Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1950 Is he worthy?

"What? Are you planning the Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony? Your Majesty will also attend the ceremony in person?" After hearing Huang Jin's edict, all the ministers on duty in Wuyi Palace opened their mouths in surprise and couldn't calm down for a long time.

This specification is also too large.

The great affairs of the country lie in sacrifice and military affairs! The ceremony of offering prisoners has been around since ancient times. The victors held a ceremony to sacrifice the captives to gods and ancestors, and held celebrations and memorials in order to obtain the blessings of their ancestors and God, and to bring good luck.

However, prisoner dedication ceremonies at the Meridian Gate are not often held. At least the Ming Dynasty has not held a prisoner dedication ceremony at the Meridian Gate for more than a hundred years.

This is the Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony! Any ceremony, as long as it is held at the Meridian Gate, is worthy of being of the highest standard.

Because this place at Meridian Gate is so extraordinary!

The Meridian Gate faces south, and the walls on both sides of the gate extend forward, forming a "concave" shape. There are five gate towers built in the Meridian Gate, and there are also five city gate openings. Only the emperor can enter the main entrance in the front. The queen can enter once during the wedding, and the top three, second place, and top three in the imperial examination can enter once. , the others, whether they are prime ministers, generals, or princes and grandsons, are not qualified to leave!

You said, if a grand ceremony is held in such a place, can it not be of the highest standard? !

No doubt about it!

Well deserved!

Not to mention holding a grand ceremony in this place, even a slap in the face here can leave a mark in history and be famous for generations to come!

The Meridian Gate Prison Presentation Ceremony is the most solemn and highest-level prisoner presentation ceremony, bar none!

The prisoner presentation ceremony belongs to the Rong Dian, it is the only one among all the ceremonies, and it belongs to the ceremony among the ceremonies.

It can be said that this ceremony is more grand and higher-level than the ceremony in which Zhao Wenhua went to Jiangnan to worship the sea!

He, Zhu Pingan, is worthy? !

How many keys does he deserve!

Is that a mistake? !

All the ministers on duty, especially those in the strict party camp, looked at Huang Jin in disbelief after hearing Huang Jin's words.

"Yes, this is His Majesty's will. Please start preparing for the Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony from now on. The prisoners to be sacrificed are the Japanese pirates captured by Suzhou Prefecture. The Holy Majesty will attend the ceremony in person at that time."

Huang Jin nodded vigorously and relayed Emperor Jiajing's will to the ministers once again.


Will the Holy One come in person? !

Then the standards of this Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony have been raised to a certain level! Damn it, is Zhu Pingan worthy? !

When the time comes, although people like him have higher official positions than Zhu Pingan, they will not leave a single word in the history books a hundred years later. But Zhu Pingan will definitely be famous in the history books because of this Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony!

"Was it a little rushed?"

"Japanese invasion in the southeast is still serious and getting worse. Suzhou held a Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony after capturing more than 400 Japanese pirates. If the Japanese pirates attack the city again in the future, wouldn't it make this Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony a bit ridiculous?!"

"I hope your Majesty will think twice before taking action. The prisoner dedication ceremony should only be held after the victory of the war. Well, judging from the current situation, it is best to hold the Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony after the Japanese invasion is completely eliminated."

"Eunuch Huang, you must advise the Holy One to think twice."

All the ministers on duty couldn't help but chattered, and found a lot of reasons why not to hold the Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony.

They even asked Huang Jin to turn around and go back to persuade Emperor Jiajing not to hold the Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony.

"My lords, my lords, please don't embarrass the Zajia family for such important military matters. The Zajia family is just a servant. 'Ministers are not allowed to interfere in political affairs, and those who violate it will be killed.' This is the rule set by Taizu."

Huang Jinpi rejected all the ministers with a smile. He was joking, the Meridian Gate Prisoner Presentation Ceremony was to be held by the Holy Emperor, and it was too late for the Zajia family to fully support it. You actually let the Zajia family dissuade the Holy Emperor? !

The Zajia family is missing something, but it’s not their brains!

"If you have any objections, please raise them to the Holy One." Huang Jinpi looked at them with a smile and said.


All the ministers on duty suddenly fell silent.

Just kidding, Emperor Jiajing is a master who likes to give advice. During the great etiquette dispute, officials from the etiquette faction came together to give advice. A total of 229 people from the imperial court, Hanlin from the Hanlin Academy, censors from the Supervisory Academy, various ministers, officials from the Six Ministries, and officials from Dali Temple collectively went to Zuoshunmen and knelt to admonish Emperor Jiajing. .

Ahem, ask Emperor Jiajing not to recognize his biological father as his father, but to recognize Ming Xiaozong as his father.

The results of it.

Eighty-six officials of the fourth rank and above were suspended from duty and fined, and 134 officials of the fourth rank and below were sentenced to prison. Among them, 17 were killed on the spot and more than 80 were seriously injured.

This was their courtier's fault. After all, Emperor Jiajing inherited the throne of Emperor Zhengde.

Since ancient times, succession to the throne has been based on the father's death, the son's death, and the elder brother's younger brother. If you, Emperor Jiajing, inherited the throne of Emperor Zhengde, don't you have to be his younger brother? Then don't you have to recognize his father, that is, Xiaozong as your father?

Now, Suzhou has achieved a great victory in the anti-Japanese war, and almost all the invading Japanese pirates have been wiped out. Emperor Jiajing wants to hold a prisoner presentation ceremony at the Meridian Gate to combat the arrogance of the Japanese pirates, to promote the power of the Ming Dynasty, and to boost the morale of the army and the people. It is reasonable and polite.

It would be unreasonable for us to prevent Emperor Jiajing from holding the Meridian Gate Prison Presentation Ceremony. If we are unreasonable and go to Emperor Jiajing to remonstrate with him, haha, then we are not asking for death by hanging ourselves.

"Oh, by the way, the Zajia almost forgot one thing. Your Majesty wants the Zajia to tell you all that from now on, you will discuss the rewards for Suzhou Mansion, especially Zhu Ping'an and Lord Zhu."

Huang Jin looked at the ministers with a smile and announced another decree.


"Are we going to discuss Zhu Ping'an's reward? It's so fast, haven't the factory guards who went to Suzhou to investigate haven't returned yet?"

"What if Zhu Ping'an killed Liang and took credit? Even if he didn't kill Liang and took credit, what if there were other inside stories about the battle in Suzhou that we don't know?"

"The coffin hasn't been sealed yet. It's about to be decided. I'm a little too anxious. It's not too late to wait until the battle in Suzhou is completely revealed before we can discuss rewards and punishments."

The ministers on duty had more opinions than just now.

"My lords, the Holy One has said that Zhu Ping'an and Lord Zhu will be rewarded based on the fact that he did not kill good people and take credit for his merits. The last time he sacrificed the sea victory, your lords were a little slow in debating Zhu Ping'an and Lord Zhu's rewards. This time it will be better. Hurry up, well, this is not what the Zajia said, this is what the Holy One means."

Huang Jin said with a smile, and then added without waiting for the ministers on duty to speak, "If Mr. Zhu Ping'an is really guilty of killing a good person and taking meritorious service or other crimes, it will not be too late to determine the punishment when the factory guard Suzhou sends a message. "

"Okay, gentlemen, the Holy Spirit's decree has been conveyed to the Zajia family. I will not disturb your business affairs. The Zajia family will take their leave."

After Huang Jin finished speaking, he said goodbye and left, leaving a group of ministers buzzing in the main hall. (End of chapter)

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