Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2024 Come out, the Ten Households Baojia Law

Zhu Ping'an accompanied Li Shu to take care of the baby for a while, then returned to the study and began to study the first task assigned by Zhang Jing, to find out those gentry who favored the Japanese and the traitors who had fornicated with the Japanese, so as to prevent them from destroying the overall situation of suppressing the Japanese. .

This task is even if Zhang Jing doesn't tell him, Zhu Pingan will do it, and it won't work if he doesn't do it.

If we want to wipe out the Japanese pirates, we must find out the gentry and common people who are colluding with the Japanese. In addition, not only the gentry and the common people are collaborating with the Japanese, but also some officials are collaborating with the Japanese. Historical records record that there are many officials who surrendered to the Japanese, including Qianhu generals, and some Government officials.

These people must also be found.


Ordinary people have family members who are Japanese pirates. When the Japanese pirates steal something, they will distribute it to the family. Do you think they can not inform the Japanese pirates? !

The gentry wanted to profit from Japanese pirate smuggling, or simply secretly raised a group of Japanese pirates. Do you think they could not inform the Japanese pirates? !

There are also those officials who are in contact with the Japanese pirates. Whether they support the Japanese pirates, are bribed by the Japanese pirates with money or sex, or otherwise, as long as they cooperate with the Japanese pirates, they are on the road of no return and become grasshoppers in the same boat with the Japanese pirates. To tip off the Japanese pirates? !

If they tipped off the Japanese pirates, the Japanese pirates would fight like Guangxi, without any secrets, and half of them would be defeated before the battle started. Therefore, we must find out those gentry, common people and officials who are colluding with the Japanese.

Once these people who are dealing with Japanese pirates are found out, the Japanese pirates will lose their eyes and ears among the people and become blind and deaf. If they are to be suppressed again, the Japanese pirates will get twice the result with half the effort.

As for how to grab it, Zhu Ping'an already had an idea.

In troubled times, heavy codes must be used.

Come out.

Even sitting method!

Our Zhejiang Army can be used, and Zhejiang Province can be used. Of course, Bao Qin's original continuous sitting method will definitely not work, and it must be modified to keep pace with the times.

Zhu Pingan has seen the Baojia Law of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China in modern times, and there are many things that can be learned from it.

Pens, inks, paper and inkstones were prepared one by one. Zhu Pingan laid out rice paper and began to write his first military and political order after taking office as governor of Zhejiang.

It was also a cruel military order.

"Ten Households Protection Method!"

On the rice paper, several big characters jumped out

Early the next morning, Zhu Ping'an handed over the drafted "Law for Protecting the House Numbers of Ten Households" to the government scribes, and ordered them to copy and use the seals, and immediately distributed them to all prefectures and counties, strictly ordering them to implement them immediately.

Soon, the law of protecting the house numbers of ten households was issued to the village, and the document was posted in front of the village ancestral hall.

All the people in the village were gathered in front of the ancestral hall by the village chief and village elders, and the literate old scholar read out the explanatory documents to everyone.

"Listen up, young and old, this is the 'Ten-household Protection Law' formulated by our governor. It says that as soon as the document is posted, we must implement it immediately, otherwise we will severely punish you."

The old scholar slowly stroked his gray beard, enjoying the attention of everyone, and spoke to everyone word for word.

This is his favorite moment. Everyone in the village has to rely on him. Who makes him the only literate person in the village?

"Old Wentou, tell us, this is the 'Ten Households Protection Method'. What does it do?"

"Who is the governor?"

All the common people urged the old scholar to tell everyone what the ten-household-number protection method was.

"Okay, okay, don't rush me, let me take a breath, and then I can explain it to everyone."

The old scholar took a few deep breaths, then stroked his beard and continued to tell everyone:

"Our eldest governor, whose name is Zhu Ping'an, was the number one scholar at that time. This 'Ten Households Protection Law', our eldest governor said this: I was ordered to patrol Zhejiang in order to exterminate the Japanese pirates and provide for the people. The talents are short and the wisdom is insufficient, so we need the cooperation and assistance of all officials, citizens, and gentry. Because we want to control the outside world, we must take care of the internal affairs first. We have not been aware of local customs for a long time. I have some idea. I visited the homes of the soldiers and civilians, and found that many of them had small profit plans and lodged people with unknown origins, which was also the case with Japanese pirates. Some even had private connections with Japanese pirates and sent messages to them; According to the predestined relationship, the Japanese pirates are not at peace, and for this reason, the law of protecting the house numbers of ten households is enacted."

After the old scholar finished speaking, all the common people shouted that they did not understand and asked the old scholar to speak in words they could understand.

"Okay, okay, this is what our governor said. He has just arrived in Zhejiang and is not familiar with the place. If we want to wipe out the Japanese pirates, we need the cooperation of all our officials and the common people. There are bad people among our masses. , Some people become Japanese pirates, some have liaisons with Japanese pirates, pass messages to Japanese pirates, some hide Japanese pirates, etc. Because of this, our great governor has enacted this 'Ten Households Protection Law'."

The old scholar spoke to everyone again in vernacular.

Some of the people were calm, some looked wrong, and some people gathered together and whispered to each other.

"Then what is the ten-household protection law, and how to implement it?" the common people asked urgently.

"The governor said that in the prefectures and counties under his jurisdiction, every household in the city... Well, let me put it in words you can understand. In our village, every household must hang a wooden house plate with the following words on the house plate: The name of each person in each household, whether they are male or female, what they do, what they look like, where they are from, whether they are physically disabled, where they are disabled, and how they are disabled, must be written clearly on the house number.”

"Each of the ten neighboring households in our village forms a Jia, and everyone will jointly elect a chief. If the recommendation cannot be made, our village chief will appoint a chief. The chief will supervise the roll call every day at unitary hour. Send out one person in turn to call the rolls in each household, and the head of the group should follow and supervise. "

"If someone in the family is not at home, the family members should make it clear who is not at home, when they went out, where they went, what they were doing, and when they will return. The chief of staff and the person on duty must remember clearly and inform the situation The rest are all in different households.”

"If there are more than one person in your family, the family members should tell you clearly what the name of the person who comes to your home is, where they come from, what kind of work they do, their relationship with your family, what they come to your home for, and when they leave. Chief A and The person who takes the roll call must also remember it clearly and inform the other households. "

"When the roll call is taken, every household must report truthfully. They cannot conceal or fail to report, nor can they make false reports."

"Anyone who finds someone with an unfamiliar face or suspicious movements, finds something suspicious about a certain family, or finds a flaw in a report from a certain family, should report it directly to the official."

"If someone in the family is a Japanese pirate, or someone in a certain family is not at home and cannot tell where he is, or someone suddenly appears in the family and cannot tell where he is, or he is a Japanese pirate, and if no one in Yijia reports it to the official, it will not only be possible. The Japanese family will be punished, and the other nine families will also be punished."

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