Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2044: Chasing

Maye brought more than 5,000 Japanese pirates with him. When he came, he pointed out the country and swallowed up thousands of miles like a tiger. However, after the incident of just a stick of incense, he was defeated and ran away with his head in his arms. There were more than 5,000 Japanese pirates. In the end, only the Japanese who escaped from the valley road were the same. There are only more than 2,000 people left, and none of them are organized yet, and they are running around in pieces.

The largest group of Japanese pirates was the Japanese pirates gathered around Maye, but they only numbered more than 700 people.

"Damn Zhu Pingan, I must cut you into pieces to relieve the hatred in my heart!" Ma Ye cursed Zhu Pingan with disheveled hair.

At this moment, Ma Ye was in as much a state of embarrassment as his hair was disheveled, his shoulders were stained with blood, he couldn't lift one of his arms, and he was walking with a limp because his butt was injured, causing him to lose strength in one of his legs.

His confidant Japanese pirates supported Ma Ye and fled north in embarrassment.

"Leader, stop cursing and save your energy. The man named Zhu will definitely not sit back and watch us escape and ascend to heaven. I remember that the Zhejiang army had almost every horse under the city of Suzhou. Even if we took some away, but after such a long time, They must have added more flattery. I think it won't be long before their cavalry comes to hunt us down. Let's run away quickly so we don't get caught up by the pursuers."

The confidant Japanese pirate supported Maye, breathing heavily, looking back warily, and reminding Maye in a low voice.

At this time, he had been bombarded by the Zhejiang Army, and all the vegetation and trees were destroyed. The sound of wind and birds singing behind him always felt like the Zhejiang Army was chasing him.

At this time, he wished he could grow a pair of wings and fly to Tuolin's lair, so that he could have a sense of security.

"I know in my heart that one of the three is missing. Haha, whoever in history is really missing one is always chasing and killing along the way."

Maye chuckled without any surprise.

"What should we do, leader? How can our two-legged ones outrun their four-legged ones?" The confidant Japanese pirates looked worried, looking back from time to time, always worried that the Zhejiang Army's cavalry would appear in the next second.

"What are you afraid of? The Zhejiang Army can ambush us, so we can't ambush the Zhejiang Army? Ambush and raid are our specialty. Back in Jiangyin County, when Shandong spearmen attacked, we also suffered a defeat. Later, there was an ambush outside the city. Just wipe out all the famous Shandong Lancers! This time, it’s okay if the Zhejiang Army doesn’t come to chase them. If they dare to chase them, haha, that’s the right time to vent their anger!”

Ma Ye gritted her teeth and said.

"We are all like this, can we still ambush the Zhejiang army?" The confidant Japanese pirates kept muttering in their hearts, wanting to retreat.

"This is how we can ambush the Zhejiang army. Have you ever heard that the sad soldiers will win!" Maye patted his shoulder hard.

The confidant Japanese pirates were thoughtful.

"There is a place ahead similar to Jiangyin County that is suitable for an ambush. Come on, you guys take turns carrying me on your back. Let's rush to the front quickly, set up an ambush, and wait for the Zhejiang army to come and die!" Maye pointed to the distance and urged.

So his confidant Japanese pirate carried him on his back, and when he was carrying him, the gunshot wound on Maye's butt was injured. Maye screamed in pain, and slapped his confidant Japanese pirate on the head, "You are so damn special." Don't worry, my butt was blown open, you still think I'm not hurt enough, right?"

"Chief, calm down. I know I was wrong."

From an angle that Ma Ye couldn't see, the Japanese pirate who had been slapped by Ma Ye had a sinister look in his eyes.

With several Japanese pirates taking turns to carry them on their backs, Maye and his party sped up a lot. Along the way, they saw scattered Japanese pirates running away. Several small Japanese pirate leaders who were accompanying them wanted to gather them into the team, but they were drunk by Maye. Stopped.

"Leave them alone and leave them to the Zhejiang Army. Firstly, it can paralyze the Zhejiang Army and make them dizzy with victory and lose their vigilance. Secondly, it can buy time for us to ambush. It will always take some time for the Zhejiang Army to pursue them." ”

Maye said coldly, not caring about the lives of these Japanese pirates who were escaping randomly, treating them as pawns.

These people are also Japanese pirates under his command.

But Ma Ye could give up their lives without hesitation.

This made the Japanese pirates who took turns carrying Maye on their backs feel a chill in their backs. They believed that if they were also one of those Japanese friends who fled for their lives, Maye would definitely give up their lives without hesitation.

At this moment, I heard a commotion coming from behind. I turned around and saw the sound of horse hooves coming from the direction of the valley road in the distance. From a distance, I could see the Zhejiang Army cavalry rushing down the slope. .

"The Zhejiang Army's cavalry is chasing us, run away."

The Japanese pirates who were all over the fields were so frightened that they ran around like headless flies when they saw the Zhejiang cavalry chasing them down the slope.

They had been ambushed in Gudao just now, and they had been killed by the Zhejiang army. The earth-shattering explosion, the Japanese friends blown into sieves, and the endless stream of firearms. More than five thousand people, half of them died in just one stick of incense. many.

They no longer had the heart to turn around and fight the Zhejiang army, and all they could do was run, run, run.

"Bang bang bang"

The Zhejiang Army's cavalry caught up with the scattered Japanese pirates, and some of the Zhejiang Army's cavalry reined in their horses and set fire to the Japanese pirates who had gathered together.

A part of the cavalry passed over these Japanese pirates and chased the scattered Japanese pirates. They waved their sabers and slashed at the fleeing Japanese pirates.

With a pop, the fleeing Japanese pirate was chopped to the ground.

The cavalry is almost a one-sided massacre against the infantry, especially those who are chasing the scattered fleeing infantry.

One after another, the Japanese pirates were overtaken by the Zhejiang cavalry and either shot to the ground or chopped to the ground.

"Mounted archery still requires additional practice. Once we can ride on horseback, gallop and fire at the same time, our rangers will have mastered it."

Under the protection of Liu Mu and others, Zhu Pingan rushed down the high slope on horseback. Seeing that the Zhejiang army still needed to stop their horses before firing, he decided that the Rangers should continue to practice horseback archery and strive to be able to fire while riding.

"Shout to the fleeing Japanese pirates, surrender and you won't be killed!" Zhu Pingan said to Liu Mu and others when he saw the Japanese pirates fleeing in disorder.

"Surrender and you won't be killed!"

"Surrender and you won't be killed!"

"Kneel down and surrender, throw away your weapons!"

Liu Mu and others passed on Zhu Pingan's order, and soon the chasing Zhejiang cavalry shouted loudly.

For a while, the fields were full of the voices of the Zhejiang army shouting that surrender and you won't be killed.

"Surrender, surrender, we surrender, don't kill us"

At the beginning, some Japanese pirates who were caught up by the Zhejiang army knelt on the ground, threw away their weapons, and kowtowed for mercy under the Zhejiang army's shouting.

The Zhejiang army also did what it said. Seeing them kneeling down and throwing away their weapons for mercy, they did not kill them again.

The Zhejiang army, which was responsible for capturing prisoners, came forward and tied the hands of the Japanese pirates who were kneeling and surrendering with ropes, and strung them up.

Later, the Japanese pirates who were fleeing in a panic and vomiting blood saw that the Zhejiang army really surrendered and did not kill them. They thought that they could not run faster than the four-legged ones with two legs, so many Japanese pirates knelt down and threw away their weapons and surrendered. (End of this chapter)

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