Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2040: Red Bridal Sedan

The snowflakes in the sky were still floating, and the weather was damp and cold. The Japanese pirates who were on their way in Jiashan County were so cold that they shrank their hands and feet, but their hearts were hot, because the leader Ma Ye said that they would let go of burning, killing and looting today, and all the young girls and wives could be harmed as they wished, and they just had to kill them if they harmed them.

"It's cold now, but when I think about putting my hands in the ditch of the young wives to warm them up later, my heart is so warm."

"Bullshit, my heart is so warm, Erdan, I think you are itching."


The Japanese pirates were on the march, and the team was scattered, talking inhuman dirty words, laughing and haha, and their morale was high.

Five miles ahead of the Japanese pirates on the march, Zhu Ping'an stood on a high place and looked across.

In the sight, the black and red luck column rose from about five miles ahead and kept moving towards their side.

"The Japanese pirates are coming, be prepared and wait for my next order." Zhu Ping'an noticed the murderous aura and bloody disaster of the Japanese pirates rolling in. Based on his experience, he estimated the distance of the Japanese pirates and gave orders to his Zhejiang army in advance.

"Yes, sir." The valley below responded.

These Zhejiang soldiers did not wear cotton armor uniforms, but festive clothes and red ribbons. Some carried baskets tied with red ropes, which were full; some pushed wheelbarrows, more than ten of which were loaded with chickens, ducks, geese, silk, candlesticks, jewelry boxes, mirrors, scissors, embroidery, etc.; some drove horse-drawn carriages, more than ten of which were loaded with brand new quilts, mattresses, pillows, tables and chairs and other dowries.

Of course, the big red sedan chair with four people was indispensable.

Behind the big red sedan chair were many people holding gongs and drums, and several matchmakers with heavy makeup and exaggerated dress.

At first glance, it was a wealthy family sending their daughter to marry.

On the slopes on both sides of the valley road, there are more Zhejiang soldiers hiding in the tunnels on the slopes, wearing dry grass and branches as camouflage, and a thin layer of snow fell on the dry grass and branches, which seemed to blend in with the surrounding environment. Even if you don't look closely, it is difficult to see through their disguise.

They have muskets with good ammunition on their hands, and on one side, in addition to the bayonets produced by the equipment battalion, there are also two spare gun barrels to maintain firepower.

In addition to muskets, there are more than ten tiger squat cannons covered with dry grass and branches. On one side of the cannon body, in addition to ammunition, there are also spare sub-gun barrels to maintain firepower.

This valley road is the only way from Jiashan County to Dongshan Village and Shangpo Village. The Japanese pirates will definitely pass through this road if they want to go to Dongshan Village and Shangpo Village for revenge.

After about a cup of tea, Zhu Pingan estimated that the Japanese pirates were still more than three miles away from here, and gave another order, "Those who pretended to be sending a bride, retreat half a mile, start playing music, and when you reach this valley, set off a string of firecrackers, eat some snacks, and pretend to take a temporary rest."

"Yes, sir."

The Zhejiang army pretending to be sending a bride responded to the order, carrying a big red sedan chair, pushing a wheelbarrow, carrying a load, and driving the carriage back and started.

Soon, the Zhejiang army pretending to retreat half a mile began to beat gongs and drums, play suona, and set off firecrackers.

"Dong dong dong" the loud gongs and drums.

"Bang bang bang" the festive gongs.

"Ding du di na." The loud suona.

There were also crackling firecrackers and noisy laughter, and the festive atmosphere came out all at once.

The Zhejiang army pretending to be a wedding escort walked while beating gongs and drums and setting off firecrackers. The gongs and drums were loud and the firecrackers were blasting. The sound could be heard from far away.

In the distance, more than two miles away, many Japanese pirates who were on their way had sharp ears and vaguely heard the sound of firecrackers and gongs and drums.

"What's going on ahead? Why do I hear gongs and drums and firecrackers?"

"New Year's Eve and New Year's Day have passed. Why are there still people setting off firecrackers at this time? And beating gongs and drums."

"Is there a village holding a community fire? Or is there some happy event? I wonder if it's a wedding or a birthday?"

The Japanese pirates guessed with interest.

"Hahaha, it's their bad luck to run into us. No matter what kind of happy event it is, it's our happy event if it happens to us."

"Hahaha, if they marry a wife, we will take turns to be the groom, so that the bride will have thousands of husbands at once, and she will be so happy. Haha, if she can't be so happy, we will kill her! We will not leave any survivors this time."

"If it's a birthday party, haha, that's great. You don't have to celebrate it in the future. This day next year will be your death anniversary."

"Hurry up, let's go to the front to see what's going on."

The Japanese pirates laughed and couldn't wait to go to the front to see what was beating the gongs and drums.

So, driven by curiosity, the Japanese pirates began to speed up, and the team became more and more scattered and disorderly.

After walking about half a mile, the sound in front became louder, the sound of gongs and drums, suona, and firecrackers, all of the Japanese pirates heard it.

"As soon as I heard the tune of the trumpet, I knew that they were marrying off their daughters and daughters. Back then, I was a famous iron-mouthed suona player in our village, and I am very familiar with this festive tune."

"Good job marrying a daughter-in-law. Later, we brothers will take turns to be the groom."

"Hahaha, good, be the groom, be the groom."

The Japanese pirates became excited, drooling, quickened their pace, and couldn't wait to taste the bride.

Whether they were real or fake Japanese, there were no good people. They were all profit-seeking, deceiving their teachers and ancestors, and had no sense of shame. There were also many psychopaths. Destroying a wedding, humiliating and killing the bride was a great physical and mental enjoyment for them.

As the Japanese pirates quickened their pace, the noises ahead became clearer and louder.

Gongs, drums, suona, firecrackers, and the sounds of people laughing and congratulating came from the valley ahead.

It was wonderful to have some fun and warm up before slaughtering the village. The Japanese pirates shouted excitedly and rushed towards the valley road, "Kill, kill! Grab the bride! Be the bridegroom!"

The movement of the Japanese pirates alarmed the "wedding team" in the valley road, especially a young man playing suona who was untying his belt at the corner to drain the water. He saw the Japanese pirates rushing towards him from a distance and immediately became frightened and threw away the suona in his hand. He didn't even have time to pull up his pants. He turned around and ran towards the valley road, shouting, "Japanese pirates, Japanese pirates are coming, everyone run away..."

The valley road was in chaos, the dowry was scattered all over the ground, and the wedding team was in a mess like a headless fly. .

When the Japanese pirates rushed to the valley road, they saw the wedding team fleeing in a panic. The dowry in the valley road was scattered all over the ground, and the gold, silver, jewelry, silk, and exquisite furniture and furnishings

The valley road with a lot of dowry was almost blocked.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it was a wealthy merchant family. This order is enough for us to rob several villages."

The Japanese pirates rushed into the valley and saw the dowry thrown all over the valley. They were excited.

Especially when they saw the graceful back of the bride wearing a bright red wedding dress and a red veil following the wedding procession into the depths of the valley, the Japanese pirates were even more excited, like chicken blood, their blood was boiling.

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