Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2007: Eating and drinking for free

Faced with the fat monk's face full of doubts and his extremely strong desire for knowledge, Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, came to the fat monk, and in the fat monk's expectant eyes, he said two words lightly, "Guess."

The fat monk originally thought that Zhu Pingan was here to reveal the answer. Zhu Pingan came to him, smiled at him, and then spoke. He never expected that what came out of his mouth was "Guess". He was immediately shocked and almost burst into anger.

"I guess you..."

Before the fat monk finished his words, he was hit on the face by a soldier beside him, and two of his big teeth were knocked out.

"These teeth are knocked out well, so that he won't bite his teeth and commit suicide." Li Dacaizhu touched his chin and said.

My old father-in-law seems to be very good at torture? Zhu Pingan looked at Li Dacaizhu with a little doubt.

Although modern science has proven that biting the tongue will not kill oneself, there are only capillaries and a few arteries and veins on the tongue, and very few nerves. Only the root of the tongue that the teeth cannot reach has arteries. Biting the tongue will not cause bleeding to death, nor will it cause pain, and it will not even cause shock, but will only affect speech. However, at this time, ordinary people cannot think of preventing prisoners from biting their tongues to commit suicide.

"I have been a member of the Jinyiwei for a period of time, and I have learned some common sense of torture. It is reasonable, right?" The rich man Li noticed Zhu Ping'an's puzzled look, and he straightened his fat belly and said indifferently.

"Reasonable, reasonable..." Zhu Ping'an nodded repeatedly.

Then, Zhu Pingan ordered, "Put him in the prison, treat him well, pry open his mouth, and carefully interrogate him to find out who he is, where he comes from, his mastermind, why he assassinated me, whether he has accomplices, the strength of the forces behind him, etc. The more and more details the better."

"Don't worry, sir, we have a coroner in the prison. His torture techniques are second to none in Zhejiang. He is proficient in all eighteen tortures. It's hard to die in his hands. Even Jinyiwei and Dongchang have sent people to learn from him. Give it to the coroner to prepare, and make sure the assassin confesses his ancestors for eighteen generations."

The local policeman said confidently.

"Very good, then give it to the coroner, tell the coroner that if you pry open the assassin's mouth, this official will reward you heavily."

Zhu Pingan nodded.

So, a group of people took the fat monk and shouted and pushed him to the prison of the governor's office.

The arrest of the fat monk made a lot of noise. As soon as the fat monk was arrested, the kitchen got the news.

"He's caught, he's caught. An assassin disguised as a traveling monk, under the pretext of celebrating the birthday of the young master and the young lady, wanted to get close to the master and assassinate him. But who is our master? He is the reincarnation of a god in heaven. With a pair of fiery eyes, he saw through the assassin's disguise at once, tricked him into the study, sent soldiers to surround the study, and captured him alive at once..."

The old woman picking vegetables in the kitchen gossiped to the young girls and wives in the kitchen while picking vegetables.

"This assassin is so bold that he dared to come to our governor's office to assassinate the governor. Isn't this just walking into a trap?"

"If you ask me, this assassin is not just bold, but stupid. If he wasn't stupid, he would not have done such a stupid thing."

"He is not only stupid, but also very bad. He has sores on his head and pus on his feet. Our governor is a very good person. He loves the people and can fight against Japanese pirates. He is the parent of our people. If he assassinates the governor, it is like assassinating our parents. He will be struck by lightning."

The young ladies and wives in the kitchen were busy with their work and gossiping.

"My hand was twisted yesterday and I couldn't move the knife. Aunt Li went to the market to buy fresh abalone. Who of you will kill the old hen? I will stew the old hen soup for the young lady to nourish her body today." The old woman asked the young ladies and wives.

"I dare not move the knife." The young ladies and wives shook their heads.

"You are really disappointing. How hard is it to kill a chicken? If I hadn't twisted my hand, you wouldn't be needed." The old woman glared at them.

"I'll do it, I'll do it. I always kill chickens during the New Year in my family. I'll make sure they are killed well and bled well."

A little maid who was cleaning outside the door raised her hand and volunteered.

"You, sweep the floor. You are a newly recruited third-class maid. The higher-ups have told us that only the old people in the mansion and the second-class maids or above can enter the kitchen, touch food, and serve the master. You are not qualified."

The old woman was delighted when she heard someone volunteering, but when she saw that the little maid who raised her hand was wearing the lowest-class blue clothes, she shook her head and refused without hesitation, thinking of the repeated instructions from the higher-ups.

The little maid outside the door was very shocked.

"Okay, Juan'er, don't dream about it. We can't enter the kitchen. Hurry up and sweep the floor. When you stay in the mansion for two years, you will be qualified to be promoted to a second-class maid. Then you can find a relationship and you may be able to enter the kitchen."

The other maids who were cleaning in the courtyard urged.

"Oh oh."

Juan'er nodded disappointedly and continued to sweep the floor.

"Liu Ma, are the side dishes for Aunt Hua'er ready? Don't forget, there is also a pot of excellent daughter's red wine."

Just as Juan'er was sweeping the floor disappointedly, she heard a slightly hoarse female voice from the yard, and then saw a figure walking into the yard, and the figure greeted the old woman in the kitchen in a familiar manner.

"Okay, okay." The old woman stood up and replied quickly.

"Well, not bad, three dishes and one soup, with good color, fragrance and taste, and the wine is good too, twenty-year-old daughter's red wine, not bad. Oh, by the way, Liu Ma, Aunt Hua'er wants to eat braised shark's fin, remember to add a portion of side dishes tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll add it tomorrow. Anything else you want to add?"

"Well, tomorrow I'll just add one braised shark's fin. The day after tomorrow, well, let's add a portion of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall."

"Okay, okay, anything else?"

"No, that's it. If there's anything else you want to add, I'll let you know in advance. I'm taking it away."

Juan'er was sweeping the floor while listening to the conversation in the kitchen.

Soon, the figure walked out of the kitchen yard, carrying a food box and humming a tune.

"Bah, so shameless, she uses Aunt Huaer's name to cheat for food and drink all day long, and she is so picky, she only picks the good things, because Aunt Huaer has a good temper, and she is spoiled! Give her the treatment of a first-class maid, and let her live in a separate room! This person can't be too good to her, you see Aunt Huaer is so good to her, she has forgotten her own status, in front of Aunt Huaer, she is always humble, I look down on her."

When the figure walked away, the old woman in the kitchen changed her face, spit, and said sarcastically.

"That's right, Aunt Huaer never drinks, and the young lady doesn't drink either. Aunt Huaer used to come to the kitchen frequently. We know what she likes to eat and what she doesn't like to eat best."

"Forget it, Aunt Huaer will subsidize her with her private money anyway."

Juan'er, who was sweeping the floor, listened to the words in the kitchen and her eyes lit up.

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