Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2042 The past is unbearable, and the present is even worse

The dense and orderly sound of firecrackers immediately reminded the Japanese pirates in Gudao who had experienced the Battle of Suzhou of the fear of being dominated by the Zhejiang army.

With a volley, a large number of Japanese friends fell down around them.

It's not just firecrackers, but also more terrifying artillery. The number of artillery is much greater than last time under Suzhou City.

The artillery of the Zhejiang Army is not just a simple iron pellet, but a sky full of broken iron pellets. There are hundreds of broken iron pellets in one shot. When one shot is fired, it covers an area of ​​tens of meters, and almost no one can stand. .

One shot followed another, and the artillery had spare barrels. The sound of the cannons sounded fifty or sixty times before the frequency dropped.

A single cannon shot cleared the entire area. After fifty or sixty cannon shots, countless Japanese pirates fell to the ground.

"We're in an ambush. There are so many firearms. This is the Zhejiang Army. Damn it, this is an ambush by the Zhejiang Army!"

"Retreat, retreat quickly. The Zhejiang Army's firearms are like infinite gunpowder. They seem to never be able to finish firing! When encountering the Zhejiang Army, don't think about anything. The only way to save your life is to run out of the range of their firearms. !”

"Father, mother, please save me, I was hit by a firecracker."

"Run quickly. The Zhejiang army killed 30,000 to 40,000 of our brothers under the walls of Suzhou. There are simply not enough people like us to kill them. Run quickly."

The Japanese pirates deep in the valley were drowning in death and blood. Later, they realized that they were ambushed. The terrifying sound of muskets and cannons suddenly reminded the old Japanese pirates of the nightmare under Suzhou City, and he understood that they had encountered the Zhejiang army again this time. , was ambushed by the Zhejiang Army.

The Zhejiang army occupied the terrain and was condescending, giving full play to the advantages of firearms. The Japanese pirates in the valley were at the bottom of the valley, and the Japanese swords in their hands were less than 14 meters away. They could not reach the Zhejiang army ambushing above, but the bows and arrows in their hands were fine. However, the Zhejiang troops lying in ambush above opened fire in natural bunkers and tunnels. Dozens of brave Japanese pirates braved firecrackers and artillery to shoot arrows at them.

However, every Japanese pirate who dared to shoot arrows at the Zhejiang Army received special care from the Zhejiang Army. There were as many as ten or dozens of fire blunderbuss to focus on him, except for a few shooters. Except for the Japanese pirates who ran away immediately, the rest of the Japanese pirates who dared to shoot arrows at the Zhejiang army were beaten to a bloody sieve.

This caused the Japanese pirates to have no desire to resist at all. The Japanese pirates who were still alive could only think about running, running quickly.

For a time, all the Japanese pirates who were not dead and could still run ran towards the valley entrance in unison.

The Japanese pirates who could not run away were also crawling towards the mouth of the valley.

The Japanese pirates deep in the valley encountered fire from the Zhejiang army, and the Japanese not far from the entrance of the valley were also treated equally.

To be honest, the Japanese pirates at Gudaokou were even worse.

The Zhejiang army buried fifty wine jars of gunpowder under the scattered dowries. Each jar of gunpowder contained thousands of iron beads and copper nails. Based on their successful experience under Suzhou City last time, As well as the development experiments of the equipment camp, this time the wine jar gunpowder is more reasonable in terms of burial depth and the ratio of gunpowder, iron beads and copper nails, and its power and lethality are more than doubled compared to those under the Suzhou city.

Fifty wine jars of gunpowder, without exception, all exploded successfully. One jar of gunpowder contained thousands of iron beads and copper nails. Fifty wine jars of gunpowder equaled more than 50,000 iron beads and copper nails. They exploded in all directions. , the lethality is astonishing.

After the successive gunpowder explosions in the wine jars, the valley entrance seemed to have become a bloody slaughter scene.

The Japanese pirates who robbed dowries at Gudaokou were still standing after the explosion, but less than 40% of the total was lost.

Most of the Japanese pirates were injured. More than 50,000 iron beads and copper nails were flying in the sky. No matter how inaccurate they were, the number was still there. They exploded among the Japanese pirates. Not many Japanese pirates were unscathed.

After the gunpowder explosion in the wine jar, before they could take a breath, all the Zhejiang troops who were ambushing on the valley road showed up. The firecrackers and iron cannons in their hands aimed at the surviving Japanese pirates at the valley entrance and started firing with bang bang bang.

The Japanese pirates who had just saved their lives fell one after another under rounds of fire from the Zhejiang army.

"Ah! Damn Zhu Ping'an! You're despicable and cunning, you'll have to die!" Maye was hit by a stray bullet in her butt and screamed. She touched her butt and looked at the blood on her hands. She couldn't help but do it again. Zhu Pingan was cursed all over.

"Leader, the Zhejiang Army's weapons are too powerful and they occupy the ground. We are no match for them. We should withdraw quickly. If we don't withdraw, it may be too late."

Maye's henchman dragged a wounded leg and held a shield to Maye's side, and said in a panic.

"The Zhejiang Army has the advantage of good location and sneak attacks. Their firepower is very fierce at first. As long as they can withstand the first few rounds and need to reload gunpowder later, their firepower will not be so fierce. That is our opportunity."

Ma Ye gritted his teeth unwillingly. He hated it so much. He wished that Ling Chi would execute Zhu Ping'an at this moment.

"Leader, wasn't the lesson learned by Suzhou City enough?! I don't know how the Zhejiang Army did it. Their firearms can be loaded more than twice as fast as ours. They also have a terrain advantage. We are not our opponents. Take advantage of this. The entrance to the valley has not yet been sealed by the Zhejiang Army. Let’s retreat quickly, leaving the green hills behind without worrying about running out of firewood, and keeping a useful body. It won’t be too late to settle the score with Zhu Ping’an in the future!”

Seeing that Ma Ye was a little superior, Ma Ye's confidants actually wanted to continue fighting with the Zhejiang Army. They quickly persuaded anxiously that the Taniguchi was still open and he could still run. If it was a little later, he would wait for the Zhejiang Army to think of the Taniguchi. , stones rolled down from above and blocked the entrance of the valley, so they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

"Run quickly, the Zhejiang Army is ambushing above, and they kill Japanese without blinking an eye. Even if we have two heads, they are not as big as their firearms. Brothers, run quickly while the valley entrance is not blocked."

"Retreat, it's difficult to get out, retreat quickly."

"Mom, brothers, run quickly, the Zhejiang Army is too fierce, our team was blown to death, I don't want to die, I'm still young."

When Ma Ye's confidant persuaded Ma Ye, the surviving Japanese pirates at the valley entrance were beaten to death, crying for their parents, and ran out in a hurry.

The Japanese pirates in the deep valley also cried for their lives and ran for their lives. In order to escape from the valley entrance, they trampled, dragged, and drew their swords against each other.

"Damn it! Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

Ma Ye saw that his Japanese pirates were scrambling to escape and had no intention of fighting. He knew that today was a complete failure. If he didn't run away, he would not be able to escape. Who knew if Zhu Ping'an, the insidious and cunning little thief, had more insidious tricks? If he really blocked the valley entrance as his confidant said, then they would be trapped in a jar. So he cursed and ordered a retreat.

In fact, he didn't need to give orders, because the Japanese pirates under his command were already scrambling to escape.

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