Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1958: Performing meritorious service and atonement by performing meritorious service

Several strict party officials took turns to impeach Zhu Pingan from all angles, as if Zhu Pingan's crimes were so heinous that they were unforgivable.

"Some of the adults who just impeached Zhu Ping'an have a question, and I would like to ask them to clarify it."

Guo Kui interrupted the Yan party officials who were about to impeach, and asked questions first.

"Guo Yushi, please speak. We will tell you everything we know." Several officials of the strict party who were named could only stand up to challenge.

"My lords, why did you impeach Zhu Ping'an but not Zhao Chong, the prefect of Jiaxing?! Guo really can't understand."

"More than 40,000 Japanese pirates attacked Suzhou. Suzhou Prefecture still maintained peace with Zhu Ping'an and cooperated inside and outside. They almost wiped out all the Japanese pirates and achieved a brilliant victory! Only more than 400 remaining Japanese pirates fled into Jiaxing Prefecture, but Jiaxing fell. This is not the responsibility of the Jiaxing prefect. ?! How come it’s Zhu Ping’an’s responsibility instead?! The prefect of Jiaxing has the responsibility of guarding the land. If he fulfills his duties, aren’t these more than 400 remnant Japanese who have come to the country for military merit?!”

Guo Yushi issued a soul question to them.

Several strict party officials were confused on the spot. This was the question they least wanted to face. Although they had long thought that someone might ask this question, they had no choice but to answer it. This question was really difficult to answer.

The prefect of Jiaxing is the first person responsible for Jiaxing City. If Jiaxing falls, he will not be able to escape no matter what.

Since the prefect of Jiaxing is the first person responsible, why not impeach the prefect of Jiaxing instead of Zhu Ping'an.

The answer is, of course, that the prefect of Jiaxing is one of his own and has given him gifts, but Zhu Pingan is his enemy.

But, they definitely can't answer that.

So how should we answer it?

It took a while to expand the opportunity.

However, other strict Party officials soon stepped forward, including Mr. Wang, the head of the General Affairs Department.

The General Affairs Office, the channel for information from the Ming Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, has always been the preserve of the Yan Party. If you control the General Affairs Office, you will have 80% of the official information of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, the Yan Party has always firmly controlled this. In the key information department, we will deploy capable personnel to assume key positions in the general affairs department.

From the previous general affairs envoy Zhao Wenhua to the current general affairs envoy Mr. Wang, they are all senior officials of the Yan Party who are deeply trusted by Yan Song.

After Mr. Wang stood up, he took out a blood-stained piece of cloth from his body, held it in his hands and unfolded it. The front of the piece of cloth was covered with words written in blood, and a black word "prison" could be vaguely seen behind the piece of cloth.

"To report to Your Majesty, Censor Guo mentioned Jiaxing Magistrate Zhao Chong. Our General Affairs Department received the bloody clothes sent by Zhao Chong, the Jiaxing Magistrate who is in prison, this morning. I am about to report to Your Majesty today.

This blood-stained garment was a petition written by Zhao Chong after he bit his finger and tore off a piece of cloth from the prison garment.

Zhao Chong wrote in blood that he was defeated by the Japanese pirates in a bloody battle. When the city fell, he fought his way out of the siege and risked his life to get out of the city. He asked Li Tianchong, the governor of Zhejiang, for help. Taking advantage of the Japanese pirates' unstable foothold, he led reinforcements to recapture Jiaxing in one fell swoop. However, he was disappointed. However, not only did he fail to call for reinforcements, but he was imprisoned.

Today, he petitioned for war with a blood letter, using the head on his neck as a guarantee, saying that he was the prefect of Jiaxing and was most familiar with Jiaxing City. He was confident that he would retake Jiaxing City within ten days; if he could not retake Jiaxing City, he was willing to die to apologize! "

"This is Zhao Chong's Blood Clothes. Every word refers to his blood, and the entire article is full of his true feelings. Please read it, Your Majesty."

Lord Wang, the envoy of general affairs, held the bloody clothes and reported.

Huang Jin came down, took the blood-stained clothes, and showed them to Emperor Jiajing for a preview. Emperor Jiajing glanced at them and saw that they were bloody and fishy. He waved his hands in disgust and ordered, "Take it down and circulate it to them."

So, Huang Jin held up the bloody clothes and passed them around to Yan Song and others.

Soon everyone finished circulating it.

"Your Majesty, the prefect of Jiaxing lost Jiaxing City and should be severely punished. However, he refused to give in when setbacks, and refused to give up when defeated. Now he pledged his head with the head on his neck, asked for war in blood, and recovered Jiaxing City in ten days. It can be said that he knows his mistakes and can correct them. I think , acknowledging mistakes can greatly improve things. We should agree to the petition from the prefect of Jiaxing and order him to recover Jiaxing City within ten days."

"I second the proposal that the Jiaxing magistrate should be allowed to perform meritorious service and recover Jiaxing city within ten days as stated in the petition."

"I second my opinion."

Immediately, several members of the strict party stood up and expressed their support for Zhao Chongdai, the prefect of Jiaxing, who had committed a crime and recovered Jiaxing on the tenth day.

"What do you think?" Emperor Jiajing looked at Yan Song, Xu Jie and Li Ben.

"We only have ten days left, so we might as well give him a try and allow him to make meritorious deeds. If he can recover Jiaxing City within ten days, that would be a great congratulation. If he loses Jiaxing, he can be given a lighter punishment; if he cannot recover Jiaxing, then even He will settle the accounts for the loss of Jiaxing City together and punish him severely without mercy to serve as a warning to others."

Yan Song glanced at Li Ben. Li Ben knew what Yan Song meant, so he stood up and took the lead in speaking in support of the Jiaxing magistrate's meritorious service.

Since Li Ben entered the cabinet, he has been intimidated by Yan Song. He did not dare to offend Yan Song, so he had no choice but to obey Yan Song's orders.

Although he had no intention of harming others, he followed orders and helped Yan Dang do many bad things and did a lot of hard work for Yan Song.

Just like today.

"Recognizing his mistakes can greatly improve things, and I also think that he can be allowed to perform meritorious service to atone for his sins." Xu Jie also followed up and said.

Yan Song glanced at Xu Jie imperceptibly.

The two words "to perform meritorious service" and "to perform meritorious service" seem to be the same, but the term "to perform meritorious service" focuses on "to perform meritorious service", which can not only "atone for sins", but also often get "rewards" for meritorious service; and "to perform meritorious service to atone for sins" This word tends to mean "atonement", "meritorious service", and "atonement".

"Weizhong, where are you?" Emperor Jiajing looked at Yan Song.

"Back to the Holy Spirit, no one can make mistakes without being a sage. I think we can give young people a certain opportunity to tolerate and correct their mistakes. Young people who can admit their mistakes in time and correct them can be given a lighter punishment. Young people who correct their mistakes and even make meritorious deeds can be punished lightly. People can be appropriately rewarded to encourage young people to be brave enough to take on responsibilities and act bravely. Regarding Zhao Chong, the prefect of Jiaxing, I thought I could give him a chance to learn from his mistakes and correct them, so that he could regain Jiaxing City within ten days. If he If you can't do it, then you will be punished for all the crimes and you will be punished severely."

Yan Song bowed down and replied.

All three cabinet ministers voted in favor, and Emperor Jiajing pointed his finger at the chair and made a conclusion on the matter.

"The cabinet looked at the proposed decree and gave him a good scolding first. The 40,000 Japanese pirates in Suzhou were as safe as a mountain in spite of the weather. They almost wiped out all the Japanese pirates. As for Jiaxing, only 400 remaining Japanese pirates captured Jiaxing. city!"

"I thought he, Zhao Chong, was a pig!"

"Now, looking at him writing a bloody letter to plead for war, it seems that he still knows in his heart that he regrets his sins and that there is medicine to save him, so let's give him a chance to make atonement for his sins.

"Order him to recover Jiaxing within ten days after receiving the imperial edict, otherwise the old and new accounts will be settled together!" (End of this chapter)

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