Rise From the Humble

Chapter 2045 No more rope

Of course, there were more Japanese pirates who were unwilling to surrender. These pirates thought they could not outrun four-legged horses, but fortunately, this was a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, with dense water networks, and many places that were inconvenient for cavalry to enter. In order to escape the pursuit of the Zhejiang Army, these pirates did not take the main road, but either took the small road to escape, or fled into rivers, fields, slopes and other places where cavalry could not catch up.

In places where the Zhejiang Army cavalry could not go, the Zhejiang Army infantry pursued along the small roads, rivers, and fields in units of ten.

Whenever the Japanese pirates resisted, the Zhejiang Army infantry would always use fire guns to close their faces, and then use bayonet formations to clean up the mess.

How could the Japanese pirates who were not organized and eager to escape withstand the fire guns close to their faces? All the Japanese pirates who were not killed turned around and ran away, and few turned around to fight to the death. The few Japanese pirates who dared to turn around and counterattack the Zhejiang Army faced another round of fire guns. If they were lucky enough not to be injured or killed, then they would face the Zhejiang Army's bayonet array with full cotton armor and protection to the teeth.

The Zhejiang Army's individual combat capability is far inferior to that of the Japanese pirates, but the Zhejiang Army has never been a single-soldier combat. Since the formation of the Zhejiang Army, the most practiced is the formation. The Zhejiang Army's dense bayonet array is used to deal with the Japanese pirates who have no formation. Even if the Japanese pirates have three heads and six arms, they can't resist the bayonet forest and will inevitably be stabbed into a sieve.

Of course, there are also strong Japanese pirates who retreated unscathed under the bayonet array, but only a few Japanese pirates can do it.

As for the Japanese pirates who retreated unscathed under the Zhejiang Army's bayonet array and made the Zhejiang Army pay the price of blood, there are even fewer.

Therefore, facing the Zhejiang Army's pursuers, once they were caught up, the fleeing Japanese pirates would either be killed by muskets, or be stabbed to death by the bayonet array, or kneel down to surrender, or turn around and run again.

"Fuck, sergeant, we have run out of ropes to capture prisoners, and there are still many prisoners who have surrendered and kneeled down to be tied up?"

A Zhejiang Army soldier who was responsible for cutting and capturing prisoners found that their ropes were not enough, and hurriedly reported to the sergeant.

"Is there none left? Didn't I ask you to take a bundle? Did you lose it?" The sergeant turned his head and questioned.

"No, no, not a single hemp rope was lost, sergeant, they have all been tied up, don't you see how many prisoners we have captured."

The soldier pointed to the long string of Japanese pirate prisoners behind him and argued strongly.

"Uh, let me think about it, um, untie their belts, tie their hands with the belts and string them up."

The sergeant came up with a solution.

Therefore, the Japanese pirates who surrendered next were embarrassed. They had to prepare ropes to tie themselves up before surrendering. If they didn't have any, they could only untie their belts and tie themselves up.

As for whether their pants would fall down after untying their belts, that was not the Zhejiang Army's business.

When the Zhejiang Army was chasing the Japanese pirates, Zhu Ping'an also followed up with the escort of Liu Mu and others.

During the pursuit, Zhu Ping'an kept reciting "Guang Zong Yao Zu." and then looked around.

At this time, in the field of vision that others could not see, a series of slowly moving black and red luck pillars appeared in the air.

There were small black and red luck pillars above each group of deserters. According to the size of the luck pillars and the direction of movement, Zhu Ping'an could estimate the number of the corresponding fleeing Japanese pirates and the direction of escape.

Zhu Ping'an was already very skilled in using the luck "radar".

In this era, having a radar was almost equivalent to cheating, and the enemy's deployment was visible at a glance.

It was equivalent to opening a map.

As long as they were not facing a large group of Japanese pirates, the Zhejiang Army soldiers who were chasing the fleeing Japanese pirates would not be in danger.

In the field of vision, there were basically small black and red luck pillars moving and fleeing in all directions.

However, there was an exception, which was a thick black and red luck pillar. Zhu Pingan had been tracking the Japanese pirates under this luck pillar.

According to Zhu Pingan's experience, the number of Japanese pirates under this thick luck pillar was about 700 to 1,000.

"Huh?" Zhu Pingan saw the location of this thick luck pillar and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

The location of the thick luck pillar was about five miles away from here.

This luck pillar was there an incense stick of time ago. I didn't expect that after an incense stick of time, this luck pillar was still in place, and it didn't move at all.

When escaping urgently, this largest group of Japanese pirates didn't move, which was very abnormal.

Rest? !

Impossible! In the golden period of escaping, the defeated Japanese pirates dared not even rest, let alone rest for an incense stick of time.

This large group of Japanese pirates has run so far, they can't be waiting to die or be captured.

Then there is only one possibility.

"Interesting, interesting." Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but pull the corner of his mouth slightly, this group of Japanese pirates is a bit interesting.

"Sir, what's interesting?" Liu Mu asked puzzled.

"You will know in a while." Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly, then pointed to the direction of the thick fortune pillar with his whip, looked around and asked, "What is the place about five miles ahead? Ask if anyone knows?"

"Sir, I know. I came here a few days ago to inspect the compliance with the Baojia Law on Ten Households. I know where it is. It is an ancient ferry. There are two big rivers passing through the intersection of Bandu, forming a semi-crossing river. The river water is relatively Deep, many cargo ships pass by the Bandu River, forming a small ferry. The ferry is unoperated and only provides temporary docking for boats. In the past, people from nearby villages came to the ferry to sell tea, food and river fresh food, but that was all. There were Japanese pirates every year, and no villagers came here to make a living anymore," a Zhejiang soldier was brought to Zhu Pingan by Liu Mu and explained.

"Very good, how is the terrain of the ancient ferry?" Zhu Pingan asked again.

"There are lush forests on both sides of the river there, and there are several reed marshes. There is only a stone bridge to cross the river to the north."

The soldier replied.

After hearing this, Zhu Ping'an nodded with satisfaction, "This is a good place for an ambush. Japanese pirates are accustomed to ambushes. Calculate the time and steps. If the largest group of Japanese pirates are unwilling to fail and want to set up an ambush, they are the most likely to do so." This may be the place where the ambush is set.”

Then he told Liu Mu, "Quickly send a few skilled soldiers to put on the clothes of Japanese pirate prisoners and go to the ancient ferry to investigate. Check the reed marshes and woods on both sides of the road passing the stone bridge to see if there are any Japanese pirates ambush. Remember, keep your distance and don’t alert others.”

"As commanded."

Liu Mu clasped his fists and accepted the order, then ordered a few people to put on Japanese pirate clothes and go to the ferry in front of him to investigate. He emphasized Zhu Ping'an's words to these people, and told them that they were only allowed to ride two miles on horseback. After two miles, you have to dismount and walk to the ancient ferry to inquire about it, so as not to alert the enemy. (End of chapter)

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