Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2019 Young but with severe osteomalacia

"Let's solve the second problem: the officers and soldiers are not strong enough, and the guards are ineffective!" Zhang Jing looked at everyone and said slowly.

The generals of the guard station present here are on pins and needles. They are in charge of the guard station and know the weakness of the guard station better than anyone else.

Not only are the officers and soldiers weak in strength, they are simply stretched to the point of being ridiculous!

The health center is more than useless, it is a waste!

The officers and soldiers of the guard station bullied the common people, and faced the Japanese pirates. They were defeated in nine out of ten battles, and the entire army was wiped out in one battle.

When they heard Zhang Jing said that he wanted to solve the problem of the lack of strength of the army and the army, they all became nervous. They didn't know how Zhang Jing was going to solve the problem, or whether he would solve them without being able to solve the problem of the army, the army and the garrison.

"First of all, the guards must work hard to correct and put an end to the phenomenon of falsely reporting troops and horses, and using the old, young, sick, and disabled as numbers. The governor will give you all the guards here a month to correct themselves. As long as they are corrected, I'll let my past go! However, I warn you not to engage in fraud. In one month, I will go to various health stations from time to time for random inspections. If it is found that there are still false reports of troops and horses, filling the numbers with old, weak, sick, etc. This governor will punish you severely. Your Majesty has given me the power to kill you first and then punish you. When the time comes when the knife is placed on your neck, don’t blame me for not predicting what I said!”

"At the same time, we must strictly train the officers and soldiers of the guard station, organize their military equipment, and improve the combat effectiveness and strength of the officers and soldiers of the guard station!"

Zhang Jing glanced at the generals of the guard with a stern look on his face and said in a stern voice.

"Don't worry, Governor, I will renovate the guard post when I get back, and I will live up to the Governor's expectations!" After hearing Zhang Jing's words, the nervous generals of the guard breathed a sigh of relief. Great, Governor Zhang gave them a plan to save themselves. The opportunity for change shows that the Governor has no intention of solving the problem by solving them.

"Of course, it takes time to train the officers and soldiers of the guard station and increase their combat effectiveness. It is beyond the reach of the increasingly severe Japanese invasion. Therefore, the governor transferred 6,000 spearmen from Shandong and recruited from the Guangxi Chieftain's Tianzhou Wa's Army,' A total of 14,000 wolf soldiers were mobilized from Si'en Army, Donglanzhou Army, Yongshun Army, Baojing Army, etc. Among them, Tianzhou Wa's Army was the main force, with six wolf soldiers dispatched. More than a thousand people! 20,000 guest soldiers have also arrived, with 20,000 elite guest soldiers as sharp knives and soldiers from various places as solid stones to quell the current Japanese invasion!" Zhang Jing said slowly, with a confident look on his face.

"The Governor is wise." Everyone praised.

"One soldier is a raging army, and a den of generals is raging. A good soldier also needs a good general! The governor is going to hand over the 20,000 guest troops to the command of General Lu Borong, General Tang Kekuan, General Yu Dayou, General Li Fengshi, and General Zou Jifang. Do you have any objections? ?”

Zhang Jing looked around everyone and asked for their opinions.

"No objection." Zhu Ping'an and others replied. Who would have any objection at this time? Even if they did, they would keep it.

"Thank you very much for your trust, Lord Governor. We will fight to the death to repay your trust in Lord Governor! We will go through fire and water, and we will do whatever it takes!"

Lu Ti, Tang Kekuan, Yu Dayou and other generals who were named by Zhang Jing stood up one after another and expressed their stance with excited expressions on their faces.

"very good."

Zhang Jing nodded with satisfaction, and then began to make specific assignments, "General Li Fengshi and General Zou Jifang come forward to listen to the order!"

"The end is here!" Li Fengshi and Zou Jifang clasped their fists and stepped forward.

"Six thousand Shandong spearmen, you two will each command three thousand, stationed in South Zhili!" Zhang Jing ordered.


Li Fengshi and Zou Jifang clasped their fists and accepted the order.

"General Lu Boring, General Tang Kekuan, and General Yu Dayou came forward to listen to the order!" Zhang Jing continued to order the generals.

"The general is here!" Lu Ti, Tang Kekuan, and Yu Dayou took a step forward and responded in unison.

"There are 14,000 wolf soldiers, of which 2,000 are the governor's personal guards. The remaining 12,000 wolf soldiers will be commanded by the three of you, each commanding 4,000 wolf soldiers! Lu Boring is stationed in Nanzhili, and Tang Kekuan and Yu Dayou are stationed in Zhejiang. !”

Zhang Jing ordered.

"No!" Lu Boring, Tang Kekuan and Yu Dayou clasped their fists and accepted the order.

"By entrusting the guest soldiers to your command, this governor shows his trust in your commander's ability. Don't let me down!"

Zhang Jing said to Lu Boring, Yu Dayou and others.

"A gentleman will die for his confidant. Your Majesty the Governor trusts us, and we will repay it with death!" Lu Ti, Yu Dayou and others expressed their opinions one after another.

"Very good, I will take you to the guest camp later and allocate the corresponding guest soldiers to you. You have to take on the important task of training and running in the guest soldiers. I will be of great use in the future." Zhang Jing nodded. .

"Thank you, Governor!" Lu Ti, Yu Dayou and others clasped their fists.

"Now that we have soldiers and generals, the next step is to have the right to command. It's not enough to fight alone if you are scattered. Not only will you not be able to destroy the Japanese pirates, but you will also give them the opportunity to defeat them one by one! The Holy Lord ordered me to be the governor to command the suppression of Japanese pirates in Jiangnan. , Therefore, from today on, whether it is Southern Zhili, Zhejiang, Fujian or other places, no matter how big or small, the military command power will be returned to the governor and be under the unified command of the governor!" Zhang Jing looked at Tu Dashan and Zhu again this time! Ping An and other governors said with burning eyes.

This is to take away the military command power of the governor.

After Zhu Pingan heard this, he couldn't help but frowned. Military command power is the most important power of the governor! none of them! If the military command power is taken away, then the name of the governor of Zhejiang will not be worthy of his name! Just when Zhu Pingan was about to speak, he heard Lord Tu Dashan beside him speak.

"Governor, we are also the governors appointed by the emperor. We are in charge of the local areas, the three departments, and the military. If the governor takes away all our military command rights, then we are not worthy of the title of governors, and we have also deviated from the will of the emperor. We are the parents of the province under the emperor's order. How can we sit back and watch the Japanese pirates wreak havoc in the country?"

Tu Dashan used to be the governor-general. Now he came to Nanzhili to serve as the governor. He was lower than Zhang Jing and was deprived of military command rights. Naturally, he was dissatisfied. Almost as soon as Zhang Jing finished speaking, he spoke out to oppose.

"You are the governors appointed by the emperor, and I am the governor-general appointed by the emperor! If you fight on your own and don't listen to orders, then what's the point of me being the governor!" Zhang Jing looked at Tu Dashan with burning eyes.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Jing looked at Zhu Pingan and asked by name, "Little Zhu, do you have any objection to this?"

"Governor, you are the governor appointed by the emperor, and you should command the military affairs of Jiangnan in a unified manner!"

Zhu Pingan said slowly.

"Good!" Zhang Jing nodded with satisfaction.

After hearing this, Tu Dashan immediately turned his head to look at Zhu Pingan, his face full of disdain and dissatisfaction with Zhu Pingan!

"Humph! You are so young but you have cartilage disease!" Tu Dashan snorted and ridiculed Zhu Pingan on the spot.

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