Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1957 Impeachment Frenzy

That day, the sky was clear and clear, the warm sun shone between the two of them, and the heavy snow that had been falling for several days in various parts of the north finally stopped completely.

After more than half a month, we finally have a day of warm sunshine.

The sun is particularly strong today, and before noon, the temperature has already risen to five or six degrees above zero.

The snow on the ground, on the eaves, on the trees, and in the rivers everywhere began to melt, and tiny streams of water gurgled out from under the ice and snow. The artistic conception was extremely beautiful.

Xiyuan, Wuyi Hall.

The three pavilion elders, Yan Song, Xu Jie, and Li Ben, as well as six ministers including Li Mo, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, and the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, as well as the ministers on duty at Wuyi Palace, gathered together and respectfully saluted Emperor Jiajing on the dragon throne.

As usual, only Yan Song was given a seat, while the others, including Xu Jie and Li Ben, stood.

"Okay, I have called you here today because of the Japanese incident in Suzhou and Jiaxing. In the past two days, I have collected a lot of memorials related to the Japanese incident in these two places. I read them one by one yesterday, but I am too lazy to read them today. "

"Half an hour ago, Huang Ban has brought all the copied memorials and circulated them to you."

"Let's talk about the merits, demerits, rewards and punishments of the relevant officials involved in the Japanese affairs in these two places, and how to deal with them."

Emperor Jiajing sat on the dragon chair casually, waved his sleeves and gave instructions to the ministers below.

While everyone below was still hesitating whether to be the first to stand up, someone had already stood up.

Censor Guo Kui was the first to stand up and said impassionedly, "Your Majesty, the Tri-Facial Tribunal's interrogation a few days ago has confirmed that the Suzhou war report is true. Yesterday, the results of the factory guard's Suzhou investigation also came out. There are no murderers for more than a hundred miles around Suzhou." The merits of the war in Suzhou have been confirmed to be true, and the military exploits are unquestionable. This is our greatest contribution to the war against the Japanese. I believe that officials related to the defense of Suzhou should be greatly rewarded, especially Zhu Ping'an, the deputy envoy of the Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Department. After Zhu Pingan was demoted to the south of the Yangtze River, he repeatedly made great achievements. This time, he made brilliant achievements in defending Suzhou City, annihilating 40,000 Japanese, capturing the Japanese chief Chen Dong, destroying and capturing more than 100 Japanese ships. He should be greatly rewarded. We should reward Zhu Pingan heavily, commend his achievements, encourage him to make new achievements, and also encourage local officials in Jiangnan who suffered from Japanese invasion to learn from and imitate Zhu Pingan!"


As soon as Yushi Guo Kui finished speaking, five officials stood up and raised their voices to object.

After they all stood up, they realized that the standing was heavy, but they were all members of the Strict Party. They looked at each other and reached a consensus without opening a word. One of the officials spoke first, and the other four stood down for the time being.

"Yu Shi Guo's words are wrong! If Zhu Ping'an is rewarded greatly, the tens of thousands of people who were killed by Japanese pirates in Jiaxing City will die in silence! The hundreds of thousands of people who were burned, killed, and looted by Japanese pirates in Jiaxing City will live with their injustice. .”

The official who was agreed to speak first objected sternly.

"Why do you say this?" Guo Yushi said in a deep voice.

"Why did you say that?! Of course it was the Jiaxing war report! Although Zhu Pingan made great contributions to defending the city and exterminating the Japanese in Suzhou, the fall of Jiaxing City was also Zhu Pingan's responsibility that he could not shirk! It was Zhu Pingan who decentralized Suzhou City Xu Hai and the other 400 remaining Japanese pirates escaped and captured Jiaxing City! If Zhu Pingan had not let Xu Hai and the other 400 Japanese pirates go, Jiaxing City would not have fallen. In other words, Zhu Pingan was the chief culprit of the fall of Jiaxing. The culprit!"

"These Japanese pirates committed all kinds of crimes in Jiaxing City by burning, killing, and looting. In order to attract Japanese pirates, they induced Suzhou gangsters to kill and set fire to commit crimes. This made Jiaxing City like a hell on earth. Tens of thousands of people died as a result, and hundreds of thousands of people were killed by Japanese pirates. The city of Jiaxing is ravaged like hell on earth, and the people of Jiaxing are struggling in dire straits!"

"Your Majesty, since ancient times, rewards and punishments have been clearly defined as they should be!"

"Zhu Pingan defended Suzhou and should be rewarded; in the same way, Zhu Pingan led to the fall of Jiaxing and should be punished!"

"Zhu Ping'an deserves a reward for killing 40,000 Japanese; similarly, Zhu Ping'an caused tens of thousands of people to be killed in Jiaxing City, and hundreds of thousands of people were burned, killed, and looted, so he deserves a punishment!"

"Zhu Ping'an deserves a reward for destroying more than a hundred Japanese ships; similarly, Zhu Ping'an caused thousands of houses in Jiaxing City to be burned down and deserves a punishment!"

"Zhu Ping'an deserves a reward for capturing the Japanese chieftain Chen Dong; in the same way, Zhu Ping'an caused the death of dozens of high-ranking officials in Jiaxing City and deserves a punishment!"

"With both rewards and punishments, Zhu Ping'an's punishment is even greater than the reward! If Zhu Ping'an is rewarded, everyone in Jiaxing Hecheng will not agree!"

The official who spoke first spoke passionately and eloquently. In his words, one reward and one punishment. After comparing and listing, Zhu Pingan not only should not be rewarded, but even held Zhu Pingan responsible and punished Zhu Pingan.

After the first Strict Party official objected, another Strict Party official stepped forward to take his place.

"Zhu Ping'an is brave and resourceful. In a single battle in Suzhou City, 40,000 Japanese were wiped out in a snap, which is enough to demonstrate his outstanding talents..."

As soon as this official spoke, all the officials in the palace were shocked. Did I hear you right? Are you not an official of the Strict Party? Why did you praise Zhu Ping'an? When should you change sides?!

Censor Guo Kui even rubbed his eyes and glanced at the official in disbelief.

Not only the censor Guo Kui, but also the surrounding Yan Party officials looked at this official in surprise.

We have a traitor in our midst?!

Why did you praise Zhu Ping'an? Did you drink too much last night, or did you pick up the wrong piece?!

Under everyone's surprised gazes, the official changed his voice and turned the blade, "But Mr. Zhu, who is brave, resourceful and talented, why can't he destroy these 40,000 Japanese pirates with just a few clicks?" Where are the hundreds of disabled Japanese pirates?! He clearly did it on purpose!

Therefore, I impeach Zhu Ping'an, the deputy envoy of the Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Department, for deliberately allowing the Japanese pirates to escape and using the neighboring Jiaxing as a ravine. He also deliberately failed to notify Jiaxing Prefecture of the Japanese pirates' entry, causing Jiaxing to be caught off guard, taken advantage of by the Japanese pirates, and fell into the hands of the Japanese pirates. , life is ruined!"

For the thousands of people who were killed in Jiaxing City, and for the hundreds of thousands of people who were ravaged by Japanese pirates in Jiaxing City, I believe that Zhu Ping'an not only deserves no reward, but should also be severely punished to serve as a warning to others. "

Right, right, this is what it tastes like! This is right! It feels comfortable!

All the strict party officials nodded their heads and cast approving glances at this official.

Guo Kui snorted and said, "Why would you speak for Zhu Ping'an? I almost thought you took the wrong medicine."

"I impeach Zhu Ping'an for raising Japanese self-respect. They clearly have the ability to wipe out all Japanese pirates, but they deliberately let 400 remnant Japanese invaders enter Jiaxing. His purpose is to support Japanese self-respect, and deliberately condone these defeated Japanese pirates to take over Jiaxing City and develop. , regard them as war achievements that can be reaped at any time!”

"He, Zhu Ping'an, has been repeatedly rewarded for his meritorious service in suppressing Japanese pirates. He has tasted the sweetness of it. He did not annihilate the Japanese pirates in one fell swoop just to keep the flow of water flowing, so that he can reap military exploits repeatedly..."

"Zhu Pingan is self-respecting and selfish in raising Japanese people. He has ignored his neighbor Jiaxing, ignored his hundreds of thousands of people in Jiaxing, and ignored his saints. He has let down the great kindness of the emperor. I ask that Zhu Pingan be severely punished."

Then another Strict Party official stood up. He was very emotional and asked for the impeachment of Zhu Ping'an on behalf of the people. "

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