Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2001 The Neglected Little Guy

"Okay, Brother Zhu, you can come in."

Zhu Ping'an and others waited outside for only about three or five minutes, but it felt like they had been waiting for a long time. Finally, Li Shu's voice came from inside.

Zhu Ping'an took a step and felt like he was being pulled by a cow. His feet were almost pulled off the ground. Then he saw the fat and unbelievably wealthy Li Dacaizhu, who was unbelievably agile and passed by and rushed into the delivery room first.

Old father-in-law, it's really not in vain that the 200 pounds of meat is really strong. He caught up with a cow. Zhu Ping'an, who was dragged back and staggered, tried to control his body balance and complained speechlessly.

"Brother-in-law, be careful."

If it weren't for the two brothers-in-law who supported Zhu Ping'an in time.

"Thank you, big brother and second brother." Zhu Ping'an thanked him and rushed into the delivery room without looking back.

Zhu Ping'an stepped into the delivery room and could still smell the blood and see the pots of red blood.

The thrill of childbirth can be seen from this.

Li Shu leaned against the bedside with a hairband tied on her head. This is a tradition to avoid cold. Although Li Shu applied rouge and powder, she looked like a fairy, bright and beautiful, but she was still haggard.

"Sister Li, you have worked hard."

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but feel a little wet in the corners of his eyes. He walked quickly to the bedside, ignoring the glare of his old father-in-law, and pushed the old father-in-law away with his buttocks. He tightly wrapped his hands around Li Shu's hands and said distressedly.

On Li Shu's side, two babies were wrapped in a small quilt, and their little hands and feet were unwilling to be bound.

Trying to get Zhu Ping'an's attention.

But, unfortunately, Zhu Ping'an's attention was all on Li Shu, and his eyes did not fall on the two babies.

As for the old father-in-law, this old man who was a daughter slave, he went straight to his daughter after coming in. Before he could say a word, he was pushed away by Zhu Ping'an who came in later. Now he was busy glaring at Zhu Ping'an and had no time to look at his two grandchildren.

Then, the two brothers-in-law came in. They came straight to Li Shu and were concerned about their sister. They also ignored the two babies. Seeing that their sister was bright and beautiful, but a little exhausted, they felt relieved. Besides, the old man and Zhu Ping'an were fighting for a place beside their sister, so there was no place for them. They focused their attention on the two babies who were moving their hands and feet.

"Ah, my two nephews are so handsome. This one is exactly the same as my sister. I have never seen such a cute baby. Well, this one looks like my brother-in-law. He looks silly, no, simple."

As soon as they saw the two babies, the two brothers-in-law couldn't take their eyes off them and said that they had discovered a new world.

It is easy to distinguish between nephews and nieces. It's not that they are naked, but that the small blankets they are wrapped in are different. The nephew's small blanket is embroidered with a golden little unicorn, while the niece's small blanket is embroidered with a colorful phoenix.

The little niece is a smaller version of Li Shu. Although she is very small, you can see the outline of Li Shu.

The little nephew is a smaller version of Zhu Ping'an. His silly appearance is just like Zhu Ping'an.

The two older brothers-in-law couldn't take their eyes off the two little guys.

"I almost forgot about my eldest grandson." The rich man Li slapped his head and remembered the two grandsons. Then, relying on his father's position, he pushed his two sons aside and occupied the best viewing position for the two grandsons.

"Good grandsons, your grandpa." The rich man Li squatted beside the bed and teased the two little guys. Seeing the appearance of the two little guys, he couldn't help but sigh, "My granddaughter is really like Shu'er, and my eldest grandson is much more beautiful than your father. They all inherited the advantages of my Shu'er."

The two little guys also gave face to the rich man Li, the grandfather. When they were teased, they all grinned and laughed in cooperation.

The two little guys' smiles made the wealthy master Li very proud, and he couldn't help showing off, "Haha, they smiled at me, did you see it, did you see it?"

"This is the bloodline, my eldest grandson, you have half of the blood of the old Li family in your body, and you feel familiar when you see your grandpa, right? Hahaha, he laughed again, laughed again. Good grandsons, grandpa will give you two a small gift for meeting."

The old father-in-law was teasing the two babies, while taking off a jade pendant and a ring from his body, and put them in the palms of the two babies' hands, and gave them to the two babies as a gift for meeting.

But the babies didn't give face, and pushed it away after touching it. What is this thing, it's cold, not fun.

Of course, there is another reason, they have just been born, and their little hands can't hold things now.

"Good grandsons, these are all good things, warm in winter and cool in summer, blessed by the monks, and they can keep people safe."

The old father-in-law licked his old face, stuck out his butt, and licked his face as much as he wanted to coax the two babies.

"Dad, I've been coveting your jade pendant for more than ten years. I've wanted it since I was a child, but you never gave it to me."

"Dad, your ring was passed down from your grandfather. When I was a kid, I played with it for a long time, and you beat me with your belt for a long time. I almost died."

The two brothers-in-law saw that their father gave the jade pendant and ring that he had carried with him for decades to the two nephews without hesitation. They couldn't help but exclaim in surprise, and their voices were a little sour.

They also tried to get their hands on these two things, but they were beaten to death by their father. Their father swore that the jade pendant and the ring were your lifeblood. Why did he give them to two big brothers now?

They are not your lifeblood now.

Old man, your discrimination is too obvious. We are not your biological children.

"How old are you? You are still jealous of children. Aren't you ashamed?" Mr. Li glared at the two.

The two brothers-in-law were suppressed and kept silent.

"Okay, Brother Zhu, I'm fine. Go and see the two little guys. Are you satisfied?"

Li Shu leaned on Zhu Ping'an for a while. Seeing that Zhu Ping'an had no intention of looking at the little guys, she hurriedly urged him.

"Satisfied, satisfied, very satisfied."

Zhu Ping'an then turned his attention to the two little guys. He couldn't help nodding his head after just one look. The two little guys were simply smaller versions of himself and Li Shu. Genes are really amazing.

"How dare he be dissatisfied." The rich man Li glared at Zhu Ping'an with a strong threat.

After hearing that Zhu Ping'an was satisfied, satisfied, and very satisfied, the rich man Li retracted his glare at Zhu Ping'an with satisfaction. You are a sensible kid.

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