Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2032 Despair

Brother Ma, they have become trapped animals, why bother fighting with them, demolishing the surrounding houses, building high towers, occupying high places, condescending, using long bows, crossbows and fire blunderbuss to kill those who dare to resist one by one. Of! "

"Haha, if a person dies, how can the county government not be removed?!"

Seeing Ma Ye deflated, Xu Hai smiled slightly, patted Ma Ye's shoulder gently, and said slowly.

"That's right. Brother Xu's words made people enlightened. I was also mad at this damn old magistrate. As the saying goes, I have the advantage to fight with the long, so why bother fighting with their dying people."

Maye's eyes lit up and she smiled immediately.

"Go, demolish the houses, quickly build a few enemy towers for me, and then gather all the longbowmen and gunmen. After the enemy towers are set up, let me condescend to shoot the stubborn resisters in the county government to death!"

Maye did not hesitate to command the Japanese pirates under his command to act according to the order.

Soon, the Japanese pirates under their command were like a demolition team, violently smashing the surrounding houses, dragging in the door panels, beams, etc., and using Japanese knives to force the captured carpenters to build high platforms. If they dared to disobey, they would chop them down with a single blow.

After chopping up a carpenter, the other captured carpenters did not dare to shake their heads anymore. They were forced to build a high platform with door panels and wooden beams dragged by the Japanese pirates.

"It doesn't have to be great, just make enough work, speed, speed, if you don't match the timing of a stick of incense, I will kill you all!"

Maye shook off the blood on the Japanese sword with a wave of his hand, and threatened the carpenter with death to speed up the construction of the enemy platform.

At first, Magistrate Jiang and others in the county government were relieved to see that the Japanese pirates no longer attacked. However, their faces suddenly turned pale when they saw the Japanese pirates demolishing houses, dragging away door panels and beams, and starting to build enemy towers.

If the Japanese pirates build an enemy platform, they will have a terrain advantage. When the time comes, the Japanese archers and gunmen will stand on the platform, condescending, and can easily shoot them one by one.

When the Japanese pirates set up an enemy platform, it would be their end.

At this time, their best way is to rush out and destroy the enemy tower that the Japanese pirates are building.

However, when they went out to fight in the field, they were no match for the Japanese pirates!

If they stay close to the wall and rely on the advantage of the yamen wall, they can still fight tooth and nail, but if they go out to fight in the field, they will only lose their lives.

However, waiting for the Japanese pirates to build an enemy platform is slowly waiting for death. Once the Japanese pirates build an enemy platform, their death will come.

The Japanese pirates were condescending on the enemy's platform, so they had no advantage at all. They could either wait for the Japanese pirates to kill them one by one with long bows, crossbows and fire guns, or they could retreat to the house to avoid the Japanese pirates' bows, arrows and fire guns.

But to retreat to the house would mean giving up defending the wall, which would mean letting the Japanese pirates into the Yamen.

Once the Japanese pirates come in, isn't it equivalent to a field battle? They are no match for the Japanese pirates, and they will die!

It can be said that the Japanese pirates' enemy platform was built on their weak point, and their fate was doomed to death.

"You're so slow. Kill him. Kill the one with the slowest hands and feet!"

In fact, the carpenters were already building the enemy platform very quickly, but Maye still deliberately scolded them for being slow and ordered his Japanese pirates to drag out the carpenter who was the slowest among the carpenters and kill him with a knife.

The remaining carpenters were horrified. In order to avoid being beheaded by Maye, the murderous demon, they all used all their strength to accelerate and accelerate again. You go faster and I go faster. Don't die as a dead Taoist friend!

"How to do how to do?"

The county government officials and the defeated soldiers looked at the increasingly high enemy tower built by the Japanese pirates outside the wall, feeling uneasy and uneasy.

"Where are the shields? Everyone pick up the shields!" Jiang Zhixian ordered with an anxious look on his face and dry lips.

"You three with shields, come quickly and protect me. The damn Japanese pirates' bows, arrows and fire guns will definitely be the first to attack me!"

Then, Magistrate Jiang ordered the three government officials with shields around him to quickly cover him with shields to prevent the Japanese pirates from setting fire to him.

"Your Majesty, there are not that many shields. We only have fifty shields in our treasury, which is not enough for one man!"

The county police chief said helplessly.

"Tear down the door panel and hold it up as a shield! The Japanese pirates can remove the door panel, so we can!" Jiang Zhixian pointed to the door in the yard and said.

As a result, a group of government officials and soldiers without shields rushed to tear down the door and use it as a shield.

As soon as the yamen servants and the soldiers broke down the door, the Japanese pirates outside the yamen had already built an enemy tower. The Japanese longbowmen and fire gunmen couldn't wait to climb onto the enemy tower. The long bows were drawn to the full moon, and the fire guns lit the match ropes.


The Japanese pirate leader gave an order, and more than a dozen Japanese longbowmen took the lead in firing their arrows into the county government courtyard like lightning.

"Dah! Dah! Dah!!"

The magistrate of Jiang County had to dismantle the door panels to use as shields, so the county government managed to make a shield or door panel available to everyone.

Most of the more than ten feather arrows were nailed to the shield and the door panel, making a thumping sound and being blocked.

However, there were still three unlucky guys who were shot by the Japanese pirate feather arrows due to the tricky angles of the Japanese pirate feather arrows and the improper top of their shields. One was shot in the neck from the side and died on the spot, and the two were shot in the thigh and made a sound. Scream.

After firing the arrows, more than a dozen Japanese pirate gunmen also opened fire, accompanied by a burst of smoke, "Bang, bang, bang"

The shield and door panel blocked the longbow and hard crossbow, but they couldn't block the fire blunderbuss, especially at such a close distance! The power of a single-round fire gun cannot be matched by cold weapons.

After a round of musket fire, screams rang out in the county government yard. There were many more people who fell to the ground after being hit by muskets than in the previous round of arrows.

The shield was hit by the musket, and a big hole was punched out by the musket with a "bang". The yamen runner behind the shield screamed and fell to the ground with his eyes wide open.

Some officers and fleeing soldiers were carrying door panels, thinking that they were very safe because the door panels were so thick, but they didn't expect that the Japanese pirates fired muskets and a hole was blown out of the door panels. The officers and fleeing soldiers behind the door panels were also hit by muskets and fell to the ground and died.

In addition to the yamen runners and fleeing soldiers who were killed on the spot, several more yamen runners and fleeing soldiers were injured and fell to the ground, screaming.

"Shields can block bows and arrows, but they can't block muskets. What should we do, county lord, what should we do?"

The officers and soldiers in the county government yard were so scared when they saw that the Japanese pirates' muskets could even penetrate shields.

Before Magistrate Jiang could answer, a desperate cry rang out in the courtyard, as if at the gate of hell, "Damn it, the four enemy towers of the Japanese pirates have all been built, what should I do, what should I do, Magistrate?!"

Jiang looked outside, and sure enough, four more enemy towers were erected outside the courtyard wall, and the Japanese longbowmen and musketeers scrambled to climb up the enemy towers.


Everyone in the county government looked at the five enemy towers outside the wall, and they were extremely desperate.

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