Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2023: Secret Report to Zhang Jing

"Before I leave, Ping An has one more thing to report to the Governor. Please stand aside."

After breakfast, before bidding farewell to Zhang Jing, Zhu Pingan asked Zhang Jingping to step aside with a serious face.

Zhang Jing realized that Zhu Ping'an was going to talk about something very important, so he withdrew to prevent anyone from approaching the study.

"Zihou, it's time to talk." Zhang Jingping stepped back and said to Zhu Ping'an.

"My Lord Governor, Jiaxing Magistrate Zhao Chong may have surrendered to the Japanese pirates. I have several clues in my hand."

Zhu Pingan whispered to Zhang Jing, just in case the walls had ears.

Then, Zhu Ping'an truthfully told Zhang Jing all the reasons why he suspected Zhao Chong and the clues he had obtained from currently monitoring Zhao Chong.

"Okay! Very good! Great!" Zhang Jing couldn't help but clapped his hands excitedly after hearing this.

For a moment, Zhu Pingan was in a daze. What was going on? Why was Zhang Jing so excited when he heard that Zhao Chong surrendered to the Japanese pirates? !

"Now we are sure to lure the Japanese pirates to Jiaxing!" Zhang Jing's words cleared up Zhu Pingan's doubts.

I see!

Zhu Ping'an suddenly realized.

"Zi Hou, didn't you alert him?" Zhang Jing asked with concern. Zhao Chong was an important part of attracting the Japanese pirates to Jiaxing.

"No, after all, he is the prefect. I have to get full confidence and evidence to arrest him. Before that, I will not alert the snake. I warned the people watching to keep a sufficient distance. I would rather miss it than alert him. Zhao Chong and the Japanese pirates," Zhu Pingan said with certainty.

"Very good, I can rest assured that Zihou will do the work." Zhang Jing nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "Zihou, starting from today, you can withdraw all the people you sent to monitor Zhao Chong. Just give it to me.”

"Follow your orders." Zhu Ping'an followed his instructions.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Jing, Zhu Ping'an took everyone to Shaoxing and made a special detour to the north for a special trip to Wangjiangjing.

Wangjiangjing was the main battlefield where Zhang Jing organized the 18th Route Army to encircle and suppress Japanese pirates. The name of Wangjiangjing Victory comes from this place.

The right time, right place, and right people are not just talking about it. If you want to have the right geographical location, how can you get the right location if you don’t understand the geographical situation of mountains and rivers? !

Zhu Pingan came to Wangjiangjing. At first, Zhu Pingan thought this place was a river flowing from north to south.

Jingma, water flowing from north to south, from high to low.

Wangjiangjing is a river next to Wangjiacun that flows from north to south and from high to low.

But when he arrived at Wangjiangjing, Zhu Pingan discovered that there was not only a river, but also a Wangjiangjing town beside the river.

Wangjiangjing Town is incredibly prosperous. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal passes through the town. The town is very large, with a radius of dozens of miles.

The town of Wangjiangjing is a famous silk town, producing tens of thousands of pieces of silk every day. There are many shops in the town, and the streets are clean and prosperous. The locals call Wangjiangjing "the world's clothes and quilts".

Zhu Ping'an came to Wangjiangjing and rode a horse around Wangjiangjing for more than 20 miles. He understood why this place became a battlefield.

Wangjiangjing is located at the junction of Zhejiang and South Zhili. It is connected to Jiaxing in the south and is the bridgehead of Jiaxing. It is connected to Suzhou Prefecture in South Zhili to the north.

There are the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, large and small rivers, dense water networks, and undulating hills, making it a natural battlefield.

This is actually more suitable for Japanese pirates who are brave individually and have outstanding combat power in small groups. It makes sense for Japanese pirates to choose this place.

In addition, although this is a suitable place for Japanese pirates to take advantage of individual soldiers, as long as they resist the Japanese pirates' offensive and send troops to cut off the Japanese pirates' retreat, they can form a closed-door and dog-fighting trend against the Japanese pirates. It is reasonable for Zhang Jing to choose this place as the main battlefield. .

The Japanese pirates chose this place to break through, and Zhang Jing chose this place to close the door and fight dogs. It was inevitable that this place would become the main battlefield.

Zhu Ping'an carefully circled Wangjiangjing's horses, imprinting every plant, tree, and river in his mind. He could not stay out of this battle, and he had to take part in it no matter what.

According to the records I had read before, the Wangjiangjing Victory was historically known as the greatest victory since the Japanese invasion in the Southeast. Its result was only the annihilation of 1,980 Japanese pirates, which was far inferior to the results of the Suzhou Defense War.

The Japanese pirates in Xu Hai gathered another 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers and horses. If Wang Jiangjing's great victory still only achieved 1,980 soldiers, the Japanese pirates would only lose one-tenth of their troops, and the blow to the Japanese pirates would not be heavy enough. .

Therefore, Zhu Ping'an wanted to participate and do his best to severely attack the Japanese Japanese in Xu Hai.

It would be even better if this group of Japanese pirates could be exterminated.

Although Zhu Pingan knows that it is difficult, nothing in the world is easy. The harder it is, the harder it is to work hard.

The river network here is dense and the hills are undulating, which is suitable for Japanese pirates to play alone, but this is more suitable for firearms.

As long as you occupy a few key strongholds and give full play to the advantages of firearms, the Japanese pirates will definitely be unable to survive!

As the saying goes, no matter how high your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives, let alone guns.

Zhu Ping'an carefully looked at the mountains and terrain, and selected a few points that were quite suitable for the Zhejiang army to use its firepower, and he knew it clearly.

If the Zhejiang army participated in the Battle of Wangjiangjing and occupied these points, the Japanese pirates would be unable to advance or retreat and suffer heavy losses.

"Let's go back to Shaoxing quickly!"

After Zhu Ping'an imprinted the mountains and terrain of Wangjiangjing in his mind, he took the reins of the horse, clamped the horse's belly, and took the lead in galloping south.

A group of Zhejiang troops followed, and the large group of troops headed towards Shaoxing.

The return journey was uneventful. No Japanese pirates were encountered. They arrived in Shaoxing before dusk.

Zhu Pingan went home to take a quick bath and change clothes to wash off the cold. Then he went to see Li Shu and the two little ones to avoid the cold. Li Shu was still in confinement after childbirth, and the two little ones were still young and had weak resistance.

"Hehe, Brother Zhu, hold them and see if they have gained weight again. They are like two little pigs, especially your daughter. She eats too much. The milk of two wet nurses is just enough for her."

Li Shu was full of maternal love. She held the ignorant little fat girl to Zhu Pingan like offering a treasure.

"Let me hold her, my dear girl."

Zhu Pingan took the little fat girl with his hands carefully. Sure enough, after only two days, the little girl had gained another size.

The little fat girl liked Zhu Pingan very much. When Zhu Pingan held her, she showed a big smile and her baby voice was like a kitten.

Zhu Pingan couldn't help but kiss her.

You can't favor one over the other. Zhu Ping'an put down the little fat girl and bent down to pick up the little fat son. As soon as he picked him up, he felt warm in his arms and found that the little guy had urinated a lot, not only soaking the thin blanket, but also soaking Zhu Ping'an's clothes.

The little guy still looked innocent and looked at Zhu Ping'an naively.

"Your son loves you and kept it for you." Li Shu saw this and laughed non-stop

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