Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2041 Where have I seen this scene before?

"Flower girl, stop! Flower girl, stop!"

"Little lady, don't run away. Have fun with your brothers. They will help you spend the wedding night."

The Japanese pirates looked at the graceful and graceful running figure of the bride, and they were crying and chased into the valley road with howls.

This valley road is a winding ancient road with hills on both sides. Many traces of artificial excavation can be seen.

There were also forks in the valley road. The bridegroom and the bride rushed into a fork in a hurry, and this fork happened to be a dead end road, surrounded by hills on three sides, which was relatively steep and difficult to climb.

"Hahahaha. The little lady has chosen a good place by herself. My brothers are just here to have sex with the little lady, using the sky as their bed and the earth as their bed. Hurry up, brother, I can't wait."

When the Japanese pirates saw the dowrymen and the bride fleeing to death, they were all overjoyed and howled with excitement.

In addition to the Japanese pirates chasing the dowry personnel and the bride, the Japanese pirates not far from the entrance of the valley road were also fighting for the dowry and howling excitedly.

These dowries are so extravagant, there are too many gold, silver, jewelry, silks and satins, and furniture and furnishings.

"My, my, my."

"I got it first!"

In order to compete for the dowry property, the Japanese pirates started fighting, and many people even fought together.

"Asshole, there are so many things, what are you trying to rob? I'll go and massacre Dongshan Village and Shangpo Village later. There will be plenty of stuff for you to rob! If it's not enough, we'll destroy another town on the way back and make sure you get all the valuables you have. No more!”

"If anyone robs anyone else, the property will belong to the public!"

Maye saw the Japanese pirates under his command fighting in a mess, and couldn't help but cursed.

Under Maye's scolding and Gui Gong's threats, the Japanese pirates who fought in a group slowly stopped fighting and fighting.

"Eh? Why has the color of this gold hairpin faded? Damn it, this gold hairpin is not gold, it is just gold paint painted on brass. It is hemp. They use fakes to marry their daughters. It is so unkind to be rich!"

One Japanese pirate was suddenly surprised to find that the gold hairpin he and another Japanese pirate were fighting for had lost its color. Under the gold paint was brass. Only then did he realize that the so-called gold hairpin was just a fake, and he couldn't help but cursed.

"Hahaha, Wang Laosheng, you are really bad. You managed to steal a gold hairpin and it turned out to be a fake."

"Don't laugh at me, let's see if the color in your hands fades!"

"How could it be? We are not as bad as you. Oh my God, my golden bowl has also faded."

"Mine has faded too."

When the Japanese pirates laughed at the unlucky Japanese pirate, they suddenly found that the gold objects in their hands had also faded.

"You are so unkind for your wealth! Damn it, seize the dowry and interrogate and interrogate who is this old bastard who is unkind for his wealth. We must let him know the price of being unkind for his wealth. We must kill all his family members!"

The Japanese pirates cursed angrily.

"Why are they all fake? Isn't this old guy afraid that his husband's family will find out and treat his daughter badly?"

Maye looked at the faded gold scissors in her hand with a puzzled look, vaguely feeling that something was wrong, but she just couldn't figure it out.

"Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, an earth-shaking explosion suddenly erupted in the middle of the dowry. Scarlet fire mixed with black smoke rose into the sky, as if a huge flame flower with a diameter of more than ten meters had bloomed.

The fire is soaring into the sky! The earth shook!

Along with the explosion, countless iron balls, steel balls, and copper nails sputtered in all directions like a rainstorm of pear blossoms.

At the same time, shrill screams followed. The Japanese pirates near the explosion were like rags, vomiting blood, and their bodies lay back and were thrown away. The Japanese pirates in the distance were hit by the iron balls, steel balls, and copper nails of the heavy rain of pear blossoms. It hit the body, blood spattered everywhere, and he let out a miserable howl.

Maye herself also had a pain in her shoulder. She lowered her head subconsciously as the earth shook and she found that there was a hole in the armor on her shoulder and blood was flowing out. She could no longer hold the Japanese sword in her hand and it fell to the ground with a clang.

Then, before the panicked Japanese pirates could react, huge flame flowers exploded one after another among the panicked Japanese pirates.

The iron beads and copper nails of Torrential Rain Pear Flower sputtered out in all directions again and again with the explosion.

This time, a copper nail hit the helmet on Ma Ye's head, knocking the helmet away, and a blood groove was wiped out on his scalp. Ma Ye's hair suddenly became disheveled. Between life and death, Ma Ye also reacted quickly, using With his only left hand that could still move, he pulled a Japanese pirate to stand in front of him. He lowered his head and hid behind the Japanese pirate.


In the next second, several iron balls hit the Japanese pirate who was blocking Maye, causing him to scream one after another. Within a few seconds, the Japanese pirate tilted his head and burped.

It was so dangerous, so dangerous. If a brother hadn't "risked his life" to stand in front of him, he would have died this time.

Maye couldn't help but feel happy.

Then, in a daze as the earth shook and the mountains shook, Ma Ye's nerves were touched. Where had she seen this scene before?


It was the same scene in front of the Fengqiao formation in Suzhou back then. With an explosion that shook the earth and the mountains, thousands of brothers under his command were shattered!

Zhu Pingan!

It must be Zhu Pingan!

Maye immediately thought of Zhu Pingan, and immediately concluded that the instigator of today's disaster must be Zhu Pingan!

New grudges and old grudges suddenly surged into her heart, coupled with the shock wave of the explosion, Ma Ye spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Zhu Ping'an of the ditch! You use such despicable and shameless tricks again, damn it, damn it, it's really a crime that deserves death!"

"Zhu Ping'an, if you fall into my hands, I will definitely cut you into pieces!"

Ma Ye, with disheveled hair and blood at the corners of his mouth, cursed Zhu Ping'an with a ferocious face, but in the sound of the earth-shaking explosion, his voice was like a fart, without any movement.

When the explosion occurred on the valley road, the Japanese pirates at the fork in the valley road were stunned. What happened behind them? Was they struck by lightning? !

However, soon, after experiencing a bloody battle, they reacted and realized that it was not struck by lightning, but a firearm explosion.

Soon, the explosions one after another also confirmed their judgment.

Is there something wrong with this group of wedding people? !

They reacted quickly. The next second, the Zhejiang Army flags rose on the hills on the three sides of the fork in the road. The ambushed Zhejiang Army showed their heads. The explosions of muskets and tiger squat cannons rang out continuously, confirming their judgment.

But it was too late!

They fell down in groups like wheat cut down in the wheat field.

At the same time, ropes fell from the hills one after another. The bride and groom pulled the ropes nimbly, and climbed up like flying under the strong pull of the Zhejiang Army.

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