Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2030 Meat Forest Whirlwind

"Come on, come on, come on. Come and eat. You are not afraid of not having enough food. We are still cooking one pot at home. After finishing this pot, we will send another pot."

The common people who rewarded the army were so enthusiastic that they carried the food to the city gate and warmly greeted the gatekeepers to enjoy it.

"Let's do this. Half of them come here to try the craftsmanship of the folks, and half of them guard the city gate to be careful of Japanese pirates knocking on the door. Eat quickly, and take turns after eating."

When the gatekeeper saw Cao Dianshi, he nodded. The people were so enthusiastic, and the meat soup and dishes were so fragrant. The gatekeepers were all drooling. So he waved his hand and asked the gatekeepers to divide into two groups to take turns eating and guarding the gate.

Soon, the gatekeepers were divided into two groups through the palms and backs of their hands, and then each representative was selected to guess the game.

In the end, the palm of the hand won, and the soldiers on the palm side happily put aside the swords, firecrackers and other weapons in their hands, as well as shields and other objects, and took off their helmets and other armor that were in the way.

Under the warm greetings of the people, come and enjoy the delicious food.

The people enthusiastically filled bowls of broth, bowls of rice, and separated large pots of vegetables into large bowls. Each bowl was filled to the top, and there were also stacks of fried egg pancakes delivered to them. In the hands of every soldier.

“Smells, it smells so good”

The soldier took a sip of the broth. It was a mixture of chicken soup, pork soup and fish soup. It was full of ingredients. The bowl was full of chicken, pork and fish. The broth was fragrant and fresh, and you could eat it in one bite. , I almost want to swallow my tongue into my stomach. It is so fragrant that I can’t help but praise it again and again.

The egg pancake is also very fragrant. There are at least two eggs in one pancake. One bite and the filling egg pancake is very satisfying.

Snoring, snoring, squeaking, the soldiers were eating the delicious food. The sound of snoring broth and the squeaking of their mouths almost pulled the souls of the soldiers waiting to guard the gate out of their bodies, and they swallowed their saliva repeatedly.

"Master Jun, this broth is a bit hot. I don't know how long it will take. We'll give you some egg pancakes to eat first. Don't worry, you can eat the pancakes and guard the door at the same time. It won't delay anything at all."

The common people spoke enthusiastically and considerately, including men, women and children. They picked up egg cakes from the basket and gave them to the soldiers guarding the gate.

"Master Jun, lend me your knife and I'll slice the roasted suckling pig and roasted whole lamb for you so that you can eat it more easily. The roasted suckling pig and roasted whole lamb must be eaten while they are hot. If they are cold, the flavor will be gone. So delicious.”

At this time, several common people borrowed knives from the defenders and told them to slice up the roasted suckling pig and roasted whole lamb while they were still hot.

"Take it, take it." The defender waved his hand nonchalantly.

A few common people went to the wall to get a few short knives, flicked the blades, said "good knife", and then started to slice the barbecue in front of everyone, one slice at a time, thin and even, the craftsmanship of this piece of meat was obvious. Commonly known as a good wielder of a knife.

"Your sword skills are really awesome!"


The defenders were eating and looking at their pieces of meat, praising their superb knife skills and cheering them repeatedly.

"Master Jun, our Pianrou has a unique skill, it's called: Meat Forest Whirlwind." Several Pianrou people boasted.

"Oh, then we have to see how beautiful this so-called 'meat forest whirlwind' is before we can call it a unique skill."

All the defenders were curious.

"Please, military lords, come closer and take a look." Several civilians deliberately showed off and warmly invited all the defenders to come closer and watch.

A group of defenders soaked the egg pancakes in the broth, holding bowls and snoring while watching the people's unique skill "Meat Forest Whirlwind".

"Military lords, please take a look."

Several common people stretched out their hands to attract the attention of the defenders to his hand. Through the crowd, they saw the common people wave the daggers in their hands into an arc.

Damn it, no, why is this arc so close to our necks? After the people waved their swords, the defenders realized belatedly how the people waved their swords so close to us. This is how brave people are. ? !


This bitch wants to kill us!

The defenders only realized this when the sword flashed across their necks, severing their arteries, and blood spurted out.

However, it was too late, the blood was already like a fountain, the world was spinning, and the body fell heavily to the ground.

"Hahahaha, this is the meat forest whirlwind. You are just a group of meat forests. Cut them all off with one knife in the whirlwind!"

Several "common people" laughed and waved their bloody knives, and continued to kill the defenders around them.

When they used the "Meat Forest Whirlwind" trick, the men, women, and children who were diligently delivering egg pancakes to the gatekeepers almost simultaneously threw the egg pancakes in their hands at the gatekeepers' faces, then put their hands into their arms, He took out a pair of sharp knives from his arms and stabbed the gatekeeper hard.

Damn it, what’s wrong? Didn’t you come to deliver egg pancakes to us? Why did you suddenly get angry and throw the egg pancakes at our faces?

are you crazy!

The gatekeepers were stunned when they were hit by the egg pancakes. Before they could react, they saw that the faces of the people who were so enthusiastic with their relatives a second ago had changed their faces. They looked like evil ghosts and were stabbing them with sharp knives. liver.



He didn't even shout for help or someone was coming, but he was killed by the stirring of the sharp blade after it penetrated his liver.

At the same time, other common people who were rewarding the soldiers in the field also started to move. Some took out sharp blades from their arms, some took out a knife from the bottom of the basket, some fished out a butcher knife from the broth, and some picked up the weapons that the defenders had casually placed on the side of the road. In short, they premeditatedly picked up the sharp blades they could get at the first time, and chopped and stabbed the defenders around them without hesitation, without mercy.

For a moment, the smiles on the faces of the "common people" turned into the grim smiles of butchers, and the reward of food and drink turned into sharpening knives to kill pigs and sheep. The scene was extremely bloody.

"Asshole! Come on, come on, quickly kill these traitors who are secretly communicating with the Japanese pirates for me!"

Jianyin Cao Dianshi found out something was wrong at the first time, and shouted loudly, "Asshole", and called his subordinates to wipe out the traitors.

Unfortunately, before his subordinates came, he attracted a spear. After a scream, he was pierced by the spear and nailed to the ground diagonally, and died with his eyes open.


A young and strong "civilian" clapped his hands and spat in disdain.

The defenders were caught off guard by the attack, and before they could react, they had lost dozens of people. By the time they reacted, they had no weapons in their hands, their own martial arts were not very good, and they were unarmed, so they could only scream and be slaughtered.

Soon, the soldiers guarding the city gate were killed in pieces, and they fled in panic, and the army was in disarray.

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