Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2043 Dimensionality reduction attack

The Japanese pirates suffered heavy casualties, but the Zhejiang army was unscathed. It seemed exaggerated like the plot of a novel, but this is reality.

Firearms in this era are dimensionality reduction strikes.

Not to mention the Ming Dynasty, the same was true hundreds of years later in the late Qing Dynasty, such as the Battle of Bali Bridge.

Twenty to thirty thousand elite infantrymen of the Qing Dynasty faced the eight thousand British and French allied forces. In this battle, the Qing army was rarely brave. They did not flee before the battle, and did not shrink from the battle. Instead, they rushed to the British and French allied forces' positions without fear of death, shouting Kill the enemy, but the Qing army's muskets and equipment are very limited. They are armed with spears and broadswords, and they rush towards the British and French allied forces with enthusiasm, trying to break through the British and French allied forces' positions and massacre the British and French allied forces.

However, in front of the British and French allied forces equipped with flintlocks, smoothbore cannons, rifled artillery and rifled rifles, the Qing army's fearless charge seemed like a joke amid the dense artillery fire and hail of bullets.

After the first battle, the Qing army suffered thousands of casualties, while the British and French allied forces only lost five people. The British army lost two people and the French army three people.

Such a casualty ratio caused the French general Monteau, the commander-in-chief of the British-French coalition forces at the time, to lose his pension.

After the war, General Mento returned to China. French Emperor Napoleon III named him "Count of Eight Mile Bridge" and proposed to give him an annuity reward of 50,000 francs in parliament. However, he was fiercely opposed by the majority of the members and had no choice but to give up. They believed that the war that took place at Baliqiao was just a ridiculous battle. We only killed five people in the whole battle, and it was not worthy of giving him such a high annuity reward.

This is the dimensionality reduction attack of firearms on cold weapons.

Although the firearms of this era are still a bit backward, without rifling, they are still matchlock guns, but compared to cold weapons, they are definitely a dimensionality reduction strike.

The Zhejiang army was above the valley road, mechanically filling the gunpowder, aiming at the Japanese pirates in the valley road, firing, and repeating.

The Japanese pirates in the valley were like living targets, falling one after another amidst the dense sound of firecrackers.

The Japanese pirates in the valley were beaten until their corpses lay everywhere, crying for their fathers and mothers.

"Run, run." The Japanese pirates in the valley scrambled to escape outside the valley, fighting for their lives and even drawing swords at each other.

Above the valley road, Liu Mu watched the Japanese pirates trampling in the valley road and scrambling to escape from the valley mouth. In a short time, several Japanese pirates escaped. Seeing the Japanese pirates escaping, Liu Mu quickly suggested to Zhu Pingan, "Master , Young Master, there are Japanese pirates who have escaped from the entrance of the valley. How about we push down some huge rocks to block the entrance of the valley, block all the Japanese pirates in the valley, and not let any of them escape."

"I reserved the valley mouth specially." Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

"Ah? Did the young master keep them here on purpose?" Liu Mu was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion, "Why did the young master give them a way out? These Japanese pirates are full of evil, why didn't you kill them?"

"Brother Mu, do you know the principle of surrounding three buildings? Today is the case. If the entrance of the valley is blocked and no chance of survival is left to the Japanese pirates, then the desperate Japanese pirates will fight in a trapped beast, struggle fiercely, and fight back to the death. Let's fight to the death. The height of the valley we are in is not very high, only about ten meters, and it is not steep enough. If the Japanese pirates sacrifice some people, they can still climb up. Once the Japanese pirates climb up, our firearms will be destroyed. We have lost our advantage. Moreover, in addition to you veterans, the Zhejiang army we brought also has 1,500 new soldiers. These new soldiers can fire from a high position, but if they are allowed to fight against the Japanese pirates, it will be difficult. "

"So, I deliberately left the valley entrance unblocked, just to give the Japanese pirates a glimmer of life and a glimmer of hope. If there is a glimmer of life and a glimmer of hope, which of the unorganized and undisciplined Japanese pirates would be willing to risk death and climb up with us? Fight to the death to give other Japanese pirates hope of survival. They are all selfish guys. If there is a way to escape, do you think they will choose to fight for their lives or run for their lives? "

Zhu Pingan looked at Liu Mu and said slowly.

This time, the Zhejiang Army sent troops not only with veterans, but also with new recruits. The reason why recruits also participate in this battle is that firstly, the number of veterans is insufficient, and in the third-line battle, there is a serious shortage of troops. Ten thousand recruits can make up for the shortcomings of insufficient troops; secondly, to train recruits, what better way to train recruits than actual combat? , after experiencing the baptism of iron and blood, recruits can quickly transform into veterans.

Of course, the new recruits are not well trained, and the army only lasts for one month. If the new recruits join the battle, they must avoid close combat as much as possible. The purpose of this battle is to train the new recruits, not to consume the new recruits, so the survival rate of the new recruits must be ensured.

To ambush Japanese pirates above the valley road, you only need to load gunpowder, aim, fire, and repeat. This is a perfect arrangement for new recruits to not only see blood but also avoid casualties as much as possible.

"Of course they chose to escape." Faced with Zhu Pingan's inquiry, Liu Mu replied without hesitation.

"When they run for their lives, we can be from a high position and shoot them calmly without worrying about casualties. As for the Japanese pirates who escaped, they only escaped from the valley temporarily. How can scattered deserters escape the organized pursuit of our rangers? ." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Young Master is wise, I understand." Liu Mu clasped his fists in admiration.

Above the valley road, veterans of the Zhejiang Army and their new recruits opened fire, and the sound of banging firecrackers came one after another.

"Just bite through the oil paper bag. The little saliva you have will not affect the firing at all. Pour the gunpowder and don't forget to poke it a few times with the gunpowder."

"After aiming, keep your eyes away from the firing port when firing, and don't let the gunpowder smoke your eyes."

Actual combat is different from drill. The veterans taught the recruits practical tips for loading and aiming muskets in actual combat.

Under the leadership of the veterans, the recruits became more and more skilled and faster in firing, and their shooting accuracy became higher and higher.

At first, the recruits were a little timid when firing, after all, this was their first time to kill someone. Some recruits saw the Japanese pirates below being smashed in the head by them, and this bloody scene made them vomit.

"Well done, you are worthy of being my soldiers, but you are still a little behind me, I have already smashed three Japanese pirates."

Under the jokes of the veterans, the recruits lost their timidity and became more and more adapted to the bloody battlefield.

The Japanese pirates in the valley road rushed out of the valley road. You want to run, I want to run too. More and more Japanese pirates fled to the valley entrance. In order to compete for the opportunity to escape first, they pushed, drew their swords, and trampled one after another.

The Japanese pirates crowded together at the valley entrance. The Zhejiang army above the valley road did not need to aim at all. When they fired at the valley entrance, some unlucky Japanese pirates would be hit by bullets, especially the tiger squatting cannon, which could kill a whole group with one shot.

The more powerful the firepower of the Zhejiang army, the more the Japanese pirates scrambled and trampled. For a time, the bodies of the Japanese pirates at the valley entrance piled up into a mountain, and blood flowed like a river.

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