced from 40,000 to the number of those who killed good people and took credit.

"Yes." Huang Jin accepted the order, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

Unexpectedly, the Holy Father actually asked people to prepare for the Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony. Zhu Xiaozi was really lucky this time.

The Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony has not been held in the Ming Dynasty for many years.

At least, since the Holy Emperor ascended the throne, there has not been a Meridian Gate Prison Presentation Ceremony. This is the first time in this dynasty.

With this sacrifice of prisoners at the Meridian Gate, Zhu Xiaozi's name will not only be famous all over the world, but also be remembered in history.

"In addition, let them start discussing the reward for Zhu Ping'an from now on. For the time being, it is agreed that Zhu Ping'an did not kill any good people and take credit for his merits. When Zhu Xiaozi killed three hundred Japanese in the great victory of Ji Hai, they discussed it for more than a month. Now they have captured more than 400 Japanese and exterminated 40,000. I don’t know how long they will have to discuss it. Let’s start the discussion early. If the factory guard Suzhou comes back with a message, it will not be too late to decide the punishment if Mr. Zhu kills good people and takes credit."

Emperor Jiajing ordered Huang Jindao again.

"Follow your orders." Huang Jin continued to take orders.

It seems that Mr. Xiao Zhu is still in the heart of the emperor. This can be seen from the fact that the Holy Sage asked Wuyi Palace to decide the reward based on the fact that Mr. Xiao Zhu did not kill good people and take merit. The Holy Emperor still trusted Mr. Xiao Zhu very much, and he believed from the bottom of his heart that Zhu Ping'an would not kill good people and take credit.

Therefore, the Holy Emperor ordered Wuyi Palace to determine Zhu Pingan's reward for his victory in Suzhou based on the fact that Zhu Pingan did not kill Liang Liang and take credit.

If he didn't trust Zhu Pingan and believed that Zhu Pingan had not killed anyone and took credit for his crimes, how could Wuyi Palace have agreed on Zhu Pingan's reward in advance.

Now, one can imagine how worried the minister of Wuyi Palace would be about Lord Xiao Zhu's reward after he conveyed the Holy Emperor's will.

The merits of three hundred Japanese pirates made them worried for more than ten days, but the merits of these 40,000 Japanese pirates should not be worried for half a year.

Huang Jin bowed and waited for a while. Seeing that Emperor Jiajing had no other instructions, Huang Jin bowed and exited the hall.

He walked quickly towards Wuyi Hall.

If the Zajia family walks faster, the ministers on duty in Wuyi Palace can agree on Master Xiao Zhu's reward earlier, and Master Xiao Zhu can also receive the reward earlier. (End of chapter)

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