Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2031 The stingy Emperor Jiajing

"Reported that Jiangyin County in South Zhili Province was captured by Xu Hai and Maye Japanese invaders this morning. The Japanese pirates burned, killed and looted wantonly. The water in the moat outside Jiangyin County turned red. Crows hovering over Jiangyin County covered the sky and blocked the sun."

The Zhejiang governor's Yamen and the scouts, led by Liu Mu, reported the news of the fall of Jiangyin County to Zhu Ping'an.

Liu Mu came back from the capital yesterday.

He brought Zhu Ping'an back from the capital as a reward from Emperor Jiajing: a bag of fruit shops, a jar of royal wine, and an imperial written edict.

"When the Japanese invaders in Zhejiang are in danger, please help me to deal with them. I look forward to reporting on your success in pacifying the Japanese invaders!"

Zhu Ping'an was speechless after receiving the reward from Emperor Jiajing. Emperor Jiajing was too stingy, so he dismissed himself with a bag of fruit, a jar of wine, and a text message.

"Young Master, the preserved fruits and royal wine are the sacrifices given by the Holy One to the past emperors in the suburban temple after the prisoner sacrifice ceremony. Only the cabinet ministers are eligible to receive the gifts from the Holy One. Apart from the cabinet ministers, the Young Master is the only one."

Liu Mu added, with a look of shame on his face.

Well, for people in this feudal era, this is already a great reward.

In response to this, Zhu Ping'an could only curl his lips. He didn't have anything practical at all, and he still said with a big face that he would wait until I quelled the Japanese pirates in Zhejiang. Emperor Jiajing was really a white wolf with empty gloves.

Back to business.

Liu Mu led the messengers to report the news of the fall of Jiangyin County to Zhu Pingan.

"The Japanese pirates didn't stop on the second day of the Lunar New Year. It seems that they are deliberately preventing everyone from having a good New Year."

When Zhu Ping'an received the news, he couldn't help but frowned, and felt a strong uneasiness in his heart. Xu Hai and a group of Japanese pirates had begun to attack the county. This was really a bad signal. The Japanese pirates could attack the county in southern Zhili, so naturally they would Being able to attack the county seat in Zhejiang means that the county seat in Zhejiang is no longer safe!

It is no longer safe for ordinary people to hide from villages and towns to county towns!

The Japanese pirates were about to attack, but they had too few available troops. The 8,000 recruits recruited from Yiwu, Dongyang, Yongkang, Wuyi and other places had only been trained for ten days and had not yet formed combat strength. They were far from meeting the requirements for going to the battlefield.

As for Yu Dayou, Zhang Jing asked him to leave again. He could only be responsible for the defense of the station and had no right to mobilize.

The guard posts in various places are really too weak. They can barely defend the city against the Japanese pirates, let alone fight in the field.

It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, she is really worried.

"Pay close attention to the follow-up of the Japanese invasion in Jiangyin County, and at the same time dispatch the ten-post Zhejiang army into five teams to scout the northern Zhejiang border. The mules and horses in the army are at their disposal. If Japanese pirates enter the country, a warning will be issued immediately and the nearby people will evacuate to the county or to the county seat. Hidden in the mountains and forests; in addition, each sentry commander is authorized to make decisions on the fly, depending on the strength of the Japanese pirates, to intercept, harass, annihilate or retreat, etc. No matter whether the decision is correct or not, no responsibility will be held."

In desperation, Zhu Ping'an could only use the Zhejiang army. In view of the lack of troops, he could only send ten sentries to guard northern Zhejiang.

At this moment, Jiangyin County is already a hell on earth. After the Japanese pirates captured Jiangyin County, half of their troops were scattered in various quarters in the city, burning, killing and looting.

The wealthy families in the city were targeted by Japanese pirates who burned, killed, and looted. The nursing homes that had bullied the neighbors and showed off their power were vulnerable to the Japanese swords of the Japanese pirates. All the wealthy families who were targeted were broken into the hospital, killed and robbed, and the Japanese pirates knew their way around easily. Tragedies were caused one after another, killing people everywhere in the city.

Half of the troops, led by Xu Hai, Maye, Ryuzoji Shingen and Matsuura Shimosaburo, besieged the Jiangyin County government office.

The reason why the troops were divided was because after the Japanese pirates captured the county, Jiang Zhiqiu, the magistrate of Jiangyin County, did not abandon the city and flee, nor did he surrender to the Japanese pirates. Instead, he used the county government arsenal to arm all the county government officials and servants in the backyard, and at the same time gathered a group of soldiers. More than a hundred defeated troops guarded the county government office.

Jiang Zhixian was also a decisive person. Instead of taking advantage of the Japanese pirates, it was better to take advantage of his own people. First, he distributed all the crossbows, armors, swords, and shields in the county government's arsenal to the government officials, servants, and defeated soldiers; second, he opened the county government's bank vault. , all the nearly 10,000 taels of cash in the county government's silver treasury were distributed to the government officials, servants and defeated soldiers, inspiring them to defend the county government to the death; finally, the county government's granary was surrounded with straw, and the straw was poured with Grease, told his cronies to set fire to the grain depot once the county government fell, and not to leave a single grain to the Japanese pirates!

Jiang Zhixian himself also put on armor, picked up a long sword, went to the front line of the county government wall, and ordered everyone to defend the government to the death.

Under Jiang Zhixian's repeated tactics, as well as the weapons arsenal with sufficient bows, arrows, and armor, the defending force composed of government servants, servants, and defeated soldiers miraculously withstood the Japanese pirates despite heavy casualties. Enter the county government gate.

"Go, come on, come on, if you dare to cower, this is what will happen! If you break the gate of the county government office, I will tear off the head of this piece of shit county magistrate and kick it as a ball!"

Maye was a little irritable. He personally directed the Japanese pirates to attack the county government office. Unexpectedly, the motley crew led by Jiang Zhixian actually withstood his several attacks. This made him feel that he had lost face in front of Ryuzoji Shingen and Matsuura Shimosaburo. Angrily, he slashed a Japanese pirate who retreated without permission, forcing the Japanese pirate to attack again.

Under the command of Ma Ye's bloody Japanese sword, the Japanese pirates once again launched a strong attack on the county government.

"Kill me!"

"Dead, dead!"

"Come on, rush in and chop them to death!"

Real and fake Japanese invaders rushed towards the county government office. The wall surrounding the county government office was not high, only more than three meters high. The Japanese pirates could climb up with a ladder.

"Everyone, if the Japanese pirates rush in, we will die. Only by trying our best to block them can we survive!"

"I tell you, my life is much more valuable than yours. I will not sit here and wait for death. Don't worry, before the Japanese pirates broke into the city, I had already asked for help from the governor and the Shandong spearmen stationed in Changzhou."

"Now the reinforcements are on the way. As long as we hold on, as long as we hold on for a while, the reinforcements will come, and then we will be saved!"

"As long as we hold on until the reinforcements arrive, after the war, each person will be rewarded with an additional ten taels of silver, and those who died in the battle will also receive a pension of twenty taels of silver. Please rest assured, I swear on my black gauze hat. If I break this oath, my black gauze hat will fall to the ground and my head will be lost!"

Jiangyin County Magistrate Jiang organized the yamen runners and the defeated soldiers to fight against the Japanese pirates, while painting a rosy picture for them, emphasizing that he had asked for help from outside before the Japanese pirates broke into the city, and that if they stopped the Japanese pirates, everyone would get more rewards.

In the face of life and death, the yamen runners and the defeated soldiers burst out amazing potential, and unbelievably blocked the fierce attack of the Japanese pirates again.

Although, they inevitably paid a painful price, with nearly half of the troops wounded or killed.

In the era of cold weapons, when casualties exceeded 10%, the army would basically be defeated. Only famous generals with superb command ability could keep the army from retreating when casualties exceeded 20%.

Under the threat of death, the Jiangyin County Government created a miracle, and they were still able to fight to the death with nearly half of the casualties.

There was no other way. They were surrounded in the county government, and there was no escape. They could only fight to the death to survive.

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