Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2008: Procrastination and fussing

After Juan'er and the others finished cleaning the kitchen, they were assigned other tasks. Juan'er and her little friend Xiu'er were assigned to deliver charcoal.

In winter, charcoal is indispensable for heating in each house. They are responsible for delivering three days' worth of charcoal to each house.

The two of them got charcoal from the warehouse, packed it in baskets and delivered it from house to house.


Halfway through the delivery, when they were about to arrive at Aunt Hua'er's yard, Xiu'er passed by a flower bed and was hit by something on the crook of her leg. Her foot slipped and she only had time to utter a exclamation before she hit the flower bed.

It was cold and freezing, and the masonry was extremely hard. The impact was quite serious. Xiuer's calf immediately began to bleed profusely, and even her cotton pants were soaked with blood.


Xiu'er curled her lips, tears streaming down her face.

"Sister Xiu'er, go back quickly to treat the wound and rub it with medicine, otherwise it will leave a scar." Juan'er said hurriedly and concernedly.

"But, there is still so much charcoal that has not been delivered." Xiu'er said worriedly while sobbing.

"Sister Xiu'er, I'll help you go back. You can have a good rest in your room. I can just deliver the charcoal myself. I've been doing manual labor since I was a child, so I'm very strong. Now there's only half a basket left. I don't have to worry about it myself."

Juaner patted her chest and said, lifting the basket up to show that she could lift it by herself.

"Is it possible?" Xiu'er was shaken.

"Of course it can be done, don't worry, I will ensure that the charcoal cases are delivered on time and on time." Juan'er's chest clapped loudly.

"Then thank you Juan'er. You don't have to send me back. I can just go back by myself. I can leave by myself."

Xiu'er said gratefully to Juan'er.

So, Xiu'er limped back to treat the wound, and Juan'er carried the basket to deliver the charcoal case.

Juan'er saw that she was small but very strong. She carried half a basket of charcoal effortlessly. However, her memory was bad and she missed Aunt Hua'er's yard which was very close to her. She also missed all the other houses in the backyard. Finally, I remembered that Aunt Hua'er's yard had not sent charcoal yet, so I quickly carried the basket into Aunt Hua'er's yard.

The courtyard was very quiet. After Juaner walked in, she closed the courtyard door and walked quietly to the courtyard carrying the basket.

All rooms were quiet except for the wing room.

Juaner slowly put down the basket, walked quietly to the side room, bent down to the window, and looked in through the window.

I saw that the maid who just went to the kitchen to ask for wine and delicacies from the old woman, dressed as a first-class girl, was sitting boldly at the table, with one foot on the chair next to her, her back to the door, eating food and drinking wine. .

Pour and drink by yourself.

The wine of the Ming Dynasty is so fragrant, better than the sake and shochu in my hometown. No wonder the governor has always wanted to conquer the south of the Ming Dynasty.

There are too many good things here, and the people here do not deserve such good land and such good things.

Juan'er leaned down, took out a dagger from her ankle, arched her body, and walked towards the door silently like a cat.

"The 20-year-old Nuerhong tastes better than the 10-year-old. Hiccup, it's good, it's good, especially when paired with the wine and side dishes, it's simply beautiful. Hiccup, have another glass, such a good wine can't be wasted. "

As soon as the girl turned her back to the door, she was getting high from eating and drinking, mumbling to herself and burping repeatedly.

After muttering, she poured herself another glass of wine, took a bite of vegetables, and drank it all in one go.

Then, he poured himself a glass of wine and said, "I'm looking forward to the braised shark's fin tomorrow. It's simmered in chicken soup. It's glutinous and crispy. It's so delicious. To go with the meal, I need to eat two more bowls of rice, as well as wine." Ask for more.”

In just a short while, I poured myself three glasses of wine.

What a female drunkard!

Haha, looking at her like this, she must be drunk. It will not be easy for a little drunkard to take her down.

From what we know, she lives alone in a small courtyard, and no one will notice her for a while.

After dealing with her, he put on her clothes and sneaked into the backyard study at dusk when outsiders couldn't see her face clearly.

According to the information, the target Zhu Pingan would work in the study until midnight before going to bed every night.

At that time, sneak into the study in the name of bringing him tea. If the target doesn't find out about his problem, then give him a cup of poisonous tea and send him to his death! This poison is

If the target discovers something wrong with him, it doesn't matter. He just needs to sneak into the study and rely on his own skills to kill the target. Isn't it as easy as killing a chicken?

There was chaos in the front yard just now. After asking around, I found out that the self-righteous guy from the pharmacist missed it. This guy often pretends to be a monk to approach the target and lower the target's vigilance as a monk. I didn't expect that he missed it today, but this is good news. Who makes this guy pretend to be a senior in front of me every time, and brag that he will be the best ninja in the future? Now, let you pretend again!

However, we still have to thank the self-righteous idiot Yaoshi. He was caught in a hurry, and the target will definitely be relaxed.

Didn't Mingren always say that those who survive a catastrophe will be blessed with future blessings? He must be happily looking forward to future blessings.

The target never imagined that he would end his life.


I am the number one ninja under the family governor.

Juan'er, no, it's Sachiko. She looked at the female drunkard who was still pouring herself a drink, and a cruel and cheerful smile appeared on her lips. Drunkard, no, dead ghost, let you be a stepping stone for me, Sachiko, to complete the mission. Shiba.

The greatest value in your life is that I cut your throat with a knife and give you the clothes of a first-class girl.

Don't worry, my knife is fast and accurate. I will cut your throat with one knife and make you die quickly.


Holding the dagger, Sachiko quietly walked behind the drunkard who was drinking by himself. When the drunkard stretched out his chopsticks to pick up the food, he quickly wiped the cold dagger in his hand to the white neck of the female drunkard.

Such a white neck, a knife will bleed a lot, but it doesn't matter, don't worry, I will cover your mouth and knock you down, and I will guarantee that not a drop of blood will flow on your clothes.

Not even a drop.

Sachiko was confident.

The dagger wiped the neck of the female drunkard like lightning, and Sachiko almost smelled the smell of blood. However, the next second, the chopsticks of the female drunkard turned around, and they came first and clamped her lightning-fast dagger.

Her dagger was like a poor little sparrow that fell into the mouth of a goshawk, and it was difficult to move forward.

What? !!! !!! !!!

Sachiko's eyes widened in disbelief

"Haha, you're so slow, you nagging mother, can you assassinate?!" The drunkard turned her head and asked jokingly. (End of this chapter)

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