Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2017: Gentry in Jiangnan, supporting the Japanese to gain respect

"There are only more than thirty Japanese pirates. If I were Mr. Xiao Zhu, I would leave half of the troops to destroy the Japanese pirates, and I would personally lead half of the troops to continue on the road. If I rush on the road and suppress the Japanese pirates at the same time, wouldn't I get the best of both worlds?"

Master Tu was still a little reluctant and spoke to Zhu Pingan in a preaching tone.

"Master Tu is here to teach you." Zhu Pingan didn't want to explain to him anymore, so he replied lightly.

"Okay, Zihou is not late. He has wiped out thirty-six Japanese pirates. He has done a great job. If he is late, he will not mention it." Zhang Jing waved his hand as he sat down.

Then, Zhang Jing stretched out his hand to introduce Master Tu to Zhu Pingan, "Zihou, you came late, I will introduce it to you alone. This is Master Tu of Tu Dashan. He was transferred to Yingtian by Governor Chuanhu just a few days ago." Master Tu, the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War, governor of Yingtian, and admiral of military affairs, was well versed in military affairs. When he was the governor of Chuanhu, he assisted Zhang Yue, the governor of Qianchuan Lake, to put down the large-scale rebellion launched by Miao Manlong Xu Bao and Wu Heimiao. After the governor died of illness, he took over as the governor of Chuanhu. He trapped and killed the remaining members of the Long clan, Long Azai and others, and extinguished the Miao rebellion that was about to revive. You two, one as the governor of Yingtian and the other as the governor of Zhejiang, will work together in the future. Let’s work together to wipe out the Japanese pirates as soon as possible.”

"It turns out to be Master Tu. I've heard Master Tu's name for a long time, and it's like thunder in my ears." Zhu Ping'an politely bowed his hands to Master Tu.

Why have you heard of this famous name for a long time? At least Zhu Ping'an had no impression of him in modern times, which shows that he is not famous enough.

Zhu Pingan also arrived in the Ming Dynasty. After being demoted to Jingnan, when he got to know the surrounding officials, he learned that the Chuanhu area had a governor to quell the Miao rebellion. Governor Zhang Yue quelled the Miao rebellion. After he died of illness, Governor Tu of Chuanhu Your Excellency succeeds you as governor.

From the Di newspaper, I only saw one piece of news about him trapping and killing the remaining members of the Long family, Long Azai and others, with a large sum of money, and annihilating his clan.

However, the Governor of Harakawa Lake is also a big shot.

Although his jurisdiction was not as good as Zhang Jing's, he was once a governor after all, and he was nominally on the same level as Zhang Jing. No wonder his attitude was so arrogant.

"I have heard about Mr. Xiao Zhu for a long time, but when I saw him today, I was a little disappointed." Tu Dashan's attitude was a little cold.

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold.

"Then Ping An can only continue to work hard." Zhu Ping'an twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, not understanding why Tu Dashan repeatedly targeted him.

"Okay, let's get back to the business. We have summoned you all here today to unify the strategy for the war against Japan."

Zhang Jing presided over and brought the topic back to normal.

"Everyone, I don't need to say too much about the current situation of Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River. In the past few days, the Tuolin Xuhai Japanese pirates have been wreaking havoc in southern Zhili and northern Zhejiang. The Wangzhi Japanese pirates have also repeatedly invaded various places in the south of the Yangtze River. Except for these two In addition to the Japanese pirates, there are countless Japanese pirates, large and small, who frequently invade our southeastern coast, burning, killing, and looting. The people have suffered repeatedly, and the water is in dire straits. However, our officers and soldiers in various places have frequently failed in their battles against the Japanese. I would like to ask all of you here, Why do our officers and soldiers frequently fail in their battles against the Japanese?"

Zhang Jing looked around at everyone with a serious face and asked slowly.

Everyone was silent for a while.

"Mencius said: The weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people. Our army often failed in the war against the Japanese. Is it because the time is not in the army, or is the right place not in the army, or is the people and people not in the army?! Otherwise, why should we fight against the Japanese? What about the frequent defeats in the Japanese war?" Zhang Jing glanced at everyone one by one and asked again.

Yes, why do the officers and soldiers frequently lose? !

The Japanese pirates came across the ocean, fought in different places, killed people and set fires in the Ming Dynasty. Why could they frequently defeat the Ming army?

Is it because Tianshi is not in the army?

joke! How could Tianshi not be on the side of the army? Could the Japanese pirates be more adaptable to Tianshi than the army? !

Is that because the geographical advantage is not on the side of the army?

No, the officers and soldiers are fighting at home, but the Japanese pirates are fighting in a different place, so how can they be better positioned than the officers and soldiers?

Is that Renhe or not on the government and military side? !

That's even more impossible! The Japanese pirates came to the Ming Dynasty to burn, kill, loot and commit all kinds of evil. They were an unjust party. The government and army attacked the Japanese pirates and were a just party. How could there be no one to harm them?

But why did the government and army frequently lose in battles against the Japanese when the time was right, the place was right, and the people were there?

This makes no sense at all. Was Mencius wrong? ! Or was grandson wrong? !

"My Lord Governor, there are not only real Japanese pirates, but also fake Japanese traitors from the Ming Dynasty. There are quite a few fake Japanese pirates. In some Japanese pirate gangs, fake Japanese pirates account for more than 40%, and some Japanese pirate gangs even account for 60%. Above. Of course, except when Japanese pirates invade on a large scale. At that time, the number of real Japanese is the majority, and they are all fake Japanese who collude with the real Japanese. With these fake Japanese, the Japanese pirates can also occupy the right time, place and people. " A general stood up and responded to Zhang Jing's inquiry.

This general is in his forties, has a very tall and majestic figure, and has a beard. He looks like a fierce general.

This military general should have an unusual relationship with Governor Tu Dashan. He sat behind Tu Dashan. Zhu Pingan noticed that Tu Dashan was whispering to him. This military general respected Tu Dashan.

Perhaps they were the confidant generals Tu Dashan brought from his appointment as governor of Chuanhu.

"Well, General Li Fengshi is right. At least you have seen the surface." Zhang Jing nodded lightly and said calmly.

General Li Fengshi? Never heard of it, Zhu Pingan searched his mind and determined that he had never heard of Li Fengshi in modern times.

"Surface?" Li Fengshi was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, it's just on the surface. You only see that there are many fake Japanese pirates who work for the Japanese pirates. You don't see that some Jiangnan gentry who value profits but have no intention of raising Japanese people respect themselves. You don't see that some short-sighted Jiangnan people forget their ancestors for the sake of profit. Support the Japanese pirates!" Zhang Jing said with a serious and indignant look.

"What? The Jiangnan gentry raises Japanese people to respect themselves?" Li Fengshi was even more stunned, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but raise his head and look at Zhang Jing.

Everyone present also raised their heads and looked at Zhang Jing.

"Yes, these scum among the Jiangnan gentry are the most important reason why the Jiangnan government army has repeatedly failed to suppress the Japanese."

Zhang Jing nodded vigorously and said seriously.

"Did the Japanese plague endanger all the people? No, the Japanese invasion in Jiangnan seemed to endanger all the people, but that was not the case. After the shipping companies in Zhejiang and Fujian were closed down, the imperial court strictly ordered not to go to sea. Some scum among the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River In order to continue to engage in overseas trade and sell their goods overseas, they supported the Japanese pirates to establish themselves in the south of the Yangtze River and made money through the Japanese pirates exporting goods! "

Zhang Jing further explained. (End of chapter)

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