Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2015 Zhao Wenhua is defeated

"Get on your horse and set off. Your Majesty has your orders. The horses will not stop and the people will not rest all the way until we reach the Governor's Yamen."

Soon, the Zhejiang army set off again, and thirty-six Japanese pirate heads were hung on the saddles, swaying and dripping with blood as the horses galloped.

Behind them, thirty-six headless Japanese corpses were piled on the woodpile, and the fire was burning.

After a non-stop journey, Zhu Pingan and his party finally arrived outside the gate of Jiaxing City before the sun set.

"Sir, those are the famous Jiaxing Three Towers." The messenger pointed to the three tall towers in the west and introduced Zhu Pingan.

"Why were these three towers built on the bank of the canal outside the city? Is there any allusion to it?" Zhu Pingan asked curiously.

"These three pagodas were first built in the Tang Dynasty. At that time, the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal passed through here. There was a deep pool here, called Bailong Pool. The water in the pool was deep and fast all year round. Ships passing here were often in danger and many people drowned. An eminent monk passed by this place and said that there was a white dragon hiding in the pond doing evil things. People took it seriously, so they filled the pond with earth and built three pagodas to protect it. This is the origin of the Three Pagodas in Jiaxing."

The messenger introduced.

Zhu Ping'an nodded, and even wondered whether Wu Chengen was inspired by this allusion when he wrote the story of Little White Dragon.

"Master Zhao, the prefect of Jiaxing, lowered the city wall that day to hide in these three temples, and then asked for help from Li Tianchong, the former governor of Zhejiang."

The messenger said again.

Zhu Ping'an's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he called Liu Daqiang and whispered, "Send someone to keep an eye on the three towers. There may be people related to the Japanese pirates hiding inside. Don't alert them."

"Understood." Liu Daqiang nodded.

Jiaxing prefect Zhao Chong is on Zhu Ping'an's list of stains. Zhao Chong was captured by the Japanese pirates. He did not go out of the city to ask for help. The three temples were covering up for Zhao Chong. Maybe they were deceived by Zhao Chong, or maybe they had something to do with the Japanese pirates. Take the initiative to cover up for Zhao Chong.

Zhu Ping'an had an intuition that if he stared here, he would gain something.

"Sir, the Governor has given an order in advance. In order to avoid affecting the people in the city and to defend against Japanese pirates, the accompanying Zhejiang Army officers and soldiers will be resettled in the military camp outside the city. You can bring ten guards into the city."

Before entering the city, the messenger informed Zhu Pingan in advance that the Zhejiang army needed to be resettled outside the city.

Zhu Ping'an naturally had no objection. He was not leading troops to seize power. There was no difference between the Zhejiang army's placement inside the city and outside the city.

Moreover, as is the usual practice, in order to avoid disturbing the people, guest soldiers are placed in military camps outside the city.

Although Zhao Chong, the prefect of Jiaxing, defected to the Japanese pirates, Zhang Jing moved to the governor's office and took over the defense of Jiaxing City. As long as Zhang Jing was in Jiaxing City, Zhao Chong could not make any big waves.

Zhu Ping'an led Liu Daqiang and other ten people to follow the messenger to the gate of Jiaxing City. Liu Daqiang and the others had an average of three ferocious Japanese pirate heads hanging on their saddles, and blood dripped to the ground from time to time. .

"My uncle, I'm scared to death. Where did this army come from? Why are there so many heads hanging on the saddle? This, this, this is too cruel. You picked off so many heads in broad daylight?"

"Did you see it clearly? Did you notice it?"

"You can still see clearly. Just seeing the human head scares away half of my seven souls and six souls. How dare you see clearly."

"You guys, what are you making such a fuss about? Those heads are all Japanese pirates. Didn't you see that many of the heads are Japanese pirates' hair? They were not shaved on the spot. They have been shaved for at least half a year. I am a master shaver. I will never do this. Wandering eyes.”

"What, is it the head of a Japanese pirate?! Oh my god, don't tell me, look carefully, it's really the head of a Japanese pirate!!!! It's a Japanese pirate, that's the head of a Japanese pirate, folks, those are the heads of a Japanese pirate!"

"It's true that the sky has eyes. All eighteen of our family were killed by Japanese pirates. Thank you General for avenging us."

When Zhu Ping'an and his party first approached the city gate, there was a panic because of the Japanese pirate's head on the saddle. When people found out that the head on the saddle was the Japanese pirate's head, they immediately rushed to tell each other and clapped their hands and applauded.

Soon a well-informed businessman recognized Zhu Pingan, and suddenly the people knew that it was the new governor Zhu Pingan who led the Zhejiang army to behead so many Japanese pirates.

"Master Futai is here, we in Zhejiang can be saved."

"Lord Zhu is mighty, the Zhejiang army is mighty."

A crowd of ordinary people watched, took pictures and applauded.

"Fellows and fellows, I have something important to see the Governor, and I would like to ask all of you to get out of the way."

Zhu Ping'an apologetically held up his hands, and quickly led Liu Daqiang and others through the city gate, all the way to the Governor's Yamen.

After entering the city, Zhu Ping'an noticed that there were still traces of Japanese pirates wreaking havoc in the city. The walls of many wealthy households' courtyards still had traces of being hacked by knives and burned.

"The Governor's Office is located in the Jiaxing Government Office, and it co-locates with Jiaxing Government." The messenger led the way, leading Zhu Ping'an into the Governor's Office.

After arriving at the government office, the messenger went inside to report and asked Zhu Ping'an to wait in the guest room. He also ordered the officers to take Liu Daqiang and others to the stable to place the horses and register and receive the Japanese pirate heads.

Soon, the messenger came back and said, "Sir, the Governor has invited me."

Zhu Ping'an followed the messenger to see Zhang Jing. When he was about to enter, the door was pushed open forcefully.

A figure walked out angrily, one foot stepped out of the door, the other foot stopped inside the door, his head turned towards the room, and shouted angrily, "Master Zhang, I have ordered you to send troops, you are the commander of the army. You pushed it the day before yesterday, you pushed it again today, are you with the Japanese pirates, are you deliberately sitting back and watching the Japanese pirates ravage our people of the Ming Dynasty, are you deliberately giving the Japanese pirates a chance to grow and develop, are you raising the Japanese pirates' self-respect?"

It's Zhao Wenhua.

Zhu Ping'an narrowed his eyes. Zhao Wenhua urged Zhang Jing to send troops to Jiaxing.

"Sir Zhao, don't slander me. When the time comes, I will send troops. Please go back. What follows is a military secret. It is not convenient for an outsider like Sir Zhao to listen in." Zhang Jing's faint voice came from the room.

"You! Humph, you wait!" Zhao Wenhua angrily said a harsh word and turned to walk out.

"Master Zhao." Zhu Ping'an bowed and greeted. Although he looked down on Zhao Wenhua, he still had to do his job.

"Yes, it's Zihou. Go in. Everyone is waiting for you inside." Zhao Wenhua nodded. He was not surprised that Zhu Ping'an was here.

"Sir Zhu."

Another person walked out of the door, following Zhao Wenhua closely. It was Hu Zongxian, who bowed to Zhu Ping'an.

"Sir Hu." Zhu Ping'an bowed in return.

"Zihou, we'll go to Shaoxing to see you some other day." Zhao Wenhua said to Zhu Ping'an, then waved to Hu Zongxian, "Meilin, let's go."

"Ping'an is always waiting for Master Zhao." Zhu Ping'an said politely.

Zhao Wenhua nodded with satisfaction, and walked out with Hu Zongxian without looking back, muttering something like "Zhang Jing, wait for me."

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