Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2000 Born

Li Shu had been in the delivery room for an hour, and her painful groans could be heard from time to time.

Zhu Pingan was getting more and more worried and anxious outside, and couldn't help asking about Li Shu's situation in the delivery room.

"The fetal position is a little abnormal, Aunt Wang is already adjusting it." The assisting midwife reported the situation in the delivery room.

"Ah?! The fetal position is abnormal?!"

When the rich man Li heard these words, his body shook a little, but fortunately his two brothers-in-law were quick to support him.

The words abnormal fetal position meant that there was a possibility of dystocia, which was a very dangerous signal in ancient times. When the old father Li heard these four words, he felt his heart tighten and his eyes went dark, but fortunately his two brothers-in-law supported him in time.

"Shu'er, Shu'er" Li was so nervous that he was shaking a little, and the old father's heart was about to be tightened to his throat.

"Let me in, I can help." Zhu Pingan said anxiously. There was no caesarean section in this era, so could episiotomy be used? The technical difficulty of episiotomy was not difficult. It was necessary to disinfect and suture well. Catgut could be used for suture, which was well absorbed after surgery. These were what Zhu Pingan learned from reading novels before.

If Li Shu had a difficult delivery, episiotomy could be used, which would definitely help.

Just as Zhu Pingan was about to rush into the delivery room, a loud baby cry came from the delivery room.


This loud baby cry was like a breeze that blew away the dark clouds above the head, and the sun filled the world.

"It's born, it's born, it's a little boy." The midwife's surprised voice of announcing the good news came from the delivery room.

"It's born, it's born!!"

The rich man Li jumped three feet high in excitement. His fat body fell like thunder. As soon as he landed, he happily stretched out his hands and threw money: "Reward, reward, reward, Doctor Wang will be rewarded with 100 taels, the assisting midwives will be rewarded with 50 taels, the maids and nannies present will be rewarded with 10 taels of silver, and except for them, all the servants in the mansion will be rewarded with 5 taels of silver. At the same time, this month, everyone's monthly salary will be doubled."


Zhu Ping'an also jumped up excitedly.

The two brothers-in-law also jumped up excitedly. After they landed, one of them punched Zhu Pingan in the chest, "Congratulations, brother-in-law, you are a father now."

"Congratulations, congratulations." Zhu Pingan was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, "You are uncles too."

"It's born, it's born, the young lady is born." Hua'er and Qin'er hugged each other happily and jumped up and down.

The maids and old women in the yard were also happy as if it was the New Year, "Thank you, Master, you are generous."

Giving red envelopes and doubling the monthly salary, how can they not be excited if they can't get so much New Year's money during the New Year.

Just when everyone was happy, a loud baby cry came from the delivery room, "Wow wow wow"

"It's born again, it's born again, another little girl is born. Congratulations to the master, congratulations to the lady, both sons and daughters," the surprise announcement came from the delivery room along with the baby cry.

"Okay, okay, more rewards, more rewards, big rewards, give Doctor Wang another 100 taels of silver, each of the assisting midwives another 50 taels, each of the maids and old women present another 10 taels of silver, and except for them, all the servants in the mansion will be rewarded with another 5 taels of silver. Also, this month, everyone's monthly salary will be doubled."

The rich man Li was so happy to hear that another little granddaughter was born, and he waved his hands excitedly and threw money.

"Congratulations, brother-in-law, you are a father again." The two brothers-in-law punched Zhu Ping'an in the chest again, congratulating him on being a father again.

"Haha, congratulations, congratulations, you are uncles again." Zhu Ping'an really couldn't stop smiling.

It's great.

There was no difficult labor, Li Shu gave birth safely, and it was twins, a boy and a girl, and her life was perfect.

How could Zhu Ping'an not be happy?

The old women and maids in the yard were all jumping and dancing with joy. While congratulating the master and his wife, they were happily counting how much reward they could get this time. Then their eyes were full of small ingots, and they all followed in the joy.

"I want to go see Sister Li." Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but step into the delivery room.

"Quick, let's go in and see Shu'er and my grandson." The rich man Li also followed in.

"Let's go see my sister and two little nephews." The two brothers-in-law also followed in with big strides.

"Don't go in, don't go in, brother Zhu, don't worry, I'll clean up, you come in, Hua'er, Qin'er, come in and clean up for me, my hair is messy, my makeup is smudged, where is the rouge and powder, hurry up."

Li Shu heard Zhu Ping'an coming in the delivery room and shouted anxiously. She was too exhausted from giving birth just now, her hair was messy, and her face was pale. She didn't want Zhu Ping'an to see her ugly side, so she quickly called Hua'er and Qin'er in to clean up for her.

Zhu Pingan felt the fetal movement of Li Shu. Knowing that Li Shu was arrogant, she didn't want to let him see her ugly side.

So, Zhu Pingan stopped.

"Shu'er, you are always the most beautiful fairy in Daddy's heart. If this stinky boy dares to say "no", Daddy will fight him to the death with these two hundred pounds."

While coaxing Li Shu outside the delivery room, the rich man Li stared at Zhu Pingan with his little eyes, and his eyes were threatening.

"Master Taishan, Li Shu will always be the most beautiful fairy in my heart." Zhu Pingan quickly expressed his opinion.

"Humph, that's more like it." The rich man Li snorted with satisfaction and temporarily spared Zhu Pingan.

"Master, let's go in and touch up the young lady's makeup."

Hua'er and Qin'er ran into the delivery room all the way, and knelt down to salute when they passed by Zhu Pingan and the rich man Li.

"Stop being so polite and hurry in, Shu'er is getting anxious." Rich Man Li waved his hand repeatedly.

Hua'er and Qin'er quickly walked into the delivery room.

"My sister is the same. Why do you have to pay so much attention to what you do and put on makeup at this time? They are all family members. We have been worried outside for a long time. Let us go in quickly to see that my sister and her two little nephews are here."

The two brothers-in-law said carelessly.

"Urgent, urgent, urgent, why are you urging? You are worried, but I won't be worried. Anxious, anxious, why are you anxious? Don't you know that you can't eat hot tofu if you are anxious?!" Rich Man Li went up and gave each of his two sons a blow on the back of their heads. , beating and giving a harsh lesson at the same time.

"Shu'er has worked so hard to give birth to two grandsons. She has done a lot of hard work. You two bitches still have the nerve to criticize Shu'er."

"You can have a baby if you can."

Rich man Li scolded his two sons like crazy.

"Dad, why did we give birth?" The two brothers-in-law scratched their heads with constipation and begged for mercy with grimaces.

"If you don't, just shut up!"

Rich Man Li spat on the two of them again.

The two brothers-in-law were obedient and didn't dare to let out a single fart.

Living in a family that values ​​girls over boys, they have long been accustomed to facing an old man who slaves to his daughter.

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