Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2018 Military Order

"In addition to the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, there are also some unscrupulous and short-sighted people who secretly liaise with the Japanese pirates, report information to the Japanese pirates, lead the way, shelter, donate food and grass, and even send their children and nephews to the Japanese pirates to join them! There are these scum gentry and With the secret support of the unruly people, the Japanese pirates stole the right time, place, and people!”

Zhang Jing said to everyone with an indignant look.

Yes, what Zhang Jing said is true. Since the maritime ban, many coastal people have secretly liaised with Japanese pirates.

Some time ago, Japanese pirates under Wang Zhi even appeared in markets in Suzhou and Hangzhou to trade with local people. Some people even enthusiastically sent their nephews to join the Japanese pirate team.

Zhu Pingan knows this very well.

"What the Governor said is absolutely true. We once ambushed the Japanese pirates, but some unruly people reported the information to the Japanese pirates. We waited left and right in the ambush circle and saw no Japanese pirates. We gave up the ambush. On the way back to the city, we were ambushed by the Japanese pirates. , many brothers died. After suffering such a heavy loss, we investigated afterwards and found out that someone had tipped off the Japanese pirates, but that person was cunning. We did not find out who the specific person was, but only circled a range, which was us. Several villages around the original ambush circle."

"We have also encountered this. Once our scouts detected that the Japanese pirates gathered together to drink. God-given opportunity, we made a plan and organized a group of young and strong people to make their dumplings while they were drunk and kill them by surprise. But when our army When we arrived, the Japanese pirates were nowhere to be seen. At that time, we suspected that someone among the young people was informing the Japanese pirates, but now we think about it, it must have been the case. "

Soon two generals echoed Zhang Jing's words and cited their personal experiences to prove it.

"Another important reason for the repeated defeats of our officers and soldiers is that our officers and soldiers are not strong enough. The guard station is no longer the same as it used to be. I don't need to say more about these. You are all generals who lead troops and you know the situation of the guard station better than I do. How bad it is.”

Zhang Jing looked around at everyone and said slowly, especially those generals, each of whom looked at him for a moment.

Everyone was silent.

How could they not be aware of the death of the guards? They had gone from an elite to a sick man, and their combat power had dropped more than ten times.

"As for other reasons, there must be many, but as long as these two reasons are solved, there is no need to worry about the Japanese pirates being unjust!"

Zhang Jing said impassionedly.

"What your Excellency said is absolutely true." Everyone cheered.

"This is why I summoned you all today." Zhang Jing pressed his hands on several cases, leaned forward slightly, and looked down at the crowd.

"Please tell me, Your Majesty the Governor, that we will only obey orders and have no swerving duty." Everyone expressed their support one after another.

Zhang Jing was very satisfied with everyone's attitude. He pressed his hands down and said slowly, "With your full support, there is no need to worry about the Japanese pirates being immortal."

"The Holy Majesty has appointed me as the governor to take charge of the affairs of Jiangnan to quell the Japanese. This is the Holy Spirit's trust in me. I will do my best until I die. With the Holy Order, I have the responsibility to take charge of the affairs of Jiangnan to pacify the Japanese. The first thing I have to change is It is a situation where each region is fighting independently. Whether it is Nanzhili, Zhejiang or Fujian, they are all under my unified command. Do you have any objections? "

Zhang Jing spoke with a serious face. Although he was asking for everyone's opinions, his tone was unquestionable.

"We have no objection. As the governor, it is your duty to be in charge of the affairs of the Japanese people. We will obey your orders."

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

"Very good. In view of the above two reasons, the governor has decided that the first reason should be left to the governors of various places to solve. The next top priority of the governors' official duties is to find out those gentry who care about Japanese pirates and those who have liaison with Japanese pirates. Tricky people! We must prevent them from sabotaging the next plan to suppress Japanese invaders!"

Zhang Jing paused for a moment on the faces of Tu Dashan, Zhu Ping'an, and other governors before speaking slowly.

"As commanded."

Zhu Ping'an and Tu Dashan and other governors accepted the order.

"Master Tu, Master Xiao Zhu, in your two areas, Nanzhili and Zhejiang, especially Nanzhili, is the area hardest hit by Japanese pirates. There are a large number of self-respecting gentry who support Japanese pirates and unscrupulous people who have liaison with Japanese pirates. You two areas will also be in the future. You have a heavy burden on your shoulders, can you complete the mission?"

Zhang Jing named Tu Dashan and Zhu Pingan and asked seriously.

At this time, we are required to issue a military order. Zhu Ping'an came to the conclusion from Zhang Jing's tone and expression.

Zhu Ping'an could see it, and Master Tu, an old man in officialdom, could see it even more.

This task is very difficult. Since the ban on maritime trade, the gentry and merchants along the coast south of the Yangtze River have cut off regular channels for overseas trade. However, the profits of overseas trade are too high, several times that of inland trade. How can they give up! If formal overseas trade does not work, then only informal overseas trade will remain.

As for informal overseas trade, you can only cooperate with Japanese pirates! Or, simply raise a group of Japanese pirates!


Just become a pirate!

On the surface, they are gentry and wealthy businessmen. They have a harmonious relationship with their neighbors. They often help the poor people around them. They are considered by everyone to be good people, good people, and role models in the world. The Japanese pirates committed murder, arson, rape, robbery, and all kinds of evil!

In addition, the fishermen along the coast, whose livelihood was cut off due to the maritime ban, were forced to make a living, and some people were dissatisfied with the imperial court. Under the coercion and inducement of the Japanese pirates, they supported the Japanese pirates and even joined them, which became one of their few Lots of choices.

Therefore, this task is very heavy and difficult to complete, but as Zhang Jing said, if you do not complete this task, you will be at a disadvantage in the war against the Japanese!

This is also the reason why Zhang Jing wanted to issue a military order to himself and Tu Dashan.

To pacify Japan, this problem must be solved!

Although it is difficult!

But come on!

"Please rest assured, Lord Governor, we will complete the task. If we fail, we will be punished by the Lord Governor."

Zhu Ping'an and Master Tu issued military orders in public almost in unison.

"very good!"

Zhang Jing was very satisfied with the performance of the two men in issuing military orders on the spot.

"In Southern Zhili and Zhejiang, I have Master Tu and Master Xiao Zhu in charge, so I feel relieved. However, I will put my ugly words first. From now on, troops will be used to suppress Japanese pirates in various places. If there are setbacks due to gentry and unruly people colluding with Japanese pirates, you will It is our duty to tell the truth to the Lord. Don't blame me for being ruthless. This is not only the case in Nanzhili and Zhejiang, but also in other places!" Zhang Jing said with a serious face.

"Please rest assured, Lord Governor, we will also complete the task. If we fail to complete it, we will also be punished by the Lord Governor."

Several other governors also expressed their opinions.


Zhang Jing nodded with satisfaction. (End of chapter)

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